How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024)  - UpFlip (2024)

Table of Contents
Case Study: Kadama Mobile app development industry outlook How to make an app Create design specifications for your app idea Analyze the market for your app Get the funding Create a wireframe Design the app Choose your development platform Develop the app Test the app Publish your app Market your app Measure performance Regularly update the app How to create mobile apps for iOS and Android How to make an iOS app How to make an Android app How much does it cost to publish an app on the app stores? How to validate app ideas How long does it take to create an app? Are you ready to build your own app? What does it mean to grow a business? What is considered fast business growth? What the fastest-growing companies do How Small Business Owners Increase Sales to Current Customers Customer Loyalty Program Upselling Subscription-Based Models How a Business owner can find new customers Networking events Increase high performing marketing campaigns Reach out to past customers Encourage users of your service, products, or site to share experience Open another location Sell Franchises How to grow your small business with marketing How to use social media to grow your business How to grow your business on Instagram How can I grow my business with no money? How Do I Start My Own Bakery? Step 1. Consider Bakery Business Ideas Bakery Cafes Wholesale Bakeries Counter-Service Bakery Food Truck Bakeries Home Bakeries Specialty Bakery Cakes How to Start a Bakery Business From Home Step 2. Perform Market Research Step 3. Understand Your Local Business Laws Can I Get A Baking License For At-Home Bakery? How Long Does It Take to Start a Bakery? Step 4. Consider Locations Consider these factors when choosing your business location: Bakery Layout Step 5. Get Menu Ideas Step 6. Understand the Finances How Much Does It Cost to Start a Bakery? Learn How to Price Your Baked Goods Step 7. Create a Bakery Business Plan Is a Bakery a Profitable Business? Step 8. Create a Business Entity Step 9. Secure Funding Venture Capital Funding Crowdfunding Business Loan Friends and Family How to Start a Bakery Business With No Money Step 10. Develop a Marketing Plan Traditional Advertising Social Media Press Releases Coupons Is It Hard to Open a Bakery? Step 11. Purchase Equipment What Equipment Do I Need to Start a Bakery? Step 12. Hire Staff Step 13. Build Your Business What Are the Biggest Mistakes When Opening a Bakery? Conclusion How to start a construction company Step 1. Learn about the construction industry Step 2. Decide how to start your own construction company Step 3. Write a construction company business plan Step 4. Choose a construction company name Step 5. How to open a construction company Step 6. Set up your construction business finances Step 7. Establish safety protocols Step 8. Get equipment and supplies Step 9. Hire employees Step 10. Consider how to grow a construction business Step 11. Document your own business processes Create a successful contracting business References
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February 21, 2024

How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (1)

Everyone knows that tech companies are some of the most profitable. One of the best strategies for making a ton of money in tech is by making a mobile app.

We talked to Amin Shaykho and Marwan El-Rukby, who created their own app, Kadama, when they were just teenagers. They started as an app to link students with tutors, but when COVID hit, they had to convert to online tutoring.

We’ll share the lessons learned by Amin and Marwan to help you learn how to create an app, the challenges you’ll face, and how to market mobile apps.

  • Case Study: Kadama
  • Mobile app development industry outlook
  • How to make an app
  • How to create mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • How much does it cost to publish an app on the app stores?
  • How to validate app ideas
  • How long does it take to create an app?
  • Are you ready to build your own app?

Read our guide start to finish, or click on any of the links above to jump to the info you need right now.

How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (2)

Case Study: Kadama

Amin and Marwan were barely out of high school when they met and started discussing how much tutoring sucks. They got talking about their interests and realized that they were in the unique position to build their own app for tutoring students.

They realized:

You don’t want older tutors. You want tutors from people around your age because they become more like friends. That makes it more fun to learn.

They were both doing internships and earned the money for the original app development. Amin told us:

We paid a contractor $3K to create the first version of the mobile app. I learned the business side, my partner learned the app development process and took over as we learned.

They had to overcome numerous challenges including people using fraudulent tactics to get free tutoring, learning the trick to making videos that encourage users to join their app, the pandemic, and nearly running out of money.

Despite all that, they double to triple their income each year and are expecting to make between $20 and $30 million this year.

Now that you know a bit about their experiences, get ready to learn about the mobile app industry and A-to-Z development process.

Mobile app development industry outlook

When you create an app, the outlook will vary depending on the industry that you are in. For instance, Entertainment software tends to have higher profit margins than healthcare or information services; eCommerce apps are highly dependent on what products you sell.

Type of CompanyGross ProfitNet Profit
Computer Services25.52%4.40%
Healthcare Information and Technology47.67%5.72%
Information Services32.72%3.49%
Software (Entertainment)63.43%20.35%
Software (Internet)59.11%-14.32%
Software (System & Application)71.52%19.14%

How to make an app

Mobile apps need to be developed strategically because they can be a source of useful information and fun, but also major cybersecurity issues. The mobile app development process will normally follow the steps below.

  1. Create design specifications for your app idea.
  2. Analyze the market for your app.
  3. Create a wireframe.
  4. Design the app.
  5. Choose your development platform.
  6. Develop the app.
  7. Test the app.
  8. Publish your app.
  9. Measure performance.
  10. Market your app.
  11. Regularly update the app.

Get ready to learn how each step plays a part in the mobile app creation process.

Create design specifications for your app idea

Like any business, a successful app starts with a good idea. Effectively, you want to establish what problem you will solve and how you will solve it. Amin explained:

First to market is a huge advantage. If you can get in first and dominate, it will be hard for other mobile apps to catch up.

According to Apple’s app store, the 15 most popular types of mobile app ideas that are downloaded include:

  1. Photo & Video
  2. Entertainment
  3. Social Networking
  4. Health & Fitness
  5. Lifestyle
  6. Productivity
  7. Business
  8. Developer Tools
  9. Apps for Watches
  10. Graphics & Design
  11. Music
  12. Shopping
  13. Education
  14. Finance
  15. Navigation

Once you’ve identified a problem and come up with an app-based solution, you need to specify the requirements for a minimum viable product before you build an app. A minimum viable product is simply the features that will be included in the app to make it useful and earn money.

Analyze the market for your app

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Like any other business, mobile apps need to make money. That means you need to research the demand for your service, the target market, and how competitors make money. You can use this tool to help document your research.

Competitor Analysis Research Tool

How to make money with an app

There are numerous ways to make money with an app. Some of the most popular ways to generate income as an app maker include:

  • In-app advertising: You can sell advertising space to other businesses and earn revenue from it. You’ll want to track frequency and length of ads to establish optimal lengths and frequencies for customer satisfaction and revenue. You can also sell an upgrade to an ad-free experience.
  • In-app purchases: Offer your app for free and create opportunities for users to make in-app purchases. This is particularly popular with eCommerce, restaurants, and game creators. It is most beneficial with depletable items.
  • Subscriptions: Charge users to pay regular fees in exchange for access to the app or its features. Many apps use subscriptions along with in-app advertising to get people to spend monthly on their app.
  • Freemium: Offer a free version of the app that is very usable but is lacking a few features that a user can unlock for a one-time fee.
  • Crowdfunding: You can ask for donations from users to support your app. Wikipedia is probably the best-known app maker that uses this strategy to earn money from its app.
  • Affiliate marketing: You can include links to products or services from other companies in your app. When a user clicks on the link and makes a purchase, your business will earn a commission.
  • Collecting and selling data: You can sell your databases to third parties, but many people view this as a poor business practice. The Apple App Store requires disclosing when you track any person or device “across apps and websites owned by other companies for ad targeting, for ad measurement purposes, or to share your data with data brokers.”
  • Paid apps: You can charge to download an app, but you’ll drastically narrow your target market. Most mobile applications that use this model are either highly successful or for business purposes.
  • Sponsorship: You can have companies sponsor your content. This strategy will require an audience that the sponsors can benefit from.
  • Selling merchandise: You can sell products in an app to make money.
  • Transaction fees: Financial services often make money in a mobile application through transaction fees. Companies like Uber and Kadama also use this model.

Kadama is free to download. Then users pay for their tutoring sessions. Amin explained how Kadama makes money:

Let’s say they spend $100: We take $30, and $70 goes to the tutor, which is higher than people taking a salary.

He went on to explain how much Kadama makes with this method:

We made about $10 million last year from the 30% commission. About 80% of that is gross profit, while the other 20% goes to servers, advertisem*nts, and to create application improvements.

Once you have established that there is a market for your mobile application, it’s time to build a prototype.

Get the funding

While the costs of making an app have gone down, part of learning how to create an app is figuring out how to pay for it. Some of the common ways to fund an app are:

  1. Pay for it yourself
  2. Borrow money from friends and family
  3. Get a business loan
  4. Raise funds with crowdfunding
  5. Venture capitalists

Amin told us:

Be excited for nos. We got 70 nos before we got a yes. If we had stopped any earlier, we would have failed.

He went on to explain that app developers should be careful when talking with venture capitalists.

Venture capitalists will try to scrape you for their data. There’s no such thing as an NDA in this world. Be careful what information you give them because they may be just trying to compare what you do to what one of their investments is doing.

How much does it cost to make an app?

Creating an app can cost as little as $60 per month and your time, but when you hire a designer and developer the costs can go up dramatically. Amin told us:

We paid a contractor $3K to create the first version of the mobile app.

