NEWSHOUR : ALJAZ : June 9, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the news i live life from to hunt. coming up in the next 60 minutes for them, 210 palestinians are killed as israel launch is one of his biggest assaults on garza. israel says that operations successfully freed full captives him also some captives were also killed in via

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the rules for new elections in east bell road 7 demonstrations. our vista design also ahead and alms group can result several attacks in the democratic republic of congo. chilling, at least 50 percent the it's $22.00 gmc, that's 1 am in goza, but more than $210.00 pedals, studies have been killed and one of his rails largest attacks. this was part of an operation to free, free, full captives being held by him. us. the target of the attacks were they that obama and out new setup witnesses have described decalle, a sudden sued with the rule of explosions and guns via echoing in the hospitals. nearby, have been overwhelmed with the dead. the grieving and the injured. she'll need, i go, begins,

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i'll come or its comic is israel carries out massive strikes. palestinians fleeing is 5th spreads bodies, sconces across every corner. if only say rot refugee come hundreds of victims in this radio operation to free captives hold for months by him. off the we saw messiahs flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. we don't know where the children are, we lost them and now we're being displaced for a 3rd time with no idea where to go. a zip environment continued. eye witnesses say is really soldiers and to the come consumed in a truck with goals and license plates. opening fire on palestinians and the minister my co signed to the special forces unit would have furniture in the

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vehicle to make it look like it belonged to displaced people. suddenly, the operatives going out to lot is came into our homes, fully owned. k also did with done fine exposure in the nearby likes. the hospital is flooded with interest. palestinians, doctors the squared the scenes inside the facility as a complete blood ball. it looks like a slaughter house, one medic said, that bottling a situation that's near impossible. but most of the hospital is full of patients. we have no space for more people. what are your deluxe? the hospital is now working on one generator because the other one is still just completed for you. the number of dead off is riley's minute, your thoughts on, on the say right refugee come, will rise. thousands of bodies buried under the debris. still on account of the is really ministry is being attacked in the area so weeks intensifying its

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strikes every day i was playing with my friend i came out and so this does cover the flood, there was nothing we remained inside and so time going back and forth the house was binding and the smells were or for. c the dead, israel's latest detox has been condemned internationally with the ease cooling it must occur on the killing of civilians are pulling up. do you need a go? i'll just there. hendo, hold of the files. this report by phone from i'll ask the hospital in that although as in events unfolded, the hospitals are over. well, you can imagine the people are on the floor, not ex volunteers. everyone is trying to help them. there is no place for them. i was there even trying to put more injuries in the other department in the hospital at the doctors are trying their best to rescue, as most people are as possible. but there are a lot of to be are, could you pull into these big now?

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and everyone is terrified, people are terrified, i left the hospital is not a hospital. it's also a refuge instructor for hundreds of thousands of palestinians that speak to you in the cost of those 4 months right now. and now they bought this a warning from one of the journalists who received a call from the army, telling them that they were going to target a couple of tents in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing people running, we're seeing people looking for a safe place. everyone is met at the hospital through the area surrounding the hospital and, and people are in the city. it can't find anything said they do not know where to go. they're searching for a place. they're trying to move west against our headquarters. there are quite cop, just people are hearing lots of munitions or fears are telling every sunday and it's also not safe for them to evacuate from outside the hospital. this is the season right now,

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and no one can understand anything because it's asking me think it's part of escalating in one hour. all the hurt is i'm going to say i'm just inclusion people crying. children crying mothers looking for their children. not to see right now, stilted jamal. so how works at the oh, also hospital in central garza, the building is struggling to operate on just a single generator. he managed to send this video to own to 0, talking about the flood of trauma patients. he so as a result of israel's attacks on saturday,

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we went to the families of captives fried in these rarely on the operation held a news conference after they will be united with their loved ones. israel has shut down on his ears operations there. so we're reporting from outside israel, so high that is following the story from jordan's capital. i'm on joyce days full. the families of the full captives have been freed earlier today. full back to tell of the check in a hospital where the director said that the condition is stable and that they all

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in high spirits. we heard from the father of no, i romani who said that while he's happy that his daughter is back, but it must be remembered that they're all cap says that are still remain in the gaza strip and that they should reprint back as soon as possible. we also heard from the mother of another account to had been freed. let's take a listen. i'm a mother of one of the captives who was released today. he asked me to tell you that we are strong. i support our soldiers and i wish all the captives come back safely to israel. i'd also like to say a big thank you to our military, to our soldiers. thank you to the people of israel who are strong and who share our joy today. we will never forget those kept as still being held in garza and we will continue our struggle and fight to return them back home alive. we also heard from 2 pirates of the cap says that has been held in the gaza strip and kills. i'm in it, they criticize the prime minister saying that they haven't ever received

