Erin Burnett OutFront : CNNW : July 6, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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helmets, the equipment they need. some of these units are poorly equipped but they're being forced into the fight to try to hold the line in donbas. wesley clark, thank you very much. to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett starts right now. >> new surveillance video of people fleeing gunfire at the deadly independence day parade. the shooter confessing today saying he contemplating firing on another city toe ddaytoday. a tipster blowing a whistle on another mass shooting in virginia. two americans captured in ukraine. the mother of one of the men who actually did speak to her son last night, got a call from him. what did he tell her? let's go "outfront."

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tonight, panic and terror. we have new video tonight. it just shows simply the horror, the sheer horror as the highland park parade shooter began attacking spectators on july 4th. store security camera shows parade goers flowing to safety. this video is from a store right across from the building that officials say the shooter used. and it actually comes as the shooter today confessed to the massacre and said that he contemplated a second attack in madison, wisconsin. that is the city that he drove to after he fled the scene in highland park. >> it appears when he drove to madison he was driving around. however, he did see a celebration that was occurring in madison, and he seriously contemplated using the firearm he had in his vehicle to commit another shooting in madison. >> well, thank god he didn't. but tonight we are learning about those that he did kill and attack in highland park.

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69-year-old eduardo valdo died tonight at the hospital. his wife was hit with bullet flagments in her head as well and his grandson was shot in the arm. his granddaughter described him as a, quote, kind, loving, funny that didn't deserve this. none of the victims did, of course. she was there at the parade with her 22-year-old daughter kassy. that's cassie you see on the right. catherine is in the middle. her other daughter on the left. cassie looked up and saw the gunman. she said, mom, we have to run. and a bullet then struck catherine in the chest while they were running away. she saw her mom fall to the ground and said, i love you, one last time before catherine closed her eyes. josh campbell is outfront tonight in highland park. josh, what more are you learning about the investigation. >> reporter: good evening to you, eri. today the suspected shooter made his first appearance in court.

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today we learned an incredible amount of information about the moments before, during and after this attack. we learned more information about the type of weaponry that was used. and as you mention, this chilling new information about the suspect, potentially contemplating conducting a second attack. the highland park gunman's first appearance in court wednesday comes as new surveillance video shows people running for safety in a nearby store. one woman is seen crawling on the ground to project a child from gunfire and another inspects her bleeding leg. the gunman is being held without bond charged with seven accounts of first degree murder. the prosecutor naming each one of the seven victims as he read the counts. police saying he admitted to the shooting. >> he went into details of what he had done. he admitted to what he had done. >> his motivation isn't necessarily here. he had some type of affinity towards the number four and

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seven and inverse with seven four. >> saying his affinity for the numbers -- >> comes from music that he's interested in. >> during the rooftop attack, police say the gunman shot from three magazines, each containing 30 rounds. >> the defendant fired empty one clip of i believe, 30 rounds and re-loaded a second clip. >> reporter: the prosecutor saying he looked down his sights, aimed and opened fire. investigators said they found 83 spent shell casings. police say after he exited the rooftop he dropped his rifle and fled. he said he dressed in women's clothing and covered up his tattoos with makeup so he wouldn't be recognized. he still had 60 rounds of ammunition in his car when he considered attacking a second gathering in madison, wisconsin, but decided not to. when asked if he was deterred -- >> indications are that he hadn't put enough thought and research into it. >> reporter: now there are questions about whether the attack could have been stopped. he passed four background checks

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despite a previous in 2019. >> occurred in september of 2019. a family member reported that crimo said he was going to kill everyone and he had a collection of knives. >> reporter: yet, he still passed background checks between june 2020 and september 2021. authorities say the suspect legally purchased the high-powered rifle he used in the shooting and today dodged questions about the gunman's fire who apparently sponsored a gun license for his son. >> are you looking at charges for the family members. >> i don't want to answer those questions into what our work about the information and evidence in this case. >> reporter: now, as that investigation continues, you are looking here live at a makeshift memorial that has been set up here, this crime scene. obviously, this is a community very much still in mourning. we see volunteers coming out here to comfort some of the