While I (the writer) was working as the content writer for an Australian development firm, I was able to learn a lot about the app development process. Custom software design for fin-tech companies often runs between $9K and $100K per month between the original creation of the mobile app and the ongoing maintenance.

Create a wireframe

Mobile app development should start with brainstorming about a user interface, or what the customer sees when they use the mobile app. App makers normally create apps by starting with a wireframe, which is a two-dimensional illustration of a page’s interface. It shows your web page, app interface, or product layout.

Wireframes help programmers and designers think and communicate the structure of the software or website they’re building. These prototypes also help stakeholders or customers understand what each page of the user interface will look like.

There are three main types of wireframes, with increased detail:

  1. Low-fidelity wireframes: Just the basic blocks of where everything would be
  2. Mid-fidelity wireframes: These frames may be slightly more detailed and show how the user interface takes the user from one page to another
  3. High-fidelity wireframes: These are the most detailed and the best-looking wireframes, but the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) features still aren’t actually added

What’s the difference between user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)?

A user interface is a front end and the navigational elements that a user can see. Meanwhile, the user experience includes both the UI and other aspects like whether transitions from screen to screen work well, speed of loading, and predictive text.

UX might also include decisions like whether to use dropdown, fill in the blank, or checkboxes to simplify filling out information in app stores.

Design the app

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This stage of the app creation process turns the wireframe into a more functional-looking UI, but it still won’t have all the elements of the backend that require a programmer for the app development process.

You’ll basically be making the app visually appealing with smooth transitions and logical interfaces. There are some differences in the user interface requirements when you create Android apps and iOS app development. At the onset, it’s important to know:

When you create apps, it is extremely important to follow the appropriate guides because 6% of app rejections are because they don’t follow the different app stores’ design guides.

Choose your development platform

Once upon a time, you had to hire a development company to design and build an app, create the system architecture, create your own servers, and build your databases. Fortunately, there are no-code app-building platforms that work similarly to free website builders.

  • Appy Pie: $60 per month for a no-code app on both iOS and Google Play Store
  • Softr: Good for beginners
  • Bubble: A balance between power and ease of use
  • Glide: Good for creating simple mobile apps
  • Draftbit: Good for creating powerful mobile apps

Alternatively, you can use legacy app development strategies and host your app on AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.

Develop the app

Once you’ve chosen what platform to use, you just have to begin app development. This can be as easy as using one of the no-code platforms listed above or spending thousands of hours on custom development. The app development will include:

  • Creating servers
  • Adding automations
  • Adding analytics software
  • Integrating cybersecurity features
  • Integrating payment options
  • Establishing whether storage is on-device or cloud (some decisions are stipulated by app stores)

Once you’re done with app creation, you’ll need to test everything.

Test the app

When you build your own app, you’ll need to do application testing. The application testing process follows the steps below:

  1. Outline the process.
  2. Select test type.
  3. Prepare test cases.
  4. Perform manual testing.
  5. Perform automated testing.
  6. Perform usability and beta testing.
  7. Perform performance testing.
  8. Perform security testing.

You’ll need to perform this process for each of the operating systems before you submit your mobile app development project to the app stores, which we’ll discuss next.

Publish your app

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Next, you’ll want to publish your app in each of the app stores. This part of the app development might be complicated for people who aren’t devs. An app builder will have to submit both iOS and Android apps to the respective stores for the operating systems.

Pro Tip: When many people create an app, they start with an Android app because the Google Play Store is not as difficult to get into as the Apple App Store.

Market your app

After your app development is complete and approved by the app store, you’ll want to market the app. While Amin is in app development, he is keenly aware of how marketing contributes to creating a successful app.

Amin warned:

Don’t be too married to an idea.

Use TikTok

The Kadama team markets their mobile app primarily on TikTok, which is what earned them a 30 Under 30 award. Amin explained:

You have to catch [viewers’] attention in three seconds. You have to add a twist that nobody has done before.

He went on to explain:

Research, post a video on social media that’s funny, and get them to download app.

It’s not without trial and error, though. They wasted a lot of money on ads before figuring out how to go viral. Then they changed their strategy to focus on content creation and only boost the content that had already gone viral. Amin explained:

It gets easier once you get to one million TikTok videos in a month. We started doing five videos a day. We just kept hitting more and more. You see a snowball effect.

Improve app store optimization

App development teams will have to submit information to the app store. Like other search engines, you can use app store optimization (ASO) to increase your app’s visibility, reach, and conversion rates. Some of the ways you can optimize your mobile app for ASO include:

  • Use a descriptive title.
  • Use keywords wisely.
  • Describe your app well.
  • Use high-quality screenshots.
  • Add an app preview video.
  • Pick the right category.
  • Focus on icon design.
  • Encourage positive reviews.
  • Optimize your app’s title and subtitle.
  • Add compelling visual elements.
  • Update regularly.
  • Monitor results.

ASO can cost up to $2,000 per month, and some ASO tools can cost more than $10,000 per year. Check out Velvetech’s reviews of some of the different tools.

Be wary of free trials

Many companies offer free trials, but you need to be wary of them as an app maker. Amin explained:

Free trials take a big hit. Overnight, we lost $30,000 and had to figure out how to [deal with] it. We also discovered that the people who used the promo codes never planned to buy and the people who would buy don’t care about the promo codes. So, we spent $50,000 to $100,000 to learn that.

This is consistent with my experience using apps. When I test a web app, I make it a point to use the free trials. Because I’m normally testing them to give my opinion on them in a blog, I have no intent of buying them.

An app maker should be looking for ways to identify the parts of their audience that spends money and focus on what is important for them.

Measure performance

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When you create an app, you’ll need to monitor both the performance of the app on operating systems and how well it is performing with your target audience.

Depending on mobile devices’ tracking policies, an app maker may be constrained by the amount of tracking allowed.

You’ll want to at least monitor:

  • Uptime and downtime: This helps you understand how well app users are able to access your app.
  • Number of users: The number of users that are using your app on a daily, monthly, and annual basis are an indication of your reach and where you should focus your marketing efforts.
  • User satisfaction: You want to track ratings, churn rate, and user feedback to help you understand whether your app design and business model are landing well with your target audience.
  • Revenue: You’ll probably want to track revenue, earnings per user, and number of users who are free versus paying.
  • Profit: You’ll need to track the expenses and profit margins.
  • Cost of customer acquisition: Measuring the cost to acquire new users is critical because it shows how much you need to make from each app user to become profitable. Amin told us Kadama’s cost of acquisition is $200.

Use data to improve your mobile platform

Your data can be a key component when you develop an app. It can help you find new features and even turn your mobile app from a money pit to a profitable app. Amin explained:

We launched in 2020 and we were profitable in mid-2022. We weren’t profitable, and we had three months of earnings before we would lose funds. We increased the profitability by raising our commissions from 15% to 30%.

I literally called our 200 best-performing tutors and convinced 99 that it would be better because we could invest in features that would make them more money.

Regularly update the app

Anyone wondering how to make apps might be surprised that when you develop an app, that’s just the beginning of your app-building journey. You should expect to keep building continuously. Some reasons you’ll want to keep building when you create an app include:

  • Improving the app’s appearance
  • Adding desired features based on user feedback
  • Eliminating bugs in the app’s functionality
  • Conforming to changes in the operating system and app store policy
  • Removing features people don’t value
  • Improving cybersecurity

Professional app developers understand all this, but many people new to app development are surprised at how often an app builder needs to update a web app to comply with the Apple and Android app development requirements.

At this point, you know how to create a mobile app, but there are differences in apps created for iOS, Microsoft, and Android devices. Let’s look at some of the differences that affect the entire development process.

How to create mobile apps for iOS and Android

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There are two main ways to create an app that will work for both iOS and Android users:

  • Cross-platform app: A development team will normally prefer to build in a way that ensures an app functions on both Android and iOS devices. You or your designer or developer will be able to use your coding skills to create the majority of the app, then you’ll need to make modifications for each of the platforms.
  • Native app: If you want to learn how to build an app that works perfectly on a certain device, your app development company will need to build a native mobile app. This means you’ll need to create native apps for each of the platforms you want to be on…and it means you’ll be doing more work to create an app.

Let’s look at how to make an iPhone app first.

How to make an iOS app

You’ll want to spend a lot of time on Apple’s developer site when researching how to make iPhone apps. They recommend using the programming language Swift and the software tool Xcode. Check out their tutorials on each to learn how to create an app for iPhone.

Once you’ve completed the app-building process documented in the sections above, you’ll need to:

  1. Create a developer account for $99 per year (or $299 for enterprise accounts).
  2. Submit your app and all documentation.
  3. Wait for approval or change requests.
  4. Make any necessary changes to the app.
  5. Optimize your app shop listing.
  6. Resubmit when you make updates to the app.

You might be wondering how to man an app for iPhone for free. Let’s find out if you can.

How to make an iPhone app for free

Sorry, everyone. Unless you already have a developer account, you can’t get into the Apple app store for free. It’s only $99 per year, but every app builder who wants to include their app design in the iPhone has to pay the fee even if you are building a free app.

Other than that fee, you can build your app for free if you have a server and the coding skills to be an app builder without hiring people.