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a phone call personally from him to pay the condolences and yet when he has the opportunity because it's good news. he's seen immediately with those that had been freed earlier speaking to them and the families in the hospital. and this comes out to twine when the prime minister himself is on the immense pressure as the price has to continue in tel aviv as well as high for against the government. and also from the families of those held captive calling for the squad deal. as soon as possible or the a prime minister benjamin netanyahu suites. it's a towards with a message full. but he got one of the war cabinet ministers that had threatened to quit the government. and in this he all seeming not to resign, saying that we must remain united within ourselves in the face of the great toss before. well, benny yes. how's the dress that statement saying that besides the justified joy of today's achievement, it should be remembered that all the challenges is real faces remain as they were. he says, therefore,

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i say to the prime minister and the and so i leadership even today, we must have it responsibly. how right and how we can continue from his thoughts as, as the spell out a deal proposal is still in the making. it's still not been completed and also as the soul with, from those it talks today rising by the minutes sort of site. it's all just 0. i'm on the reminder again, benjamin doesn't know who's cabinet has band out 0 in israel. that's why i'll correspondence that i was reporting from neighboring jordan about 250 people were taken captive by him. us during the october 7 attack, install them is room $138.00 captives have been freed. all the 40s returned through exchange deals and is really military operations, a 119 kept as a thought to still be in goza, and it's rarely officials believe 43 of them have died by one big shot,

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a is elda 0 senior political analyst, and he says israel and the us all over celebrating the rescue of the captives. there's one thing for families and loved ones to celebrate the return of captives and they are for families. but for the is there any government and the american going to turn it into some kind of a national holiday? that is just so tragic and so short sighted it just bewildering for them to think that this is a lesson for most of comrades and major failure of this government. after more than 40 captives already died. after more than $40000.00 palestinians have already been killed. they want to celebrate the rescue of 4 captives. i could have been easily rescued in any exchange. do you mean how

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short sighted could any politician be but an exception, a cynical, efficient like that of benjamin that's in the owl. he's so cynical that he is ready to turn any such frederick victory into a major personal. busy heroism and her with some of these really been to that, of course, launch offensively as we've just been reporting with all kinds of a heavy artillery and heavy weaponry. getting some 100 palestinians in the vicinity in order to liberate for uh for hostages. now let me be clear, i personally would never condone taking civilian hostages, but it also makes me think, why, how much did not kill them when they were under attack, what, how much fighters have not killed also. i think this is something to ponder for a long time to come because of how much really wanted to hurt those to billions raise. they want

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a certain to kill them as soon as they came under attack. this is 8 months into the war. so as i've been saying, we can call it a victoria, this is just a pure luck. these traders are so short sighted that they forgot that they've been in a water for 8 months. close the killing of $43.00 of their own captives . and in the process led him to the, to the, to the bottom of the bottom. and every time you think there's, or i would have bought them, it just finds a way to get to another. lo and now we're seeing guys are 220 killed in one day, i mean was back to the high numbers of palestinian tragedy and anyone thinks that this resolved. is there a problem that does not understand or have not been paying attention in the past? 75 years is or it has not won anything to this is not a victory. this is just us to do on short sightedness because the whole thing of

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the entire fee for the palestinian people hostage for 56 years. is that something directed with that's not going to be resolved by the us going for hostages. and what about the other 100 plus is reading the captives and how much time, what's gonna happen to them now? i think the short sighted business probably one of the worst quantities and 90 for the dishes and it is read your are plentiful abuse. and i thought of also in the united states there is no other way out of this thing. but a diplomatic solution. and i think a, you know, by doing and background that thing that the, on the back for out of the rescue in for captives that just tells you what politics have turned into populism nowadays. but i think once everyone silva does off, and once you really look at the national celebration to be, you know, an up to failure to do something about being for the state of what for 75 years. and in a state of, uh, you know, tragic,

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save you up for the past 8 months. they would know that there is no other solution but diplomacy. alonzo is the former director of israel's foreign ministry. he says he would prefer a c spy, a deal to free the captive. but today's events was still incredibly meaningful for most is release days where they probably waited for the base they, they come off the hostages, say now to every this way. oh, so you'll see the pictures, you know, all the names and the whereabouts and they, i think is a good day for family members. age housing is a go back to family members. so i don't think you can blame to be here. we know we know that there was a hide, but i still can pause and, and do you stay for that?