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victims, some of their family members. there are about a dozen comfort dogs out here from the louthera charities. we have been talking about the people here on this date impacted, the survivors. we're told by prosecutors they will continue to prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law trying to ensure this victim is held accountable for terrorizing this community. we're learning the fbi's victim witness center is in the process of returning some of the items that were left behind at this crime scene as people were fleeing. they're in the process right now of getting those back to members of the community. obviously a community that will be in mourning for quite some time now, erin, losing seven of their residents and the injuries here impacting dozens of others. erin. >> josh, thank you very much from highland park. i want to go to a former fbi special agent in charge and an assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. so, greg, i wanted to start with you. police are saying now that the

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gunman seriously contemplated, those are the words they are using, a second attack on a holiday july 4th celebration in wisconsin after he had his rampage in illinois, right? so he fled to madison. hours later he seriously contemplated this. had a firearm, 60 arms of ammunition in his car at that time. if he followed through, how much more bloodshed could he have caused? >> certainly could have been a repeat of what he did do. this is the greatest fear when law enforcement responds to th these. the two greatest fears is are there accomplishes. every hour, every minute spans that target radius. are they going to do this again. he freely admits he was considered it. if he hadn't been captured quickly, he certainly could have added to this body count and had more victims and the strategy would have just expanded. >> i mean, right, in a sense what we're talking about here

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from a perspective of society is it's luck. they are saying when he -- he confessed. he confessed to what he did. he confessed he was planning another -- that he considered, seriously contemplated another attack when he was flowing the first attack. what are the legal implications of all that, of admitting to it and talking about another possible attack? >> well, erin, the evidence of the confession will help prosecutors establish the premeditation, the intentionality they need in order to establish the first degree murder charges they have brought here. i know this may seem like an ironclad case, but you can take nothing for granted as a prosecutor, especially with stakes as high as this one. secondly, if we are to see an insanity defense from this shooter, the defendant will bear the burden of saying he was so detached from reality that he didn't understand the nature of his actions. this type of evidence that he planned, that he went to the second location, that he thought better of it, to me that

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directly overcomes that kind of defense. so this is going to be really important evidence for the prosecution. >> right. and of course to keep in mind that in 2019 he had made homicidal threats against people in his family and they made reports to police. police are saying he confessed to the actions in the parade shooting, but they're saying they still don't know about his motive. right there in josh's reporting you hear that they thought he had an obsession with the numbers four and seven or seven and four if you reverse them because they were in some music he was interested in. that's literally the level they're talking about now. they don't know about the motive. does that tell you anything? >> not specifically right now. this is a question to the victims and other people involved in this are always asking when you respond, and i have done this dozens of times. everybody wants to ask the question of why. there will be some why, but this may be specific in this individual's mind. it won't make sense to all of us. it may go in further of a prosecution or help us look down

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the road for similar issues, but his motivation seems scattered. as i talk to my colleagues, it is incoherent on why this happened. but to your point, he was clear on he planned this. he made efforts to get away, to disguise himself, which is going to further the prosecution. >> so on the point that he made before, they were suicidal and homicidal in 2019. they were reported to illinois state police. yet, he was able to legally buy five guns because his father sponsored him for a foid card. even, again, to emphasize after the incident of the threat against him threatening to kill everyone in his family, which his father presumably was aware about. police went home. they removed a dagger, a word. they did that all at the time and his father sponsored him for this gun license. do you think there is a case here against the gunman's

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father? >> well, erin, josh campbell asked that question in the clip we saw. neither ruled anything out, nor in. he said we're looking at all the possibilities. this kind of charge was sort of unheard of until earlier this year in february of 2022 when we had that tragic shooting at the school in michigan. and the parents in that case were charged with involuntary manslaughter. if you look at illinois law, what prosecutors would have to show is the father's conduct here was so reckless that he created a grave danger to others. that will depend heavily on the specific details of this case. what did the mother know? how seriously did he take it? so it seems like this is something prosecutors are taking a close look at. it is a difficult call to make but they have to weigh all the evidence and make a decision on that. >> thank you both. and tonight one of the victims killed is being remembered as a hero because he shielded his