How to make an Android app

To begin Android development, you’ll need to follow the process below:

  1. Download Android Studio.
  2. Create a project.
  3. Find project files.
  4. Update the text.
  5. Change the graphics.
  6. Add padding.
  7. Review the code.

Pro Tip: For a more in-depth walkthrough, learn how to create an app for Android in this tutorial.

After the Android application development is complete, you’ll need to:

  1. Go to Google Play Developer Console.
  2. Link the developer account with a Google Wallet Merchant Account.
  3. Create your application.
  4. Apply for an App Store listing.
  5. Upload app bundles or APK to Google Play.
  6. Wait for content rating.
  7. Fix app pricing and distribution.
  8. Publish the application.

You can learn more about how to make an app for Android on AppInventiv.

How to make an Android app for free

Like iOS, Android app developers also have to pay to list an app. It’s a $25 one-time fee for each app you add to the Google Play Store. That’s why so many people who start in mobile application development choose to go with Android before building an iPhone app. Just follow the steps in the previous section.

How much does it cost to publish an app on the app stores?

Google Play Store requires a $25 one-time fee, while Apple charges $99 a year for individual app developers or a $299-per-year fee for your development team.

How to validate app ideas

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There are numerous ways to validate app ideas. Some ways to validate your app ideas include:

  1. Survey your target market to find out what they want.
  2. Use wireframes and prototypes to establish whether people like the design of the app.
  3. Use the beta testing functions in the app stores to detect bugs.

Pro Tip: Check out some of the best ways of validating ideas.

How long does it take to create an app?

The average time to develop a mobile app is six to nine months. The app design process will vary depending on the programming language, desired features, operating system, and skill of the development team. Expect the mobile app development timeline to look something like this:

  • Ideation and validation: 2–3 weeks
  • Design and pre-development: 5–7 weeks
  • App architecture: 6–7 weeks
  • App development: 3–6 months
  • Testing: 2 weeks
  • Finalization and launch: 1 week

You can use automated testing to improve the time for testing and ensure the code is free of errors. If you’re set on learning mobile app development yourself, know it could take two to three years of training before you are up to the level of an experienced app builder.

Are you ready to build your own app?

We’ve broken down a complex concept by taking inspiration from Kadama’s success. While I, the author, am not a developer, I recommend starting with a no-code app builder to get an understanding of how to develop an app, then when you get stuck, hire an app developer to take your project to the next level.

What’s your app idea, and how do you envision making it profitable?

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Brandon Boushy

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    • Sell billions of stock to fund running losses for a few more years
    • Then become profitable

    These are all things that other businesses probably won't be able to get away with. Small business success can still learn something from this business model.Get good at marketing strategies, scale the business with software, and focus on providing a great product or service.Mike gave us different pieces of advice that suggest that the lessons from major companies can be applied anywhere:[su_quote]Whatever your goals are for a year, cram them into 3 months. It will stretch your capacity and you'll grow faster than other businesses.[/su_quote][su_quote]Keep improving your processes. If you can stay in business for 10 years, you are going to grow and expand your customer base.[/su_quote][su_quote]If you focus on the product, the rest will come. Notice Tesla doesn’t do marketing. They focus on how many cars they build.[/su_quote]But he also reminded us that most of us aren't Fortune 500 companies:[su_quote]You aren’t a fortune 500 company. Don’t spend 3 hours a week on strategy meetings. Grow the business. You only need it 2x per year.[/su_quote]More importantly, he reminded us that our target audience doesn't expect us to be a massive corporation. They will appreciate it if we have our own brand identity.[su_quote]Sell the fact you don’t have the budget for a $50,000 video. Don't try to create something Apple would. Create something that shows you are a new business and are having fun with your marketing efforts.[/su_quote]

    How Small Business Owners Increase Sales to Current Customers

    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (12)Your growth strategy should include increasing the value of each customer.There are a ton of ways to increase total customer value, including a customer loyalty program, upselling, subscription-based business models, and marketing tools, like reminders that they didn’t complete a transaction.We'll discuss each of these strategies and how they can accelerate growth.

    Customer Loyalty Program

    The 2018 Bond Customer Loyalty Report found that 70% of people say that they are likely to recommend a company with a good loyalty program, 77% are more likely to continue doing business with a brand, and 63% modify their spending to get the most benefits.Despite this, no industry has more than a 50% loyalty program satisfaction score. That means there is a ton of room for improvement, and if you can get it right, you'll be ahead of your direct competitors.I feel like this should be repeated consistently:[su_quote]If you focus on the product, the rest will come.[/su_quote]Buildify has a review of some of the best apps for loyalty programs on Shopify, and many of them will be compatible with other websites.You will most likely need a CRM to maximize potential because 88% of people prefer suggestions that are tailored to them.Let's look at another strategy many businesses use.


    Upselling is the process of suggesting something that goes well with a product that the customer might enjoy. You see it all the time at fast-food restaurants:[su_quote]Would you like to make that a combo?" or " Would you like to make that a large?[/su_quote]Even Amazon does it. In the screenshot below, they suggest two books that people commonly buy when someone buys Building a StoryBrand.If someone chooses to buy all three, the purchase is 2.61 times the revenue.If you aren't doing this, you need to start today. It's an amazing growth strategy. Neil Patel, a rockstar marketer, suggests trying to make 30% of your profit come from upselling and tells you how he does it.Just make sure the suggestion is relevant. The Shopify App Store has 418 different upselling software apps.Mike also mentions it briefly as one of the key strategies to encourage customers to spend more.Check out our podcast with Mike below:

    The Shopify App Store has 418 different upselling softwares, so make sure you read reviews before you choose one.Alternatively, you could review Predictive Analytics information on providers.Imagine what your profit would look like with an extra 30%!Don't get too caught up in that because we have more killer tricks to grow businesses.

    Subscription-Based Models

    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (13)Anyone who uses business software has seen how a subscription-based model works.A quick search can find an Office 2019 disc for $49.99, but if you order Microsoft Office 365, it's $10/mo or $100/year.Given the typical person buys a computer every 4 years, the subscription-based model generates up to 9.6x the revenue and reduces the costs of manufacturing, transporting, and storing the disc.That's great for software companies, but how does that apply to other types of companies?Price Intelligently has a great blog on subscription-based models and points out that it will consistently increase total customer value until they cancel the subscription.This model can be used with any product that either releases new products routinely or sells disposable products.In service-based industries, subscription-based pricing can be used to strengthen customer loyalty (commonly used with UberEats/Doordash) and/or stabilize revenue.I have seen HVAC contractors charge people $20/month instead of $99 twice a year to do preventive maintenance with success.If you can use this model, I strongly suggest you do. If you are an e-commerce store, check out Shopify's walkthrough on subscription orders.Keep reading for ways to find new customers.

    How a Business owner can find new customers

    There are a variety of ways that business owners can find new customers. Deciding which way works best for you will be based on your business, your personality, and other conditions.Let's look at some of the most common ways.

    Networking events

    Networking events can be a great way to meet potential customers, especially if you are a B2B business. Other business owners will come to these events to exchange information about whatever the subject matter is.They may be potential customers, or they may be someone with whom you can exchange referrals.

    Increase high performing marketing campaigns

    If you find a paid marketing campaign is performing well, you can increase how much you are spending on it, but do it slowly because 10x spend might only be 8x revenue. To learn more about increasing advertising, check out on blog about starting an ad agency.

    Reach out to past customers

    As long as you have some type of customer relationship management, you should know when a customer last interacted with your business, exactly what services or products they got, and whether they were pleased with the service.Many people have busy lives, and people receive tens of thousands of emails a year. They might have gotten distracted and forgotten to reschedule their services.Reaching out to them could make a company more money, especially if it's something they do infrequently, like get oil changes, seasonal maintenance, or dentist appointments.

    Encourage users of your service, products, or site to share experience

    One company we interviewed told us they specifically ask customers to mention the full name of the company when writing reviews to help Google rankings.A common practice in the photography industry is to request customers tag the photography company when they share pictures on social media.This helps increase the relevancy of the business and counts as free marketing. In addition, if the customer is part of your target market, someone they know is probably a target customer.