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we know this because of the month and stay for a. this is the reason people like me, one of the so the will is one of the, the during the storm or just come very so i know the more it was in the last concert maybe the last day and the great the others will be with the student they might let spring, and mohammed alma, 3 professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies professor, thank you for joining us from minneapolis in the united states and wants to begin with how us media has covered today's developments. we've seen one of the largest attacks by israel, more than 210 palestinians killed in this operation to release 4 of the captives.

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how has just been covered in the us as well? i think it's important to contextualize things a little bit and just kind of zoom out. there's an extensive academic of literature on how us media treat is real and uh, and the palestinians. and what study after study shows is that us media tend to sympathize with is rarely positions and perspectives. a privilege is rarely sources. and they tend to marginalize palestinian perspectives and di, humanise palestinians. that's kind of a brief summary of, you know, dozens of how, of studies that i, that i can't do justice to in just a few in, in just a few moments. but obviously there hasn't, there hasn't been a study on what happened just today. we don't have imperial evidence, but i can say that anecdotally, from what i've been seeing, it's consistent with, with the, the larger trend in the academic literature you've seen privileging of as really prospective and sources. there's

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a kind of celebration of the freeing of the of the for his really hostages and coverage of the 210000 simians for mastercard has been minimal. in many outlets. it's been 10 general in other outlets, and it's been non existent in his own and professing here, we made a note about this tone of celebration in terms of the release of the is rarely captives that i want to read just a line from the statement from the national security advisor jake sullivan, on that operation there was a line that says, we commend the work of these rarely security services that conducted this daring operation. so was like, commend and daring certainly presented as sort of a, an estimate of heroism. rather than taking into account the effect that this operation had on the posting in populations the right. and this is also consistent with what the us government has done for the past 8 months. and what it's, what it's been doing for decades with, with regards to the, the palestinians,

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the us government tends to turn a blind eye to is rarely atrocity crimes. we know that israel has been implementing the doctor in the us government knows that that's where they, they want to essentially punish a civilian populations and inflict large numbers of casualties so that the civilian population will turn against its, its leaders, its meters. and in this case, in an effort to try to technically plans because of strep, the us government knows that the us government knows that israel has a policy whereby they're willing to tolerate $105.00 civilian casualties for a single uh, from us commander in the us government as well, i'm aware of all of that, but the nature of the blind eye, they tend to downplay or altogether ignore is really crimes in justify is really crimes. and that's what you saw in that,

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in that quote from jake solomon that you just read and propose to we all sing around the world. protests indeed, largely driven by young people who perhaps don't buy into this narrative has to humanize ation of people in gaza. how important is social media in ensuring that people have access to a variety of views. and indeed, on not only said the views of mainstream media with regards to this war and gaza of social media have been really important. i mean, i just spoke about mainstream media and i think there's a frustration, especially on the part of the young people in the west, including in the united states with the way in which main streaming media covers the middle east in general and, and the palestinians in particular and so they've turned into social media to get news content, but also to share news content about what's about what's going on. and so sites like tick tock, instagram, ex, they've been very popular among young people. and i think in that sense,

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it's not surprising that young people are critical of israel, more likely to be sympathetic to the palestinian cause. there was a pole uh recently that showed that more college students in the united states are likely to blame israel than they are to blame from us. and there are many other data points that suggest that american use are increasingly sympathetic to the palestinian cause and critical of history all. and that's due in no small part to content on social media. right. interesting analysis as always mohammed my sweet professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you for joining us. thanks. they have been 10. russ at the latest, tel aviv protests against the is really government's handling of the war on garza. families of the captives are among those taking part in the weekly subsidy

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demonstrations. they renewed coals with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do more, to secure the release of the remaining captives elsewhere in israel. 3 people have been detained by police in the city of haifa. they've been weakly protest across the country since the start of the war is bailey's. on demanding an end to the war, garza and noticing the mass, it gets committed by its forces. a hello cindy in sorry, down as you protest is have gathered outside the white house in washington dc. thousands of people are demanding an immediate cease fire and an end to the siege of gaza. protest is plot, trying to hold a 2 mile long red banner to represent what they call the peoples red lines. let's go live to our correspondent. she have her tons the in washington dc. she help, can you tell us a bit about what you're seeing behind you there guys, including by killing those in the how about thousands of on thousands did gather around the white house with that red banner,