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two-year-old son. kevin mccarthy and his wife were both killed as they watched the parade with their son. the father was found underneath his father's wounded body. now his grandparents are facing the unimaginable task of explaining what happened that day. adrian is outfront. >> reporter: a father's final act in the chaos of monday's mass shooting. 37-year-old kevin mccarthy shielding his two-year-old son aiden from a gunman who opened fire from a nearby roof, saving his life. >> he was pulled out from underneath his father who was still bleeding by -- by good samaritans. they pulled him out and they went to work on his dad because his dad's leg was still bleeding, and then a couple scooped him up and took him to safety. and then his dad died on the scene. but, yes, his dad did everything he could to protect his son and was successful in that.

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>> reporter: the boy's father, 35-year-old arena mccarthy also among the seven people killed. greg and dana ring spotted aiden covered in blood with the good samaritan as they sheltered from the gunfire. they took the child to police. >> when we pulled in, the cops looked like they were getting ready for war. i will never forget. i pulled up and said, this is not our kid. the cop said, we can't be baby-sitters now. can you take care of him? we said of course. >> reporter: a neighbor saw a photo of him on a neighborhood watch page, helping to reunite aiden with his grandparents. >> he didn't know. i don't know how they're going to tell him. how do you tell an 18-month-old boy that mommy and daddy are in heaven now. >> reporter: aiden's grandfather telling the chicago tribune that when reunited at a local police station, he said, are mommy and daddy coming soon? he said he doesn't understand.

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levberg told the chicago sun times his daughter and son-in-law were crazy about their son and had been looking forward to enjoying the july 4th parade with him. now they're mourning the loss of their daughter and son-in-law while also caring for their grandson who has been left with no parents. >> his parents were both murdered by the shooter at the parade. a young couple killed in the prime of their life. a young child left an orphan. >> reporter: and the family that will raise two-year-old aiden is seeing the heart of this community and beyond. a gofundme account created has received more than 45,000 donations totaling more than $2.6 million. but, as you know, all the money in the world can't erase this family's grief. >> adrian, thank you so much for

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that reporting. in highland park tonight. and next another july 4th mass shooting plot. this one was foiled, but it was a mass shooting. it was going to be in richmond, virginia. but it was foiled because a member of the public saw something, called in a tip. plus, big breakthrough for the january 6th committee, a highly sought witness, trump white house counsel agreeing to a videotaped interview behind closed doors. what will he reveal about what went down that day? and cracks in the trump base are beginning to show. but who can replace him? >> i would be a great partner, and he would win. ♪ lisa here, has had m many jobs. she's worked in retatail during the holidays. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job

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tonight, a mass shooting plot foiled in richmond, virginia. two men arrested after a tipster reported they were planning an attack on the july 4th celebration. the men had two assault rifles, a handgun and more than 200 rounds of ammunition. chief smith, thank you for being with me. thank goodness that you were able to intervene and that the horror that could have unfolded did not happen. you say the attack was planned at the massive 4th of july event that you have in richmond, that

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you have 2,400 people that can fit there. it was absolutely packed on monday night. what can you tell me, chief, about how the plot was foiled? >> i think the thanks and appreciation goes out to the female citizen as i'm referring to them that actually picked up the phone and made a phone call to tell us that they knew of information of someone planning this mass shooting. at that time, after that, our officers, our great officers of the men and women of the richmond police department they went to work and started an investigation immediately that led them to the arrest of these two individuals. so the thanks and the appreciation first goes to that hero citizen who actually heard something and said something. >> so the two men, i mean, are you confident that you have the extent of the plot? and are they speaking to investigators? have they revealed anything about their motive and their intent? >> we'd know what their intent was. we do no know what their motive was. we do know they were coming to