    Open another location

    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (14)If you have gotten a sizeable share of the target market in your area, you may need to open another location. Depending on the type of business, the location may be in the same city or a different city.Mike told us:[su_quote]When you double locations, customers aren't just going to grow at the new location, but at the old one too. One of the biggest mistakes I made when opening a call center to support my second location was assuming that we could assume double the customers, but it was more like 3-4x the number of customers because the old location grew too.[/su_quote]Opening a new location for something like a smoke shop can be done several miles away in most big cities because there are smoke shops almost every square mile.Something like a lawn care business might require another truck that services a different area of the city.If you find you can't grow in the city, you may need to look for customers in other cities. At that point, you'll want to consider if opening and running the location yourself makes sense or if you want to start a franchise.Mike told us:[su_quote]If you are in a business like cleaning services with a low cost of startup, just start a second location. If it's something like lawn care, the startup costs are high, so sell franchises.[/su_quote]

    Sell Franchises

    Selling franchises can turn other people who are thinking about starting a business into customers, but selling franchises require well-documented policies and great business systems in place to make it where the new business owners don't damage the reputation.Most businesses have not clearly defined their company policies enough that they are ready to grow a business by selling franchises, but if you have, you should check out our posts about how to scale a business and how to sell a business.Mike told us:[su_quote]Franchises are best in high-cost-of-entry industries because you pass the costs to someone else but get less of the profit. It takes 100 franchisees before franchising becomes profitable.[/su_quote]

    How to grow your small business with marketing

    Finding customers with marketing can be a challenge during the early stages of business. There is a lot of trial and error before potential clients become new customers. SalesForce has a blog about why it takes 6-8 touches to get new customers.That means they've done their research, looked at reviews, looked at pictures of your work, asked friends if they are existing customers, and seen many of your ads. Small businesses are competing with other small businesses and large companies for new customers.Be prepared to learn a lot about marketing or hire someone. Either way, don't expect your marketing plan to generate results that happen overnight.Stephen from NW Softwash spent a lot of time talking about marketing in our interview with him about power washing. He talks about social media, marketing budgets, building a team, and how he grew his business up to $120k/mo by the age of 21.Take a few to listen to what he has to say.[su_youtube url=""]You'll want to use tools like Google My Business to help you show up in search engines. You'll want your company website to be easy to use as customer experience can help or hurt a business.You might want to have a professional copywriter create your landing pages.Then there are paid ads, but that is a complex market. I'd recommend talking to someone who specializes in paid ads so you don't waste your buying power. Let's look at social media.

    How to use social media to grow your business

    Many companies use social media to reach new customers.Social media gives you a place to share the good news, show you genuinely care, while at the same time exposing you to a vast amount of data about both existing customers and new customers, hence the rise in spending on social media by both big business and small companies.If you want to know how to grow a small business on social media, the best thing to do is follow what people with massive followings do and learn how to apply the same strategies to your business.Learning from other people's success is part of the trick if you want to know how to make your business grow.

    How to grow your business on Instagram

    If you want to use Instagram to increase business, I suggest you review their help section and other resources for businesses who want to market on their platform.When you market on this platform, it's all about pictures, so make sure to have fun ones mixed in with work you are proud of.As an owner of a small business, I know how tempting it is to always be focused on business, but make it a point to celebrate small victories for your team, goofy moments, and things that bring a human touch.Mike told us:[su_quote]With marketing for a large geographic region that has diversity, try to create ads that work everywhere so you won't have to make different ones for different locations.[/su_quote]You should also find local "celebrities" or micro-influencers and try to get them to communicate with their audience about your company.Just make sure they actually love your product. People can tell when someone is being insincere.Ultimately, Mike reminded us:[su_quote]I focus on audience, improving systems, things like that. You don't need to spend a ton on marketing. Look at Tesla — they don't have a marketing budget because they Have Elon's tweets.[/su_quote]

    How can I grow my business with no money?

    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (15)If you don't have any funds and can't take loans to market your company or do any of the other tips to increase sales discussed in this post and in the podcast, you should probably start thinking ahead and reinvest some of the profits from your business.When people ask me how to grow my business, the first thing I ask them is:[su_quote]What is your business and how are you addressing the market?[/su_quote]Most of the time, they don't have a clue how to answer it. One customer decided to spend $150k to bring 30 products to market, but he wouldn't start selling any of them until all of them were ready to sell.It's 5 years later, and the company hasn't sold a single product.This kind of expenditure is comparable to buying large fixed assets, which Mike told us:[su_quote]Fixed assets are the most cash-intensive part of a business. Find ways to limit them.[/su_quote]The point of this is that regardless of whether your company is profitable, losing money, or has not brought its products to market, start small.Master marketing, identify your target market, and learn how to efficiently run a company, then expand.Or you can try to take out loans and hope that it doesn't maintain the status quo. Whatever you do, remember the best piece of advice Mike gave:[su_quote]If you focus on the product, the rest will come. If you can manage to stay open for 10 years, there is no way you will not grow.[/su_quote]Basically, if you want to grow your business, keep working. When a process breaks or takes too long, fix it, make it easier for your customers to buy from you, and learn marketing skills.If you stick to it and learn from your mistakes, you will eventually become a master of your field.We hope you found this information informative. If you enjoyed the blog and the podcast, make sure to follow us for more great insights from business owners who have managed to make a great living in a variety of fields.

    How to Start a Bakery: A Step-by-Step Guide (2024)

    Have you ever wanted to make people happy with yummy cakes or tasty breads? Ever thought about entering one of the fastest-growing industries for small businesses? It may be time to start a bakery!

    Today we're revealing insider information on how to start your own baking business.

    We connected with Puran Deep, a successful bakery owner who runs the wildly popular Wild Wheat Bakery in Kent, Washington. In 2019, his bakery exceeded over $1 million in revenue!

    Now, we're passing his expert advice on to you. We'll show you step-by-step how to plan, start, and grow a thriving bakery business in this $30 billion per year industry.

    [su_note note_color="#dbeafc"]In addition, we're giving answers to popular questions like these:

    • How Do I Start My Own Bakery?
      • Step 1. Consider Bakery Business Ideas
      • Step 2. Perform Market Research
      • Step 3. Understand Your Local Business Laws
      • Step 4. Consider Locations
      • Step 5. Get Menu Ideas
      • Step 6. Understand the Finances
      • Step 7. Create a Bakery Business Plan
      • Step 8. Create a Business Entity
      • Step 9. Secure Funding
      • Step 10. Develop a Marketing Plan
      • Step 11. Purchase Equipment
      • Step 12. Hire Staff
      • Step 13. Build Your Business
    • What Are the Biggest Mistakes When Opening a Bakery?
    • Conclusion


    Click any of the links above to jump ahead to that section.

    How Do I Start My Own Bakery?

    You'll find everything you need to know in this step-by-step guide for starting a bakery!

    If you are new to the bakery world—or haven't ever stepped foot in a kitchen—it's a good idea to visit some bakery businesses to glean information and practical experience. Small business owners are often happy to share what they know.

    We interviewed Puran Deep (P.D.) from Wild Wheat Bakery in Kent, Washington. P.D. started four different businesses in the past and now runs Wild Wheat, a cafe-bakery often featured in The Seattle Times and the winner of many “Best of Kent” awards.

    See the YouTube video about how to start a bakery below.

    [su_youtube url=""]

    P.D. grew tired of the rat race and wanted to start his own business. That's when the opportunity to purchase Wild Wheat, an established bakery-cafe with an excellent reputation, landed on his desk.

    P.D. bought an existing bakery, but he still has tons of advice to offer to someone starting from scratch. We'll share his expert tips and other practical advice as we proceed through the steps for starting a bakery as a new business.

    [su_quote]You have to treat everybody that walks in this door with great customer service. Make sure they are getting what they need. Make sure you're giving them quality food. Over 50% of our customers on a daily basis are our regular customers.[/su_quote]

    Another alternative is to buy an existing bakery.

    Step 1. Consider Bakery Business Ideas

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    The first step of starting a bakery is considering the different types of bakery ideas you're interested in. Retail bakeries, home bakeries, and wholesale bakeries are viable options.

    Recently, the baked goods industry has grown significantly, so it’s a good time to get started. Several options are available for starting your own bakery business.

    Bakery Cafes

    Average Annual Revenue: $1.52 million per year
    Average Profit Margins: 5.4%
    Startup Cost: $100 (at home) to $3M (Panera Franchise)
    Time To Revenue: 1-6 months
    Annual Market Growth Rate: 1.1%
    Best for: Cooks, chefs, people who love cooking

    A bakery cafe offers tables where customers can sit down and eat in a dining area. It combines the benefit of freshly baked goods with the enjoyment of a small restaurant business.

    Like a small restaurant, this type of business also provides coffee, other beverages, and an extended menu. Wild Wheat Bakery offers an extended breakfast menu featuring omelets and other egg dishes.

    As an added component, P.D. roasts his own coffee beans on location. Customers can enjoy a cup in the cafe or take home the beans to brew themselves.

    A perfect example of a Bakery Cafe is the world-famous Ferrara Bakery in New York City.

    Wholesale Bakeries

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    This type of bakery business does not keep a storefront and acts as a supplier to restaurants, grocery stores, etc.

    Wholesale bakeries benefit from predictable and reliable sales to retail businesses. Wholesale bakeries sell to customers who buy in bulk. And there's no worry about the upkeep of a retail bakery.

    Finding grocers, local coffee shops, and restaurants to carry your product is the key challenge of a wholesale bakery. This critical aspect may be difficult for a new business trying to break into the baking market.

    However, it is very important for any bakery. We asked P.D. why wholesale is so important for a bakery, and here's what he told us:

    [su_quote]You have your staff; you have your employees that are producing a certain number of breads or whatever they're making. It's not a huge cost for them to produce a little bit more with the same employees and the same equipment, but you can increase your sales significantly.[/su_quote]

    Marsee Baking is a wholesale bakery that operates in Seattle and Portland and would be a great model to build your business on.

    Counter-Service Bakery

    Typically, small counter-service bakeries expect customers to pick up their orders and go. One benefit is that it limits the time and energy spent on customer service.

    Part of the larger category of retail bakeries, it's possible to combine a counter-service bakery with a wholesale bakery. The bakery would sell baked goods to grocers or restaurants and provide pick-up and/or delivery service to retail clients.

    Clark Street Bakery in Los Angeles started in an apartment and now has four counter-service locations.