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which thing estimates of 75000. we haven't been able to confirm it, but it was a, it was a massive or, or turned out where we on now there is a lips which is the area behind the white house and we're coming to the end of what's called the people's pool, which has been underway for an hour or 2 where we've been hearing is evidence against direct show by doing benjamin to know who your go out, the sort of defense minister lloyd austin in the us defense secretary and i'm to be blinked to the us secretary of state. we've had evidence in the testimony of witnesses, accounts of the collective punishment, and in numerous located in gauze or hiring testimony. we've had a elucidation of the american involvement at a little that through his weapons manufacturers. amongst others we had a discussion of the various relevant pol to international law and the genocide convention unenrolled against the crimes against your manager. and i believe now we

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just at the closing statement before the tribunal comes to its conclusion as to whether jacob, i do not know who drowned austin and blinked him all guilty of crimes. i couldn't surmount until she had sounds like quite an innovative demonstration there who exactly all these protest workstation transfer or confinement, including face centered role section. but i think, you know, we hear about video and younger, gentle ration. i think what those struck us, how many young people have all races as a little background in religions, obviously. what was it all these demonstrations and yours, a huge jewish contingent. we've seen the outbreak for all say that you know, the university campus practices as well, but just people who wilks wilks of life currently, it would appear still that the white house and the by the campaign is concerned enough yet about the suitable position from the grass roots, we've always heard that they would act when the heat of the campaign season began. does that sense that perhaps we're seeing the beginnings of that bout with the, by the speech. and then i would really,

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they kind of think they're kind of safe to lapse. the democratic national convention in august before they start putting any perfect right now, there's no indication of despite that speech that they put any pressure on the, i can, they were apparently shaming him apparently into accepting this ostensible is really do. if you'd say we're seeing evidence of any other kind of leverage has been applied to bonum. the question is whether that will though that will not increase as the election approaches. but yeah, it's, it's, it's good for oaks of life as we're seeing consistently throughout all these products as well in the us, part of why you have thank you that so kind of splendid. she everytime in washington, dc germination while, while that's happening in the us, tens of thousands of people have joined a palestine solidarity much in the u. k. is capital the cooling for an end to israel's war on goza. that's where we're challenge reports from london. this is how for all your policy and demonstration number 15 in london, the campaign is in march is trying to keep the momentum going,

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keep that pressure on the politicians. so you want to say find out. i want an end to um to is around the problem pull the demons, right. this is the, the guy is now very much put on election but neither of. 2 parts are easy to see, the dog is a particularly significant election facing sized female are trying to change that calculation to make sure the politicians realize the jobs deciding we've already taken the 1st of all recording on how to spell it in the states, and that was a week ago we travel website wherever lincoln put in the state to say, until you had the m p voltage on the or through a safe spot. i don't know with them on the bottom. scrolling sort of the complaint is sent through reactions where you sign the cdn. we make that statement how they

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responded to the amount. next week. we're sending 6 pay simone's every single. so every one of the ability to put in the details, press a button, and those 2 lines will be sent a lot of time, today's in error. and then we will publish why they've responded. now they're all indications that the labor policy, which is way ahead in the opinion polls is going to make a manifesto plants to recognize a palace city in states before the end of any piece process, which case dom deleda hurts the demonstration. hey, we'll see the sign that he is on this side. however, the organizes of these remedies say that that is actually a watering power of the last labor election manifesto. so they remain unconvinced. really challenge, how does a rest in other they have been similar rallies across year of thousands of people gathered in this was city of geneva, that condemning israel's war on guns and cooling for an edge too is rarely

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a tax in rough or protest as voiced disapproval of the us and western governments for supporting israel and hundreds of protest is in span late on the ground outside build the guggenheim, museum of modern on to represent and dance in garza, they choose israel, of carrying out genocide across the street. the still ahead on out that the sounds prime minister expands cooperation with a james as he ends a 5 day trip to china. the had lower that was not down on the in australia and the skies have cleared sidney office and very wet weather caused flooding. here now that east coast low has pulled its way across. it has been taking the west of weather to new zealand,

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leaving behind more in the way of sunshine and settled conditions for the se. just a few showers here and there for victoria and has mania on sunday, but we'll see things done a little bit more wild across the bite. that's thanks to an area of low pressure the both welcome weather to w way that's gonna move it's way further east bringing some push good wins as well to southern areas, but dry your skies for the likes of puss it is looking rather dry and settled across the north of australia as well over the next few days is not looking as settled across new zealand. very wet weather coming into the south island here on sunday. on monday it'll be the north islands a ton to see that weather with plenty of rain in the bay of plenty. plenty of rain is also the story across the southeast asia. we got the seasonal rains pointing across. indo china with heavy falls, searching all the way from thailand to vietnam, some heavy rain to come for can vote here. it's not as what the cost west and pots of indonesia,