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do a mass shooting at our 4th of july celebration. we have no idea what their motive was as of yet. i don't know if they are speaking to investigators at this point in time. i know our investigators are continuing to put the case together and work with it to ensure a successful prosecution as it moves forward. >> now, i know when we look at the time line here, when you got this tip, one of the suspects was arrested right away, the day the tip came in, which was july 1st. the second suspect was under surveillance, though, for four days, and wasn't arrested until july 5th which would be after what they said was their intended target. why was your defendant confident that he wouldn't act over those four days or you would be able to intervene if he did? >> we were keeping a close eye on him. if he were to make any kind of move that would have been a threat to the public, our officers would have taken action immediately. if this guy even made a move

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d down, he would have been stopped before he could get there. the investigation when we first got it on july 1st and that's when the call came in, our detectives went to work ta day and we arrested the first suspect that first day. probable cause did not come along for the second suspect until later. once we got probable cause, we effected the arrest. >> that's important. so you're saying you didn't know about the second one in full when you got the call. >> oh, we did. we did. i'm sorry. i interrupted you but but knew about the second suspect. we just didn't have probable cause to take him into custody. >> okay, i understand. so did he try to do anything that day? what gave you probable cause? >> the investigation. our detectives went to work in speaking to people, speaking to witnesses and others. and through that investigation is where the probable cause came from.

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nothing about his actions that led us to believe that what led to probable cause, only that the investigation and the facts that led to it. so we kept our eye on him very closely. >> so, chief, obviously now this goes to a legal process and that raises all kinds of questions, right? do they go to prison? are they going to be back out again. there is so many questions anyone watching would have. but at this moment, your city was spared because of a lucky tip, because of a citizen, a person, who stepped up and called you. and i'm just wondering how you feel as a police chief in a city that almost had a mass shooting. is that where we are in this country, that we're basically going to rely on luck and a hero tipster to prevent what now seems to be regular mass shootings? >> i don't think we can rely on luck. i think we can rely on great police work that we saw in this case. we need to implore citizens across the country to partner with police and to actually say something. we can deal in possibilities all

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day long, but you know the probably was high that these guys were going to do a mass shooting. and the individual, the citizen hero, stepped up and let us know something and we did something. we have to give credit to that phone call and all the citizens across this great country of ours realize that one phone call, we can save -- we cannot calculate how many lives they actually saved on the 4th of july with that one phone call. >> yeah, it's amazing. chief smith, thank you very much. i appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you, erin. have a good evening. >> all right. you too. trump white house counsel pat cipollone will testify on friday behind closed doors. a member of the committee joins me next. the thought of trump running again is too much for some republicans. >> i don't think the trump movement is the right movement for our country. i'd like to see a more moderate

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for the january 6th committee. trump white house counsel pat cipollone will testify before the committee on friday. this according to courses. pat cipollone's interview which is happening under subpoena will take place behind closed doors. it will be videotaped and it will be transcribed. it comes after former aids said that pat cipollone stood up to trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. and he warned trump's sweninten to go to the capitol would pose a dire, legal risk. >> mr. pat cipollone said something to the effect of please make sure we don't go up to the capitol, cassidy. keep in touch with me. we're going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen. >> kaitlyn collins is outfront. you covered pat cipollone extensively while reporting on the trump white house. what will his testimony bring to the committee's investigation? obviously he didn't want to do it and is now doing it under subpoena and in a carefully

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negotiated manner. >> yeah. he had fought receiving initially, but now of course he has agreed to come in and talk to the committee about this. his system, erin, could be potentially very consequential because he was there for key moments leading up to january 6th. of course following the election that trump lost, he was there the afternoon of january 6th. this could be really pivotal for the committee. it certainly a big get given he had pushed back against testifying. he had gone in for a formal interview back in april. it wasn't under oath or transcribed. that's where this one will be different. you won't see him testify publically. instead, he's expected to meet with a committee behind closed doors. my colleague said it will be videotaped. it will be transcribed and it will be under oath, of course. that is why this is a big deal. i spoke with people familiar with how pat was reviewing this. he did not want to go in.