    Food Truck Bakeries

    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (19)

    One of the most affordable ways to open a bakery is through food trucks. Food truck bakeries have become a viable option for running your own business. For more information on how to get started, check out our blog post on How to Start a Food Truck Business.

    The Teal House Coffee and Bakery food truck is one of the most well-known around Austin, Texas!

    Home Bakeries

    Cottage industry businesses can be a simple way to dip into opening a bakery without a large investment. For those wondering how to start a home bakery, simply alter the steps in this business guide to meet your home baking needs.

    [su_quote]Baking can be done with a few simple ingredients, so it's about simplicity and nostalgia – people are reminded of their childhood.” – Paul Hollywood – Celebrity Chef and Judge on The Great British Bake Off [/su_quote]

    Specialty Bakery Cakes

    Many business owners succeed with specialty bakeries like a cake business. One of my favorites is Freed’s Bakery in Vegas. They create custom wedding cakes and other treats for special events. Check out their fidget spinner cake below.

    [su_youtube url=""]

    How to Start a Bakery Business From Home

    Many people start a bakery from home simply by selling their baked goods to friends and family. You might not need a formal business plan, but check into local regulations on how to run a bakery from home without a commercial kitchen.

    Step 2. Perform Market Research

    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (20)

    You might wonder whether starting a bakery business in your area is viable.

    It's important to know what's happening in the baking business in order to meet customer needs. This market research report provides tons of information and industry data about Bakery Cafes in the US.

    The good news? Bakeries are on the upswing!

    Even so, it's important to research your local business environment for things like:

    • Demographics
    • Local Market Trends
    • Competition
    • Budget
    • Target Audience

    All of this information will be vital later when you build your business plan.

    According to P.D., knowing what customers need is critical to running a business. He says:

    [su_quote]…you have to have the right mindset, you have to take care of the customers and know their needs.[/su_quote]

    So, before you even get started in business, find out what potential customers want by doing your research ahead of time.

    When considering which baked good offerings to provide, know that certain segments of the market are larger than others, as seen below:

    [su_note note_color="#dbeafc"]

    • Bread: 32%
    • Rolls: 19%
    • Cakes: 15%
    • Retail bakery products: 10%
    • Soft cakes: 8%
    • Pies: 2%[/su_note]

      Step 3. Understand Your Local Business Laws

      Because it can take time for agencies to process paperwork, it's important to understand business licensing early in the process. The bakery industry deals with food, so the Health Department in your area should be your first contact.

      Licensing and registration varies between states and even within local jurisdictions. One excellent resource for learning the basics is the Small Business Administration. The required permits depend on the type of bakery and location.

      Run through this list for a cost estimate of your licenses and permits:

      • Business License – Around $50. Based on location/type/size. Renewable.
      • Food Service License: $100-1000. Based on size, # of employees. Renewable.
      • Employer ID Number (EIN) – Free. Issued by IRS for tax purposes. Takes time.
      • Certificate of Occupancy – Around $100. Proof of final inspection. Locally issued.
      • Fire Department Permit – $50-200. Inspection of ovens, etc. Locally issued.
      • Food Handler's Permit – $100-500 for each employee. Renewable.
      • Sign Permit – $20-50+. Allows a permanent sign. Locally issued.
      • Music License – $250-500 to play music.

      Here's a link to the U.S. FDA list of regulations and codes for food service establishments by state. It clarifies the differences in regulations between states.

      For county and city information, perform a quick internet search or inquire at your local health department.

      Can I Get A Baking License For At-Home Bakery?

      How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (21)

      Sometimes. It depends on your local laws. A home bakery business may also be called a home baking business or cottage food business. There may be special requirements for how to start a bakery from home including:

      • Refrigeration
      • Ingredient
      • Packaging
      • Maximum Revenue
      • Distribution

      Cast Iron is a home-based food business management software platform that has a list of laws that make a good starting point for those wondering how to start a cake business from home. It’s a good place to start for others starting a baking business too.

      How Long Does It Take to Start a Bakery?

      Starting a bakery can take from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the scale of the operation.

      A bakery at home can be fairly quick when your customers are people you know. A retail or wholesale bakery may take a few months or even a year to start, depending on your location, funding, and other circ*mstances.

      Step 4. Consider Locations

      A retail bakery does best in a high-traffic area. Ideally, your space will be easily accessible to lots of people, have enough space for seating, and a reasonable rent for the square footage.

      For example, the world-famous Ferrara Bakery is located in New York City in the heart of Little Italy on the corner of Grand and Mulberry Street.

      It may not be the most spacious cafe, but the foot traffic more than makes up for the lack of seating. Try to find this balance with your location!

      [su_quote]In any business, location is key. If someone is planning to open up a new location, pay a lot of attention to the foot traffic where you are opening it. Location can be something that can make or break your business. It's very important.[/su_quote]

      Consider these factors when choosing your business location:

      How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (22)
      • Accessibility: Is it easy for customers to get to your location?
      • Competition: Are there other bakeries nearby?
      • Foot traffic: How many potential customers pass by on foot? Remember P.D.'s advice.
      • Parking: For customers arriving in their own vehicles, is there enough space to park?
      • Growth potential: Is there a possibility to expand in the future?
      • Demographics (target audience): Who lives or works in the area? Does this align with your ideal customer?
      • Cost: Research all the details of the price to buy or rent the space.
      • Bakery layout: There's much more to consider than just how customers will move through the bakery. Keep reading below.

      Bakery Layout

      You should consider the new bakery floor plan before you open a bakery in a commercial space. You’ll want to consider the following features:

      • Counter space
      • Bakery equipment
      • Prep space
      • Dining space
      • Office space

      All this goes into a bakery floor plan. You should probably consult an architect and a commercial real estate agent before choosing a small commercial space where you’ll open bakery operations.

      Step 5. Get Menu Ideas

      How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (23)

      Before determining the cost of opening your new business, you must have a rough idea of your menu. Mastering recipes takes time and practice. The good news is that you can enjoy tasting the test recipes!

      Business success hinges on offering the highest quality products that people want. It's important to create an eye-catching menu.

      Offer special items that make you stand out from the crowd. Give customers a reason to do business with you!

      If you need some inspiration, here are some recipe sites to review:

      Look at the bakery offerings that offer the highest profit potential.

      Step 6. Understand the Finances

      While spending time in the kitchen is loads of fun, you also need to crunch the numbers to open a successful bakery. You’ll want to consider the following:

      • Cost of opening a bakery
      • Monthly operating costs
      • Cost of goods sold for the products.

      How Much Does It Cost to Start a Bakery?

      How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (24)

      The startup capital for starting a bakery varies based on the type of bakery you choose to start. Those who want to know how to start a baking business should expect the following startup costs depending on what type of business entity they start.

      • Home-based: $100+
      • Food Trucks: $100+. Learn more about getting the startup capital for food trucks.
      • Franchises: You’ll need to demonstrate up to $7.5 million net worth for starting a Panera franchise.

      While the low end is just for a small bakery to buy the materials, those who are really interested in owning a bakery should expect $2-5K just for the business licensing. Depending on the scale, you can get by with the minimum, or go all out.

      Learn How to Price Your Baked Goods

      To run a profitable business, you must figure out how much it costs to make each one of your baked goods. This allows you to price items for the highest profit margin.

      It's easy to lose money on a product if you don't know exactly how much it costs to make it. This includes ingredients, labor, packaging, and even cooking time to account for the electricity (or gas) running the oven. Most restaurant managers aim for the cost of serving to be approximately 1/3rd of revenue.

      Before you open, call local vendors to price their supplies, and then determine the cost of production. Consider this pricing guide based on information from the Houston Chronicle.


      Click through the 10 steps below to calculate your costs.

      [su_tab title="1" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Calculate the number of batches you can get from a bulk ingredient.For instance, if the recipe calls for 8 ounces of milk and you buy your milk in gallons, here is the formula:128 oz / 8 oz = 16 batches[/su_tab][su_tabs][su_tab title="2" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Divide the cost of each ingredient by the number of batches.If a gallon of milk costs $4, this is the formula:$4 / 16 batches = $0.25 per batch for milkComplete this step for each ingredient in a recipe.[/su_tab] [su_tab title="3" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Add together the cost of all ingredients per batch.This will calculate the total cost of ingredients for an entire recipe.[/su_tab] [su_tab title="4" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Divide the cost per batch by servings per recipe.So, if the total cost per recipe is $5 and makes 10 servings:$5 batch / 10 servings = $0.50 per serving[/su_tab] [su_tab title="5" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Add in other items (cupcake liners, packaging, etc.).For example, cupcake liners cost $5 per 100, so each cupcake liner costs $0.05.$0.50 per serving + $0.05 liner = $0.55 per serving[/su_tab] [su_tab title="6" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Add in the cost of equipment usage.Here, divide the cost of equipment by the number of days of its expected usage and then divide that number by the average number of servings you will produce per day.For instance, for an oven that costs $10,000 and lasts for ten years (1825 days) and bakes 500 servings per day, this would be the formula:$10,000 / 1825 days = $5.48$5.48 / 500 servings = $0.01Repeat for each piece of equipment.[/su_tab] [su_tab title="7" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Figure operating costs.Do the same as above to include all operating costs. This includes utilities, storage space, rent, advertising, printer ink, labor, etc.For instance, if your monthly electricity bill is $500, then divide that by 30 days and the estimated 500 servings per day:$500 / 30 days / 500 servings = $0.03Again, do this with all of your operating costs and add all of that in.[/su_tab] [su_tab title="8" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Divide your per-serving cost by the number of expected items sold.Bakeries must be realistic about the fact that they will not sell out of everything in their shops, and perishable items must be counted into the cost of doing business.If you think that you can sell 75% of your items, and your per-serving cost is $0.50, then your formula is this:$0.60 / 0.75 = $0.80You must increase your per-item cost to $0.80 to account for unsold baked goods.[/su_tab] [su_tab title="9" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Add in your profit margin.Here, add 100 to your desired profit margin and then divide that number by 100. For instance, if you need a 200% profit margin:200% + 100 = 300 / 100 = 3.0Then multiply the cost by your profit margin to determine the per-serving price like this:$0.80 cost x 3.0 profit margin = $2.40 per serving price[/su_tab] [su_tab title="10" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""]Compare prices.If this per-serving cost is similar to what other local bakeries are charging, then you're on the right track. If it's under, then you should up your price. If your cost is higher, reconsider if this is a product you can sell at a profit.[/su_tab][/su_tabs]