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but we'll see the rain continue for the east. the latest news as it breaks the hospital is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all this further, this with detail coverage houses are being forced of the guns. they live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks. are never far behind from the hall. so the story the is very well in the gall just flip has list to talk to can you tell your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste? like for some characters, you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of $1000.00 to our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases

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systems. cost on red chris the and watching. i'll just remind you of our top story, the sound, the more than 210 post indians have been killed and one of israel's largest attacks since the war on guns up again. it's false. is launched assaults from the airlines and c shilling residential areas around their obama and on the set up the 1st part of an operation to free full

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captives held by him. us for the most is some captives were tools in this branding a task. the full freed were met by crowds in tennessee before being taken to hospital. the attacks in gauze and left hospitals overwhelmed with the dead and injured medical stop at the outset. for this trip to cope, you has cold fee is rarely a tax. the fewest president has welcome to the freeing of those is really captives. joe biden was speaking during his state visit to friends where he's met french president emmanuel macro, on a highlighted the partnership on global security and support for ukraine. and it's well with russia. patricia butler is following the visits impasse, the author ceremony on the shelves of these a avenue in central powers on the, on the tree of the french presidency manual mind call, and us present j fight and had a working lunch. i'd be at least a policy they discussed a number of issues including trade,

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climate and education. but the focus very much on the international affairs they discussed in the middle east. the situation that they said that they faced welcome news that he's really meant to trade secure with the release or for hostages. so i want to echo president crowns comments. welcoming to say fresh cube for hostages that return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. the suggestion of i saw the situation and rough, uh, like the human toe, is unacceptable. it's also intolerable. the israel is not opening o entry points for humanitarian aid. as the international community has been demanding for several months on ukraine, leaders said that they were very much on the same page, pledging that ongoing support and commitment to keep divide and also to keep by the 200 and $25000000.00 us dollars. that the us as pledge the 4 key mainly for things like at defense systems, j bite and said that if person is not stopped in ukraine,

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he could threaten the hold of your profession, butler, i'll just sarah paris. how do you my colleague lane ahead. ok spoke to code folk who is a former us ambassador to nato. he says the us and friends have different policies when it comes to directly supporting ukraine. or i think the overall purpose is the overall goals of the us and france when it comes to ukraine are very much in the same place. make sure that's ukraine's arrives as a solver independent european democracy. make sure the duties ideology, re establishing an empire and denying the existence of your brain is a people that has to be stopped. where they differ is on the means to do this. the u. s. has been very cautious, has been very concerned about escalation and very concerned about provoking tutoring. background more recently has been pushing the on these been talking about what more can be done to help you frame,

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including the possibility of helping them directly with their air defenses. by having some trainers on the ground in ukraine, he's really pushing the envelope there because it present my cost loaded even the idea of, of maybe potentially eventually sending french a troops to ukraine. i mean, he hasn't really worked out the details yet. um, in your view, what's your sense? could we see the us also joining the french initiative and take on a more active role in ukraine? i think under president biden, that's not going to happen. he's been very clear that he does not want to see any uniformity us personnel in ukraine even to the point of restricting defense industry contractors from going to ukraine. but i do think that you can see a coalition of willing countries from within nato, including france, but not only france. you wouldn't be happy to put some forces in ukraine and to now provide air defense,

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protect the civilian population and free up ukrainian resources to protect their forces. further on the front line are these past couple of months have really tested us and european commitment to ukraine. how do you see things going forward? is western resolve behind ukraine still on wavering? and are they still in it for the long haul? well, this is the, this is the thing here. we hear these great speeches at normandy, just the other day about how everyone views this as a similar throwed, an extra central thread. one where we have to rise to the challenge. but the reality is we are not doing everything that we need to do as we did back 80 years ago. indeed, we are not giving you grain all the weapons that they need. we are placing restrictions on the use of those weapons and we are giving them enough to survive, but not enough to actually to feed the russian forces that are attacking them. so there is a gap between the words and the actions here. i see that a continuing for some time,

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meaning that i think the situation on the front line will be rather stagnant for some time until we see some new impetus from the west. the still ahead on algebra. the environmental concerns about a multi $1000000000.00 project on can use coast the same. how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and moved from the natural habitat. family groups separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are and yet to put them into a gauge doctor,

