Financial Markets | Three Main Types of Market 'File Away' Activity (2024)

Read the introductory content and then try this interactive 'File Away' activity on the three main types of financial market.


There are three main types of financial markets for you to understand: money markets, capital markets, and foreign exchange (FOREX) markets.

Money markets

Markets that provide short-term financing (borrowing and lending) for households and individuals. This form of financing tends to have maturity dates (deadline for repayment) of up to one year.


  • Inter-bank lending: when banks lend to each other for a short period (overnight to a week) to balance their books as some may lack liquidity at the end of a trading day. Global banks lend to each other based on the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) which is the benchmark interest rate for such loans.
  • Treasury Bills: the UK government issues Treasury Bills to borrow for short periods to finance its budget deficits. These bills tend to have a maturity of 1, 3 or 6 months.

Capital markets

Markets that provide medium to longer term financing for businesses and governments (maturity dates over one year). Bonds and shares are issued in primary capital markets and the existing assets are then traded on secondary markets.


  • EPIC Games, the makers of Fortnite, raised $1.53 billion in funding by issuing shares to venture capital firms in August 2020 (equity financing)
  • The UK Government issues medium- to long-term bonds, such as 10-year or 20-year bonds, to finance government spending.

Foreign exchange (FOREX) markets

Markets where currencies are traded. Currencies can either be traded now in spot markets or on an agreed future date at an agreed price in forward markets. There is a high level of speculation in FOREX markets – this is where investors try to make money from changes in currency prices.

Test your knowledge with this 'File Away' activity below. Good luck!

Financial Markets | Three Main Types of Market 'File Away' Activity (2024)


Financial Markets | Three Main Types of Market 'File Away' Activity? ›

There are three main types of financial markets for you to understand: money markets, capital markets, and foreign exchange (FOREX) markets. Markets that provide short-term financing (borrowing and lending) for households and individuals.

What are the three primary activities in the financial markets? ›

The primary functions of financial markets are to supervise corporate activities, implement fiscal policy, and oversee tax collection.

What are the three main functions of financial markets? ›

Here are four important functions of financial markets:
  • Puts savings into more productive use. As mentioned in the example above, a savings account that has money in it should not just let that money sit in the vault. ...
  • Determines the price of securities. ...
  • Makes financial assets liquid. ...
  • Lowers the cost of transactions.

What are the three major markets in macroeconomics? ›

We now look at the knock-on effects of the crisis and, in the process, describe three key macroeconomic markets: the credit market, the labor market, and the foreign exchange market.

What are financial market activities? ›

Financial Markets include any place or system that provides buyers and sellers the means to trade financial instruments, including bonds, equities, the various international currencies, and derivatives. Financial markets facilitate the interaction between those who need capital with those who have capital to invest.

What are the three classification of financial markets? ›

There are three main types of financial markets for you to understand: money markets, capital markets, and foreign exchange (FOREX) markets. Markets that provide short-term financing (borrowing and lending) for households and individuals.

What are the 3 groups that make up the financial system? ›

Borrowers, lenders, and investors exchange current funds to finance projects, either for consumption or productive investments, and to pursue a return on their financial assets.

What are the three main roles of financial markets quizlet? ›

5 roles of financial markets:
  • To facilitate SAVING.
  • To LEND to businesses and individuals.
  • To facilitate the EXCHANGE of GOODS & SERVICES.
  • To provide FORWARD MARKETS in currencies and commodities.
  • To provide a market for EQUITIES.

What are the basics of financial markets? ›

A financial market is a place where firms and individuals enter into contracts to sell or buy a specific product, such as a stock, bond, or futures contract. Buyers seek to buy at the lowest available price and sellers seek to sell at the highest available price.

What are three 3 economic areas of greatest concern for marketers? ›

The four economic areas of greatest concern to marketers are consumers' incomes, purchasing power, inflation, and recession.

What are the primary financial markets? ›

The primary market is where securities are created. It's in this market that firms sell (float) new stocks and bonds to the public for the first time. An initial public offering, or IPO, is an example of a primary market.

What is primary function of financial markets? ›

The markets make it easy for buyers and sellers to trade their financial holdings. Financial markets create securities products that provide a return for those with excess funds (investors/lenders) and make these funds available to those needing additional money (borrowers).

What are the three main tasks of a financial system quizlet? ›

  • Reducing Transaction Costs.
  • Reducing Risk (ie. stock market)
  • Providing Liquidity (making assets easily convertible to cash)


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