      Track Your Finances

      Along with determining costs, you need to decide on a way to keep track of your business finances. One option is to hire a trusted bookkeeper or accountant to free up your time to run the business.

      There are also several options available for small business accounting software including Quickbooks, Freshbooks, Wave, Xero, and more.

      Step 7. Create a Bakery Business Plan

      A detailed business plan is helpful when starting a bakery.

      Consider these components when writing your bakery’s business plan:

      • Executive Summary: contains the most important points from each of the following categories
      • Company Overview: a description of your business
      • Market Analysis: includes pertinent information from your market research
      • Business Offering: a list of the products you will sell to your customers
      • Management: includes business partnerships, number of employees, who will run the various areas
      • Marketing Plan: information on how you plan to reach customers, advertise, etc.
      • Financial Projections: predictions for the financial success of your business

      The Small Business Administration offers this business plan writing guide. We’re also partial to our business plans created by Mike Andes or Brandon Boushy to help you create a bakery business plan.

      Is a Bakery a Profitable Business?

      Baking can be very profitable if you work hard and provide the best products for customers. Depending on various factors, bakery owner salaries range from around $17K to $71K per year.

      These statistics include tiny home bakeries, so there's potential for earning much more!

      Step 8. Create a Business Entity

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      With a business plan in place, it's time to create a legal company. Register your business at the federal and state levels and establish a legal structure. It's possible to register online.

      Choosing a business structure (Limited Liability Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, S Corporation, or Partnership) can be complicated if you're not familiar with the process.

      The IRS has extensive resources on business structures, but it’s best to work with an accountant and/or business attorney to maximize your legal and tax benefits.

      Typically, a bakery will be set up as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) to avoid exposing the owner's personal assets to legal action (like a slip and fall in the bakery).

      Step 9. Secure Funding

      If you have personal savings available to start your business, that's fantastic! But you may need to borrow a portion of your startup costs until it becomes a viable business.

      If you only have around $50,000, but want a larger cushion at $100,000, you may get a business loan. However, you must provide viable financial projections that show your ability to pay back the loan.

      As P.D. said,

      [su_quote]If you make a good business plan and the lenders buy into that, you can get funding.[/su_quote]

      Consider these different options to secure funding for your business, as suggested by the Small Business Association:

      Venture Capital Funding

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      If you can find an angel investor who believes in you and your plan, this type of funding can be effective.

      However, it means shared ownership, which many entrepreneurs are not super excited about. But it also lowers risk and prevents borrowing money.

      Consider this video we've created about Venture Funding.


      Another way to avoid a loan is to raise the money from many people who invest a small amount of money.

      Typically, investors get something in return, such as advertising credit, or gifts and other perks. Several online platforms host crowdfunding campaigns.

      Business Loan

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      The amount and interest rate on business loans varies significantly. You can try for a loan through a local bank, as well as through the government-assisted loan programs with the SBA.

      Securing this type of funding requires a business plan, financial projections (usually for 5 years), and expense sheets.

      Friends and Family

      If your friends or family are interested in your project, you may find you can borrow the funds from someone you know.

      How to Start a Bakery Business With No Money

      How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (28)

      If you want to start your bakery on a shoestring budget, that's great! As mentioned above, you can save a ton of money by starting in your own home and by selling to friends and family.

      Another option, if you have good credit, is to leverage a zero-interest rate period on a credit card. It's risky but possible to use the zero-interest period to start your business and then pay the card off before the interest kicks in.

      Note: Have a solid business plan in place if you're thinking about this option.

      Step 10. Develop a Marketing Plan

      When you invest in starting a bakery, make sure customers can find you!

      P.D.'s strategy for getting new customers is based on Social Media Marketing, like these recommendations from Neil Patel. He outsources a marketing company to run his Instagram, Facebook, and other profiles.

      They focus on letting customers know about new product releases and any interesting news.

      [su_quote]These days everyone is on their phone![/su_quote]

      You can get your name out there and draw in customers in a variety of ways, including these options:

      Traditional Advertising

      This includes print ads, billboards, radio, flyers, and going door-to-door.

      Social Media

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      Initially free to use, you can also purchase additional social media ad options. It's possible to outsource your social media marketing by hiring a professional marketer. Find a professional to help with this through Fiverr or Upwork.

      Press Releases

      Besides social media, don't forget about print and online newspapers. Depending on your location, your local paper may print your bakery opening as business news when you present it to them as a press release.


      How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (30)

      Consider placing coupon ads in a local paper. To offer bounce-back coupons (used on a return visit), use an online tool like Canva to design them, then have them printed locally. Many bakeries or coffee shops have loyalty cards designed and printed this way.

      Is It Hard to Open a Bakery?

      Opening a bakery is hard work, but it is worth it! According to P.D.:

      [su_quote]There's nothing you can't learn if you have the right mindset and the right attitude. You need to be open-minded. Keep the right mindset. Stay the course, do what you have to do, keep at it. Eventually, things smooth out and you come out on top.[/su_quote]

      Step 11. Purchase Equipment

      You've found your space and secured funding. Now you must prepare your kitchen and dining area to bake and serve the best products.

      What Equipment Do I Need to Start a Bakery?

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      Reliable equipment is essential for any commercial kitchen. Purchase your equipment online or locally. Your bakery equipment list for your commercial kitchen should include:

      • Ovens – Commercial-grade ovens can be extremely pricey but are a vital piece of equipment for your business. P.D. says his ovens cost around $100K each brand new. Many bakeries choose to lease larger equipment to save on startup costs.
      • Mixers – Large capacity stand mixers, with special dough hooks for kneading bread.
      • Refrigeration – For storing your perishable ingredients such as milk and cream.
      • Tables/Workspace – Depending on the type of baking, tables may be necessary for decorating cakes or for packaging products.
      • Storage – A place to store your ingredients prior to use, and for storage of packaging, or other items. Carts with shelves may be useful for cooling baked goods fresh out of the oven.
      • Dining Area – Tables, chairs, and a counter for the retail area are all important aspects of your bakery.
      • POS System – One critical point for any business is how to let your customers pay. A Point-of-Sale system is vital to your business. When you can choose one that links well with your accounting software (mentioned above), it's even better!

      Step 12. Hire Staff

      For a retail or wholesale bakery business, qualified employees working in the kitchen are the backbone of the business. Bakeries open very early, and it is essential to have reliable employees willing to bake bread at four in the morning.

      If you're running a cafe-bakery, counter help and possibly servers are a necessity. They act as the front line for providing great customer service that ensures return business.

      Here are some sites where you can post jobs and find qualified candidates:

      Finding top talent in food service is no simple task, so go beyond traditional job hiring sites like Indeed. Instead, reach out to local culinary schools and food programs (community colleges) to secure reliable talent with interest in the industry.

      According to P.D., in taking care of your staff, you don't want to skimp:

      [su_quote]I tell them to make sure that your people are taken care of, and the rest will be fine. You only have so many hours in a day. You'll burn out if you're not careful. It's not worth stressing yourself out.[/su_quote]

      Step 13. Build Your Business

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      Once you've started baking, pursue continuous growth for your business. That means setting goals and making plans to find and keep customers.

      P.D. says you should ask yourself a simple question:

      [su_quote]I want to grow 10% every year. What do I have to do?[/su_quote]

      Here are some other questions to ponder on growth:

      • What should I do differently or better to gain new customers and keep existing ones?
      • Is there room to add new products?
      • Would a customer loyalty program help our bottom line?
      • What does our marketing data show?

      Brainstorm and research ways to please your customers and then execute the best ideas.

      According to P.D., wholesale products are one of the best ways to grow a bakery business. They provide large profit margins without a large investment.

      It may mean running the ovens a bit longer or arranging for more deliveries, but it's a steady way to increase revenue without a lot more work.

      P.D. says that with samples in hand, cold call restaurants with whom you want to do business and let them try your products. If your product is of outstanding quality, it should sell itself. But you must get people to try it.