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should it light the and keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking. that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university and best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. let us not mean that we don't harm. we don't touch we do. we exploit the focused on the prime minister has promised to ensure the safety and security of chinese workers during his 5 day visit 2 pages. sh about studying smith,

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china as president. she didn't being with both lead is also agree to to upgrade that china focused on economic kartel. but as katrina, you reports from banking, it's been played by concerns over security and good neighbors, good friends and good partners. that's how the chinese presidency didn't pick, describes the deepening partnership between china and pox done when meeting prime minister issue buys to reform friday. c has pledged to help pocket stones with its social and economic development to re visit his 1st since beginning. his 2nd 10 office in march comes as pocket stones academy is experiencing a debt crisis, high inflation and widespread poverty. speaking out of business for him, the pockets donnie leader praised china is rapid development and said his country should lead from its progress. china is controlling the sources

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by north protecting memory and expensive cars. but mostly, and it's used in education in the her agent and his mom about agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic cordele for c peck. the $62000000000.00 infrastructure initiative was launched in 2015 and healed as a game changer for focused on the economy. but progress has stalled on sites which has been played by security problems. in march 5 chinese workers and the driver will killed in a suicide bombing on the way to a hydropower dam project. dozens has been killed and similar attacks by the group since 2018 chinese officials have caught on his drum about to step up efforts to ensure the security of china is nationals impacts done. but some say badging should also contribute to improving safety, etc. pec sites they should be a consented, a well creative strategy which is comprehensively jointly. that of those sco just arisen because this is

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a concept and doesn't because the borders pocket stock is strategically important full of aging. the china pockets on economic court or links to his wisdom shingle improvements to the arabian sea and to the middle east. because of this, china has become a major lend just to pockets on cash strapped economy with is long about owing badging. about 13 percent of its total foreign debt. sharif also visited the southern tech help of sion, gen and will, and his 5 day trip in the northwest and the city of she on $31.00 memorandums of understanding was fine between the 2 sides, covering areas including technology, energy, agriculture, and trade. katrina, elder 0 paycheck to or the bodies as more than 50 people killed by an armed groups in eastern democratic republic of congo have been found the allied democratic forces all adf carried out a series of attacks on wednesday and thursday on villages in the penny region. of north

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t view province. the adf is one of several armed groups operating in eastern congo . it's inflamed for killing thousands of people in the past decade. elaine, you, connie has more on the attacks from the city of coma in north cave. you process this before just the same day they, they conducted the attempt to report a 16 people. unfortunately, the remaining menu of the civilian need to view the different communities. i'll talk about tonight. what ticket is the worst it's been? will it try to hold back for, for such a day that found different bodies, some of them away with tied. some of these and done so in the different areas just seemed collecting the body up. now, some of them will even begin to leave it on there to the pictures are very much when it's come to see what's happened to people. some of them we've been doing this before the, i've been conducting the notice that we have to actually do for the city of, of this,

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of been the regional and the neighboring for this whole story. beside the ongoing meeting between the d are gone down for the last 2 years, the off season. so more capacity to go behind and even approaching more that the total will do a dispute for the area and got a slightly more of the population. i even live in the area because they don't believe without the sufficient may be maintained. there's been violence in one of kenya's, coastal villages over government plan to build the 1st nuclear power station. residents and the active site will destroy livelihoods and damage of world famous marine brief smoke web reports from calissa county deals. it wasn't a normal day in the coastal village of volume by when these people say police broke their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago, work is from kenya is new k, a power agency came to put

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a weather monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to build a nuclear power plant around here. residents that once age, they say district officials have been paid off. well, they've seen the news. please say they have to use gunfire into a gas to break up a drive, so it will kill people. if you look at pictures of waste, such projects have been before pregnant women have given birth to children with one legal with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to come to the communities beside the mouth of a creek flowing into the indian ocean. most people here survive by swimming coconuts or fishing, the monk like forest along the sides of the creek of crucial for fish, reproduction further down the channel. so those legs on the beaches and the coal rece house, se he'll say crucial for fish reproduction. where we are right now is it protected . moving wildlife is

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a very being considered for the power plants is here. scientists say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tourist to come to see it environmental activist, phyllis that me do says the location couldn't be was and can, you know, when near being able to manage nuclear waste. a she's one international awards for her campaigns, a sites and now set on the nuclear plant, which the government says it wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about $500000000000.00 kenya shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at $500.00 b and the amount of, of, of contracts they would get and kicks, locks and all that. you know, they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to scan. that's because of 500 p. m, but mostly clothes can you also have benefits for at least a few men within government would benefit from it?