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he is a very institutional thinker. he takes executive privilege seriously. but that subpoena really changed everything. clearly, they were keen to speak with him because you saw liz cheney make that appeal saying they need to speak to that committee. one thing i have heard, though, a word of caution with the question of whether or not he invokes executive privilege, what questions will he be willing to answer to the committee. it would be useful for the democrats and the republicans on this committee as they are working forward with this investigation because you have seen some of trump's allies come out and dispute what cassidy hutchenson testified to. he could prove critical in backing up some of what she said. >> all right. thank you so much. kaitlyn cot llining reporting fm the white house. so congresswoman, what are you hoping to learn from pat cipollone that other witnesses have not already told you, or is the main point simply to corroborate or to, you know,

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have a second voice on things? >> well, we just want the truth, of course. we learned quite a bit about things that mr. pat cipollone said and did from multiple other witnesses, but there are some things that we would like to hear from him directly, and we hope that we will learn some things from him. he certainly was in the room when a variety of things happened relative to the efforts to overthrow the election, and we hope to learn more from him about that. >> so kaitlyn just mentioned the issue of executive privilege. are you concerned that pat cipollone will claim attorney-client privilege on most of the questions? i know there are some people that do with that an attitude to you. he would do it in a much more institutional way of how he believes the law. he's a widely respected lawyer. but do you expect that that's

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going to be what you end up getting? >> well, executive privilege is held by the current president, who has not asserted it when it comes to finding out information about the january 6th plot. the attorney-client privilege could be asserted. but, remember, the presidency is his client, not mr. trump as a person. and, so, as judge carter found in the evidence case a few months ago, there is also a client fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege, and he, himself, told mrs. hutchinson that there was some legal jeopardy here. i'm sure we will get information that's of use to him and we will also respect his dedication to these principals that he holds dear. >> so his interview, i understand, congresswoman, will

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be behind closed doors this week. it will be videotaped and it will be transcribed. do you plan to show pat cipollone's testimony in future hearings, or did you negotiate that right away or once you have it is it yours to do with it what you will? >> well, once we have it, we have it. it's hard to say whether or not it would be produced as part of a hearing. you know, we don't know. i'll say this. there have been occasions when very important witnesses really didn't want to come in in person. i'll give the prior attorney general as an example. he did come in and be interviewed for two and a half hours. both mrs. chaney and i participated in that interview. he didn't want to come in in person. we could have tried to force him. but when we looked at the videotape, we realized, really, we had all of the information that we would have gotten in a public hearing and there was no need to have a fight over it. so that could be something like this as well.

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>> so your fellow committee remember adam kinzinger told my colleague dana bash that ynew people are coming forward all the time. we understand that people came forward who were in the trump administration after cassidy bravely testified. but he's saying new people coming forward all the time. can you give us any sense of who these types of people are? i'm not going to give you names. i'm not asking for that. but who is coming forward? how valuable is the information that they have? >> well, some of it is corroborative. some of it is valuable. some of it not as much. so we need -- but you need to sort through everything. you can't just discount it. if you get, you know, a mountain of evidence, you need to look at that evidence and see what's important and what isn't so that we can get the complete picture. that's a time consuming intensive effort that we're engaged in. >> and how are you managing that

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with the time? do you anticipate more sort of sudden hearings being announced? >> well, i don't know. i really felt that it's worked fast to let the chair make the announcement of the hearing schedule rather than the individual members. but as you know, we have announced this hearing for tuesday. i think it will be useful. there will be new information connecting the dots leading up to the january 6th event. >> i want to ask you, obviously you have the january 6th committee. we have the what's going on in the state of georgia. and now we have the department of justice, right? there are multiple avenues going here, parallel tracks, if you can call it that. now in arizona two republican state senators have been subpoenaed by the fbi for e-mails and tekxt messages. one of them is state senator karen sham. so do you have any sense of how

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significant this development could be? >> you know, i don't know. and the department of justice is not sharing with the committee its investigation. and that's right. it's not proper for them to share with the committee the details of their investigation. if they have something they think is a crime, they will bring an indictment, and that's when you will find out what they're doing. >> all right. congresswoman, i appreciate your time as always. thank you. >> you bet. you take care. all right. and next donald trump's legal troubles are just too much for some republicans. florida governor ron desantis, donald trump without the baggage. we have been following the story of two american fighters captured in ukraine. the mother of one of those men did get a chance to speak to her son last night. so what did he tell her? i'm going to ask her next.