      [su_quote]I would throw a bunch of samples in my car and just go to a bunch of different restaurants and drop off samples and ask them. Look at their menu, whether they're serving hamburgers or if they're a sub shop. Give them hamburger buns or baguettes for their sandwiches. And when they like the product, they call and they're ready to order.[/su_quote]

      What Are the Biggest Mistakes When Opening a Bakery?

      P.D. stated that one of the biggest mistakes in opening a bakery is not finding and keeping the best employees. With 36 full and part-time staff, P.D. offers this insight:

      [su_quote]Employees are what you need for your business. You can't be everywhere, so you have to put trust in your people and take care of them, then they'll take care of your business.[/su_quote]


      If you can already smell the heavenly croissants baking in your oven, then it might be time to get started with these steps on how to start a bakery! Follow our guide to overcome many of the hurdles beginning entrepreneurs and bakers face.

      With planning and perseverance, you'll be serving customers and raking in dough (get it?) like P.D.

      If you were thinking about starting a bakery, would you start a home bakery, wholesale, or food truck bakery? Let us know in the comments below!

    Business ideas

    How to Start an $80M/Year Construction Company

    Have you ever wondered how to start a construction company but hesitated because you don’t have business experience or a previous business failed?

    Marc Rousso knows what it’s like. His real estate business failed during the 2009 recession and left him owing the bank $2.5 million after liquidating everything. But within seven years, he grew JayMarc Homes into a construction company that makes $80 million annually, and he’s already paid off all the debt from his prior business.

    We combine his insight with industry research to share everything you need to know to get into contracting (even if you have no money to invest).

    How to start a construction company

    We’ll cover each of the following topics. Read from start to finish or click any link to jump to the step you need help navigating right now.

    1. Learn about the construction industry.
    2. Decide how to start your own construction company.
    3. Write a construction company business plan.
    4. Choose a construction company name.
    5. Learn how to open a construction company.
    6. Set up your construction business finances.
    7. Establish safety protocols.
    8. Get equipment and supplies.
    9. Hire employees.
    10. Consider how to grow a construction business.
    11. Document your own business processes.

    Step 1. Learn about the construction industry

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    • How much do construction companies make? According to IBISWorld Report 23, the average company makes around $696K in revenue, but JayMarc Homes makes approximately $80 million per year.
    • How much do construction company owners make? The profit margin for construction work is 3.4% before taxes, which means that the average small business owner makes approximately $23,664 in profit plus any salary they take from contracting.
    • How many construction companies are in the U.S.? There are over 3.8 million construction companies in the United States, with an average of 2.63 employees.
    • What is the most profitable construction niche? Land developers have the most profitable niche with an average pre-tax margin of 17%, followed by remodeling and excavation at 7.2%. Check out the table below for other segments' profit margins.
    • How to start a construction company with no experience: Starting a construction company with no experience may be a challenge. The average home requires 22 subcontractors to build a house, so you’ll need lots of basic knowledge and soft skills to manage a contracting company without experience.
    • How to start a construction company with no money: You can always book jobs and then rent the equipment needed to complete the job. Reinvest the profits into the business to reduce your costs over time.
    • How much does it cost to start a construction company? Marc started his contracting business with around $15K. But other construction companies have started with much less. In fact, the VP Homes CEO entered the construction industry with $80 of tools and is now making $1.2 million per year.
    • What skills do I need to own a construction business? You must understand building materials, each subcontracting field, and safety requirements. You might also need certifications depending on your niche.
    Construction NichePre-Tax Profit Margin
    Land Developers17%
    Swimming Pool Construction7%
    Apartment & Condo Construction6.20%
    Transmission Line Construction6.10%
    Home Builders6.00%
    Road & Highway5.20%
    Heavy Engineering Contractors3.20%
    Commercial Builders3.10%

    Pro Tip: Subscribe to construction industry publications and local industry publications to keep updated on trends in your industry. Check out some of the popular industry organizations.

    Case Study: JayMarc Homes

    JayMarc Homes focuses on building custom homes. It was their second construction business after a company closure. They currently make about $80 million in revenue annually with a 10% profit margin, but Marc warned:

    [su_quote]In any 10 years, you’ll probably have a 5% year, 10% year, 17% year, and 27% year. It all depends on the economy.[/su_quote]

    Check out our interview with Marc below:

    Next, you'll want to decide how to start a construction company.

    Step 2. Decide how to start your own construction company

    People who want to start contracting and construction companies have two main options:

    • General contracting
    • Subcontracting

    Find out more about how to start a construction company as each of these types of contractors.

    What is a general contractor?

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    A general contractor is the primary contact between a property owner and the construction project. Their role includes:

    • Creating and managing the construction budget
    • Hiring, managing, and paying subcontractors
    • Working with the architect to implement and revise design specifications
    • Maintaining project schedule and timing
    • Scheduling inspections
    • Making payments to vendors and specialty contractors
    • Collecting and tracking lien waivers
    • Managing post-construction issues with warranties and payments

    How to start a general contracting business

    Starting a general contracting business will normally require some or all of the following:

    • time in the field
    • education in the field
    • passing an exam
    • background checks
    • security bonds

    Find your state’s licensing requirements for how to start a small construction business as a general contractor.

    What is a subcontractor?

    Subcontracting businesses are normally construction services focused on specific trades like HVAC, plumbing, electrical, roofing, carpentry, or other fields with specialized construction equipment or tools. The bigger specialty contractors may also compete as general contractors.

    For instance, when I worked at Honeywell, we would compete for both HVAC and general construction work when bidding on government contracts for new federal, state, and local projects.

    There are plenty of business ideas in the construction industry to consider. Check out our courses here. The cleaning business, pressure washing, and flooring courses will all guide you toward success in the construction industry.

    Once you've decided whether you want to be a general contractor or a subcontractor, you'll want a business plan to guide you through the process of how to start a construction company and succeed.

    Step 3. Write a construction company business plan

    You’ll need a construction business plan to be successful.

    A solid business plan includes:

    • Contracting insurance information
    • Competitive analysis
    • Construction equipment list
    • Financial projections
    • Location details
    • Licenses and permits
    • Marketing plan
    • Money-making strategies

    Pro Tip: Our business plan guide walks you through writing a business plan and includes a free template for getting your business plan in order.

    We can't discuss how to start a construction company without discussing choosing a business name…

    Step 4. Choose a construction company name

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    Choosing a name can be exciting! Consider the following tips when choosing a construction business name:

    • Add your details: JayMarc Homes communicates what field the business entity is in, though it could also be a real estate business.
    • Easy and clear: JayMarc Homes might be changed to JayMark by potential customers. When it comes to getting a website, I would buy both domains, just in case.
    • Location: Construction companies can rank higher in search results with a business name that includes the city name.
    • Branding: A new construction company will have other branding elements. How will they tie in with your new business name?

    Pro Tip: Try out our construction business name generator. Find a name that ensures your business’s future success and click on it to buy the domain.

    Next, we’ll discuss how to start a contracting business legally.

    Step 5. How to open a construction company

    After writing a business plan, you’ll need to establish a legal structure. While some businesses can get away without creating a business entity, it is legally necessary for a local construction company.

    Building companies should consult with a business lawyer to make sure they comply with all the laws that govern small construction companies in their area.

    Your new construction builder will likely need assorted licenses, permits, insurance, and tax forms. Find out what you’ll need from the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Municode Library.

    Business structure for construction companies

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    Construction companies need to create a separate legal entity to keep company property and personal assets separate. Most construction companies will form one of the following structures through their state’s Secretary of State website:

    1. S-Corporation: Best for high-earning companies that want to lower business owner taxes. A limited number of stockholders, provides personal liability protection, requires business owners to receive a salary (and optional dividends), no double taxation.
    2. C-Corporation: Best for companies trying to change the world. Unlimited stockholders, provides personal liability protection, high compliance costs, and double taxation. Business owners can earn money through multiple income streams with different tax codes.
    3. Limited Liability Company: Best for companies that want to separate business entities from personal assets. Provides limited liability, pass-through income, and no double taxation.

    Pro Tip: To learn more about business structures, check out our blog on 11 structure options.

    You’ll also want to get your business licensed. Some states let you do it all at once. Don’t forget to grab an employer identification number (sometimes called a federal tax ID) from the IRS. It’s used for payroll and business taxes when starting a contracting business.

    What licenses are needed to start a construction business?

    A successful construction business will need different business licenses depending on your location and business plan. There are main categories of business licenses for a contractor business: general contractor’s license or subcontractor license. Check with local industry associations and the state and local government for more information.

    Next, you'll need to thing about finances as you learn how to start a construction company.

    Step 6. Set up your construction business finances

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    Financial management is an essential part of how to start your own construction business. Once you arrive at this step, you should already know your budget, but let’s look at how to:

    • Get a business bank account
    • Get small business insurance.
    • Secure funding
    • Create a pricing structure

    Business bank account

    To run a successful business, you need to open a business bank account because you need to separate your business and personal finances and assets. Business bank accounts can be either online or from brick-and-mortar (legacy) banks and credit unions.

    Online banks tend to have better offers, but they might not have as broad a range of business credit card accounts and service offerings as the legacy banking system. If credit accounts or making cash deposits are important to you, go with the legacy banks. Learn more from our business bank account guide.