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the international atomic energy agency says kennedy is on track to have a research react to by the 20 sets these by which time the government says it wants the coastal power plant to be fully operational. here several african governments have signed deals for nuclear power stations in recent years, mostly with russia and china. looked on kanga who took us fishing near the proposed size. doesn't want kenya to be one of them. he says, radiation poisoning will destroy his livelihood. the nuclear energy agency told us the final decision on the site will meet all kenyon and international laws. and it's seeking a foreign partner who deal with nuclear waste. if we do studies and determine that it's the right place, i can also look at doing that. i am telling you that as a government one, this one that easily supports wondering these. we do it in a way that we did not fix the environment, especially,

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or be boys any danger to our people. government says the power station will bring development to the community around it, but nobody's yet found a permanent solution to dispose of nuclear waste, which remains dangerous to life forms for tens of thousands of years. the residents of the we spoke to say they don't want to change the way of life, and they don't want that problem here. malcom web address era can leafy county kenya fluoride policies on tip to make the biggest change in e u. elections. the aiming to form a launch blog in the european parliament, the faucet went to the netherlands and germany to find out a file right, lead us here to bill. this is no longer campaigning for next it's the dutch version of rex it. instead, the n t u n t immigration, an empty islam politician is aiming for more influence in brussels. the changes you are paying union from the inside. i'd also have

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a thought for asylum and immigration policy. i won't argue that all national sovereignty will not evolve more to the, to brussel. it was back to the nation states weaker in your opinion, if that's what you're competing. while you know, if, if the union has less power or less, the issues to be involved with doesn't necessarily mean that they a week or, you know, you can become smaller and strong. the message come and you're like to hear. yeah. things time to change, the people are concerned about this issue. not just never heard of your 2 months. immigration, they have to be back to come to nurses. i mean, i want to most acute germany, which does not catch too much about the countries presenting the memo. do an image, maureen, listen of the french riley party, recently expelled the alternative for germany party or a of the, from the european fluoride identity and democracy group. considering them to radical for the far right and europe. t, a of the is important to build

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a logical relation in brussels, but also commons by the main tended is that not all, not as, as members with criminals and auto scandals fall right. need us in europe have no distance themselves from the age of the 2 reasons. stopping attacks here in manhattan, and as far right politicians, costing the life of a policeman to support for the a if the researches say despite its new image, the file right has not changed its ideas. they say mainstream part and select the european people spots of ers left on the lion have moved to the right from the lion has hinted at a partnership with georgia maloney of the right twin brothers of italy party. the forward is that they have us to the radical right. they hope that that will detract them again, by becoming more radical on, in particular, the issue of immigration. however, that is not what has happened. what has happened is that they have legitimize the far right and the far right has become more successful because of that. a possible

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success at the bowling stations across the european union worries these protest us will say the economy full provided their real intentions by default, right? wants to destroy our democracy and our land. expose prove to be correct. all right, part is good. secure. 25 percent of the seats in the european parliament include become the 3rd largest law steps last and i'll just say rough manheim, germany really against the rise in support for fun. right? politics in germany has been held in the capital bullet and it comes a day before germans vote in the european column at elections. house shows support for the right wing alternative for germany. kazi is around 30 percent in eastern states unless a child was at the valley. in the organizes except more than 10000 people before the end of the day here in berlin for this protest that is co democratic and anti

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far right. this is by far not the only one to take place in germany. and over the past few months, we've seen quite a number of these rallies because there has been a troubling rise of the far right here in germany with the f. d. alternative for germany party, sometimes 20 percent in the polls at its peak and consistently in the polls. turning up at the number 2nd place, tied with other political parties. and that's why people are turning out. we've also seen a political climate of political violence. in fact, we have a chance to speak to mathias echo one of the politicians, a member of the european parliament running again, who was recently attacked and had to stay in the hospital for a few days. and that was basically seeing as an a sign of it broke out as i sent off politics here in germany. i think we had a few attacks on different politicians out, or people added that x and pop like now with so many people turning out. one thing to keep in mind about germany, the of the in the far right party might be coming in 2nd,