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leila santiago is outfront. >> i think we're at a trump rally. >> reporter: joseph bush is a trump plan. the 58-year-old republican who moved to florida last year likes the governor ran the country like a business. >> there is somebody that believes in our second amendment rights, the flag. >> reporter: trump is as strong as ever he says in good standing to lead the republican party, despite the revelations emerging from the january 6th hearings. >> the president said something to the effect of, i'm the f'ing president. take me up to the capitol now. >> i watched a little bit of it to know that it's very one sided and it's a distraction. >> reporter: that's something we heard repeatedly. >> are you watching the january 6th hearings at all? >> i have not, no. >> reporter: why not? >> i just haven't got a chance. >> i think there is a lot of validity that's happening. i think there is a fishing

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expedition as well. >> reporter: while some republicans and independents here told us they question the politics behind the hearings, others -- >> i think we all need to know that information. people are not well-informed. >> reporter: she is watching the hearings. she once considered herself a republican. now? >> i don't think the trump movement is the right movement for our country. i'd like to see a more moderate republican. >> reporter: for some, that republican is their own governor ron desantis. >> i think he's definitely a strong candidate. i think he has good ties. i don't think that former president trump is going to be a person that's going to be running. >> reporter: both are powerhouse fundraisers. each with more than $100 million cash on hand. while trump remains popular with the gop base, there are some signs desantis is making gains, pulling even with trump in a recent new hampshire poll of republican primary voters. and while loyalty to trump here

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remains on full display -- >> i think trump is going to lead the way. i think he needs to redeem himself for sure. >> reporter: republicans also told us, they are open to a fresh face leading the party. >> i don't think trump will be elected president again. >> reporter: why do you say that? >> because there has so much -- many people against him. >> reporter: even some of trump's strongest supporters. >> i moved to florida because of desantis. i think he'd be a great partner. >> and, you know, this is so interesting to see that. there has been so much chatter about a possible desantis challenge to trump. not that desantis would run if trump didn't, but an actual challenge. he didn't ask for trump's endorsem*nt for his current election bid as gov ernor of florida. is there a feeling that he has the momentum and the will to take on trump at the primary. >> take that last gentleman at the end of our story, what his

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take is on this. i asked him if he had to choose between the two. he was a huge trump fan. trust me. that was not the only trump flag he had on that boat. even he said if he had to choose today right now between the two, he would go with governor desantis because he doesn't have that baggage that comes with president trump. for trump's point, our reporting right now is that he himself is fixated on governor desantis, and that comes from his own aids telling cnn that. erin? >> wow. all right. thank you so much for that report from florida tonight. and next two americans captured in ukraine. i will speak to the mother of one of them. suddenly she had a chance to speak to her son. he is arrive. she's going to share a recording of his message with us. plus, the great salt lake setting a new disturbing and ominous record. you sell high commission investment productcts, right? (fisher investments) nonope. fisher avoids them.

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4:49 pm

4:50 pm

tonight president biden telling brittney griner's wife he is working to secure brittney's release as soon as possible and pursuing every avenue to bring brittney home. saying he is working on the release of paul wheeland. they have been missing for 26 days. they were captured on june 11th while fighting with ukrainian forces north of kharkiv. and last night andrew called his mother and said this. >> just keep doing everything you can. >> and we've been checking in with his mother regularly throughout this ordeal she's been going through. she's with me again tonight. and i appreciate your time. i know you have been speaking to the state department. the family after president biden today they said they're furious he hasn't called them. he did of course call brittney