    Get business insurance

    You’ll want to get business insurance, including:

    • General liability insurance: Covers against customer injuries
    • Property insurance: Protects the business owner from expenses due to property damage
    • Workers compensation insurance: Pays employees for lost wages and medical bills when they get hurt
    • State disability insurance: Covers against full or partial disability
    • Unemployment insurance: Covers former employees who are laid off
    • Commercial vehicle insurance: Covers against accidents when driving

    Pro Tip: Consider Simply Business to get the most competitive general liability insurance quotes for your business.


    How to Make an App: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - UpFlip (39)

    The contracting industry doesn’t cost a lot to get into, but funding is an essential part of starting a successful business. You might consider:

    • Small business loans (including SBA loans)
    • Equipment loans
    • Angel investors
    • Business partners
    • Credit cards
    • Crowdfunding
    • Government programs
    • Home equity loan
    • Friends or family
    • Personal finance through savings or wages
    • Rollover for business startups (ROBS)

    Each method has its pros and cons. For example, SBA loans may be a good way for a new business to get a business loan because they typically have better interest rates than any other business loan. That said, the interest could start accruing before your first building is complete.

    A business line of credit only charges interest on the money you use, making it a cost-effective way to fund your own construction company.

    Pro Tip: National Business Credit is our preferred business financing partner.

    Pricing structure

    A construction company will have different ways of pricing. Some of the common ones are:

    • Time and materials: You charge based on the time and materials used for the construction project.
    • Flat rate: Charge an all-inclusive fee.
    • Market value: If you’re designing and building a home, you might sell the property at market value. This can have huge profit margins if you can purchase materials for less than most local companies.

    We cant talk about how to start a construction company without reminding you there are lots of safety laws you need to follow

    Step 7. Establish safety protocols

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    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) governs workplace safety and has special requirements about how to run a construction company. Supervisors will need the OSHA 30 certification. There are also personal protective equipment requirements for each trade.

    Take OSHA requirements seriously to keep all parties safe from injury, fines, and legal action.

    You'll need to get equipment because it's a crucial aspect of how to start a construction company.

    Step 8. Get equipment and supplies

    Construction businesses need lots of equipment and supplies, including:

    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Hard hats, safety vests, safety goggles, lockout-tagout equipment, and eye protection
    • Project Management Software: You’ll need construction management software like Monday Sales CRM.
    • Heavy Machines: You might need excavators, dump trucks, cranes, concrete mixers, and other machinery.
    • Hand Tools: You’ll need various tools depending on your specialization, but most construction workers will need at least a hammer and screwdrivers.
    • Power Tools: Buy or rent drills, saws, and other power tools to make your construction jobs faster and easier.
    • Specialty Equipment: Each field in the construction industry will need different tools. Make sure to research the crucial tools for your industry.

    Check out our interview with Avanni Petras to find out how he dealt with the cost of equipment when he started Petras Homes on a shoestring budget.

    When you think about how to start a construction company, are you thinking about having employees? If you are check out our next section.

    Step 9. Hire employees

    Hiring employees in the construction industry is a crucial aspect of how to start a home-building company. We asked Marc how many employees they have and he told us:

    [su_quote]We have 45 employees, 30 in the office and 15 out in the field. Almost all our employees are referrals.[/su_quote]

    Marc described some of the ways they help make JayMarc Homes a great place to work. He told us:

    1. During the first week, we don’t send them out to the field. We help them get to know everyone so they feel like they are part of the family.
    2. We have them read the book Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit. It helps align new employees with quality services and business strategy.
    3. Once everyone gets to know the new employees, we get together and tell them positive adjectives that describe them — it builds them up and lets them know how amazing we think they are.
    4. Then, we do a naming ceremony where we establish team names.

    He also told us

    [su_quote]Over 10% of our workforce has left and come back.[/su_quote]

    Pro Tips: It helps if the people you hire possess technical skills, but they can be taught. Here’s a great new hire checklist for a contracting business.

    [su_quote]We’re a luxury brand. We sell premium customer service and have every model available as a home.[/su_quote]

    Step 10. Consider how to grow a construction business

    JayMarc Homes holds webinars where they teach people about the aspects of custom home building and home ownership.

    [su_quote]Our webinars don’t make us money, but they help us build relationships where people trust us more and come to us when they are ready to build a custom home.[/su_quote]

    Marc specifically recommends identifying your niche and mastering it. He told us:

    [su_quote]If you don’t master a niche, you’ll have a hard time making a profit. You’ll effectively pay a dumb tax by trying to jump all over the place.[/su_quote]

    Market research: Identify your customer

    Hopefully, you did some market research about your target market when writing your business plan, but if you didn’t, it’s time for market research now. Small businesses in the construction industry might specialize in specific construction areas like remodeling. In Marc’s case, they have three primary customers they identify:

    1. High-end home buyers: The target audience for the homes they build and sell themselves. These will normally be people with 700+ credit scores who can afford a $3 million home.
    2. Landowners: Wealthy families who own undeveloped land and need to build their homes. These clients will normally have special features they want in their homes. JayMarc is able to offer them standard models or combine two or more home models.
    3. Distraught housing owners: These customers own or rent properties in wealthy neighborhoods. They create great opportunities to make higher profits by demolishing the home and replacing it with a new one in better condition.

    [su_quote]We specifically drive the neighborhoods we want to build in and look for homes in the third category. We then build a relationship with them. It helps attract business when we remove an eye sore and replace it with a beautiful new home.[/su_quote]

    Read more about identifying ideal customers and creating a customer persona.

    Use this information in your own marketing strategy to help you find customers using digital marketing, which we’ll discuss next.

    Digital marketing

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    In the digital age, your online presence is how customers find you. A website, social media accounts, email newsletters, and digital advertising are all practical marketing tools. Check out UpFlip’s helpful guide on creating a website.

    Be sure to implement SEO for the best results. Services like Surfer can help you with that. And the best part is you can always perform a quick test to determine if your SEO is working.

    Check out what has to say about finding a reputable SEO company. And once you have your website, don’t forget to explore the following opportunities to improve SEO:

    Try a digital business card service, like Popl, that allows you to link your contacts, websites, social pages, payment apps, and promotional material all from one page.

    Instead of spending too much time scrolling through social media, make it work for your business! Facebook and Instagram provide free insights on business accounts with opportunities to run paid ads.

    Managing multiple social media accounts can take a lot of time, and that’s something most small business owners don’t have to spare. Tailwind makes this easier by managing your email and social media marketing across platforms and is an especially useful tool for small businesses that don’t have the budget to hire dedicated marketing staff.

    A newsletter is an excellent way to keep in touch with customers and send them coupons. Mailchimp and Constant Contact provide awesome email marketing tools.

    Take your ad dollars one step further with broader digital marketing efforts. Consider pay per click (PPC), marketing automation, and other avenues.

    Consider creating mailers, brochures, business cards, car magnets, flyers, t-shirts, and other promotional swag as a way of getting your name out there. Use an application like Canva to help.

    Cold-calling and door-to-door advertising are less common these days than they were through the mid-’90s, but these methods can still be effective if done responsibly.

    Pro Tip: Consider simple uniforms and vehicle branding to look professional and maximize advertising.

    Get reviews to feed the crews

    In addition, actively seek reviews! You’ll need to ask every customer for reviews. Otherwise, negative reviews will prevail. For bad reviews (warranted or not), respond professionally.

    Good feedback leads to new customers and encourages repeat business.

    Step 11. Document your own business processes

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    Construction companies have lots of processes that have to be followed. From getting permits to inspections and proper building techniques, you’ll need to make sure everyone knows what to do.

    Good processes scale easily for others to follow. You won’t stop being actively involved completely, but good processes will help you delegate better. Use Lucidchart to document them in a process map.

    Here’s a basic “process” for documenting your processes:

    1. Set a goal for your process mapping session.
    2. Include all roles involved in the workflow.
    3. Identify the issue you hope to solve with the map.
    4. List all activities.
    5. Determine the triggers, inputs, and outputs.
    6. Flow out the steps and decisions because you can’t always depend on the “ideal” path.
    7. Make the final draft, get all roles to agree, and sign off on the process map.

    For instance, the basic home building process includes:

    1. Commit to an architectural plan.
    2. Clear the land.
    3. Get building permits.
    4. Arrange for utility and infrastructure (electrical and plumbing) installation.
    5. Lay the foundation.
    6. Add the framing and roof.
    7. Install in-home plumbing and electric.
    8. Get inspections.
    9. Install fixtures.
    10. Get more inspections.
    11. Perform construction site cleanup.

    Each of these will have subprocesses that need to be performed or managed, too.

    Now you know how to start a construction company. It's up to you to do the rest.

    Create a successful contracting business

    The internet won’t replace the construction industry. Before starting your construction business, ask yourself these two fundamental questions:

    • What do I need to research?
    • Am I capable of providing a great experience through top-level customer service?

    It might seem like a lot, but don’t overcomplicate it. In truth, you can start a construction business quickly.

    Provide outstanding service, make money, and satisfy your customers. That’s all you need to succeed. Now you know how to start construction business operations. It's time to go forward and build.

    What construction practices would you like to see improved?

    Business ideas


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    jason@2024-04-21 23:12:07, thank you very much, it can help me.

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    Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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    Author information

    Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

    Birthday: 1999-05-27

    Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

    Phone: +2585395768220

    Job: Lead Liaison

    Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

    Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.