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but it is very unlikely the way the coalition government works that they went over the leading the government anytime soon. something you can say in neighboring france with marie lopez and her nationalist party. alyssa, chad aus is 0. roland. those is in bulgaria. also heading to the polls on sunday. and a separate set of elections says 6 palm entry pole in just 3. use the snap food was triggered by the collapse of the coalition government in march. and we call some sherry reports from the capital. sophia, let's see some of the election season and bulgaria once again, the se european country is holding it 6 palm entry election in 3 years for voters like i said, bela kin, it's a timing exercise to keep voting for politicians who haven't been able to form a stable government, that legalities would retard. but if we don't have a choice,

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we have to budge my family and i will vote for continue the change. they will bring in reforms, then not corrupt, economic and stability, and corruption, a major concerns into your opinions for this country. in 2020 by gavia. so must of antique corruption, protests force. and den from mr. michael bought a so to resign since then inconclusive elections. and sir john coalitions have left the country with can take the governments and the depot political crisis. so he's the head of the election suggests there's literature on. so for staples coalition out of the last vote, the parties i'm making last ditch effort to win enough support. they have a clear choice either to have with the ip progress that we saw in the last 3 years . and the other option is to go back to the years before 2020, where we had a lot of protests. so a lot of corruption scandals rush as well,

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and ukraine is also fueling divisions in bulgaria. although sophia spoke to the sanctions against most go potty subdivided over providing ministry a to keys and maintaining a neutral stand. some believe the current political instability could have pro russian and due to a skeptic, potties. well gary, a is deeply rooted in the un nato, but at the same time when it comes to probably got to choose. uh, there are significant pro ration sentiments in the country which are the result of historical distortion. forget if you need to stay below guffman for you funds and support its plans to join. utilize zone have been pushed back twice as a mis inflation targets. after a 13 year wait, it partially drawn. europe's opened boldest hanging program. this election, fatiguing by gary a. i'm going mistrust of the political cloth, successive governments who promised defied corruption have landed up following free

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to it. as the guidance had to pose this time, hoping for the government that stays, and that they don't have to head to pulling boots any time. so i'll just flash floods of he just really is not a city forcing evacuations. heavy rain swamped the streets of west and sydney authorities rescued. at least 13 people trapped by the rising bushes. let's take you back to our top story and the genocide in gaza may not. you need you to india and have brother has been displaced at multiple times during israel's war . since october they witnessed is rarely forces reading all she felt hospital in northern garza, but they was separated from the family. she has the story could not have somebody that has that. i just know we were in northern god. and we have

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witnessed the catastrophic situations. the substantiation of hardship on them and being trapped under the rubble. but on what if i thought was and then hopefully it all allows them heavier to interview had been my uncle got injured event. so i'll she for medical complex as we were forced to leave to southern gaza off to is really forced to show in rate at the complex i'm because the mindset of the cars and so couldn't i know a when i was alone and my brother away from my family, we lost the concert to think of some days before we managed to tell them that we are still alive. i is sure the connected at the moment we arrived to him, i saw that he was worried about us. for 2 days there was no connection, but then after a few days we could contact them and also allow for him to fill out. it was a has our like to say that if i lost, i lost my area and went to the i was with my uncle that i like the hospital. then i

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went to the doctor that was back to the job and i love it. and the for the hot no, we just kill time all the day long. let me go to my friends houses to sleep during the night and have them look out and i had a had that isn't as this is my son, son, that you to now cool and say mom and dad. i haven't seen him for the last 3 months, is send me videos of him. and this makes me very sad because my son is growing up without me. i want to see my son. if i can smell him. i saw a ford fashion vis the. i'm sorry i was in the don't top, this is very tough. i sent that and i was like the dead this that and this my area, my family had my relatives and i missed the gatherings that are well. i missed my room is that i miss everything in joshua corey is the head of the that was that

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said so me jessica washington. so this is our you can find for information on websites out of the rest of turn. jordan, we'll join you in a moment of today's thanks. israel's war on god be coming forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line award winning program from international. so make, cuz we just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wealth, cloth programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today, you know,

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programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on. ouch is there . ready ready in the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old kings tunes for the living to place in a country that celebrates the deceased. ready but can he earn enough to both support is with a mother realizes, dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy, a witness documentary on a just a, you know, after years of strenuous political battles, columbus congress span bullfighting nationwide. it brings to in, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers, this victory, reevaluate the culture. we inherited the culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the law proposes, i mean,

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all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry, to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old tradition which used to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. the more than 210 palestinians are killed as israel launch is one of its if it gets the soul sometimes that the other ones are in jordan, this is i'll just say around life and don't also coming out as well. says this attack on the say right river jake, i'm afraid full come to my says of the captives look in the intent of

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.