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griner's wife today. i'm undering if you heard directly from president biden or anyone at the white house, and do you feel that should happen, that personal reach out to you should occur? >> i have not heard from president biden or the white house, but i have not expected to because that's not really their responsibility. that falls to the state department, and i think that secretary blinken and his staff have been doing an excellent job with our situation. >> yeah, go ahead. >> i was going to say our men are not in the same situation as brittney griner. it's -- she is being unlawfully detained by russia, and andy and alex are prisoners of war in this ukrainian conflict. >> i know you were able to speak with alex for nearly ten minutes last night, which must have been

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amazing to hear his voice as his mother. how did he sound? and was he able to tell you anything? we obviously had no idea what situation he was when he had to call, who was sitting in there, that sort of thing. what was that situation like? what was he able to tell you? >> i know he was not alone. he had a message to deliver from them, which was they are very eager for negotiations to start. and i explained that this is a delicate situation, that the u.s. doesn't have diplomatic relations with the dpr because we don't recognize them as a country, and we're having to involve other countries. and i know our embassy and state department are talking to the ukrainian embassy this week, and so that's very encouraging to me. alex sounded good. he sounded strong.

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>> so you were able to record a short clip of your conversation can him last night. he talked about his dog, diesel. here he is. >> that's right. he speaks awfully quickly. >> it must have been wonderful for you to hear his voice. >> he was speaking quickly because he wasn't sure how much time he would have. but in case the viewers didn't quite catch that he was saying that he was telling them he's not married, he doesn't have kids but he does have a family and he does have a dog. so hopefully they know that he has people and a loved one eagerly waiting for him to get home. >> did the conversation feel natural? did it feel scripted? is there any feel you have for

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that? >> the first part of it when he's talking about what i refer to as business matters, it feels a little scripted. and sometimes i would ask him a question and he would hesitate to answer it or the answer would be vague, and i realized he was probably being directed by whoever was in the room with him. but mostly when we talked about diesel or talked about the family gathering for the fourth of july and how we missed him not being with us, that part of it felt more relaxed. and he -- i think he enjoyed hearing that part of it very much. >> what is the very latest you have from the state department? sounds like you're saying that the russian related forces want negotiations to start, but they haven't yet. are you sure there will be negotiations for lack of a

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better word? >> i'm confident that they will -- there will be negotiations at some point. i do know that this week the state department will be talking with the international committee of the red cross. they also assured us that the u.s. ambassador and the ukrainian ambassador would be speaking this week and that alex and andy are on the agenda. and then next week there'll also be a meeting about that. >> all right, thank you very much. i appreciate your time and sharing that with us. >> thank you, erin. i appreciate you letting us get the story out. >> all right. and next, the great salt lake, it is in trouble. it is shrinking before our eyes, and with it, poison is coming in the air. it's an invigorating rurush... ...zapping millions of germs in s seconds. for that one-of-a-kind whoa... ...w.which leaves you feeling...

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minions: the rise of gru, only in theaters. hey! millions have made the switch from the big three to xfinity mobile. that means millions are saving hundreds a year on their wireless bill. and all of those millions are on the nation's most reliable 5g network,

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with the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction. that's a whole lot of happy campers out there. and it's never too late to join them. get unlimited data with 5g included for just $30 a line per month when you get 4 lines. switch to xfinity mobile today. the water level in the great salt lake in utah has dropped to its lowest level on record, and hates the second time in a year that it has set a record. to quote a utah official, this is not the type of record we like to break. a climate change fueled mega drought is to blame and continues to tighten its grip on the west. water usage is also responsible. and here's the thing, if the lake continues to dry out, the impact could be toxic.

5:00 pm

scientists predict the air surrounding salt lake city could literally turn poisonous for humans. the lake bed contains high levels of arsenic. as more and more becomes exposed as the lake recedes, the wind carries that arsenic. a republican state lawmaker who lives by the lake told new york city it's a potential environmental nuclear bomb that's going to go off. thanks for joining us tonight. ac 360 with anderson starts now. good evening. authorities say the man now charged in the shooting deaths of seven people in highland park, illinois, has confessed to opening fire on the independence day parade. this is a video taken just across the street from the location. we also learned today that police believe the gunman fled afterwar

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