The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

THE LINCOLN DAILY STAE ITEDIfESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1919. fWtioa of-those troops Rumaaia. Trestor to Be j-at least until aler the -j cial and memoe; tirire. of 1 The weak enters ra tee East caused tbe Oermaa higfc comma ad a tot of institvtioo at th line that tha Called etatea entered the waf, first at the head of the Kavy league of this state and later aa assistant atate Aas't Manager Ludendorffs Revelations Digested: Running Comment i trouble. Xea Te-' Tliui-sjay, rytcmbcr 15 irt it a.

fi-rra--. iN'ew Heaven aiu a In charfa, choir or Mik v. A. Cuti'd. roprano: Mrs.

It U. "Huinmel. Bvea the Emperor Charles) of Aus H. It. Bowen Co.

tria wrote the Paras letters a ad had to eom to "Caaoaaa' at Spa, But KODAKS ho waa not barefoot like hia great BV ALBERT It. CoprUl. I Ce. predecessor ur did he eta Peni Relid, basso. Mrs.

t'aiTlcB. ruond. organist NewYeara Eve Serrices at tuo Jewish Temple "Sendees at Temple Jeshur-on. Twelfth and, I streets. vi'Hnee-day erenlng.

at p. nu eelehratlng the New Tear. are as folio: SeriaonA Xew Tear's Ureetiag." tent la the snow. Ludendorff would have put him there, but the chancel lor and von Koehlmana let him escape with signing a formal document Leonard Trester, of 'Omatn Keb, atate director' o( the American Red Creaa. becomes ea October 1.

aasiataat general manager of the H. R. Bowman company. refhO and wholesale dealers la furniture, carpets and draperies. Sixteenth and Howard streets.

Mr. Trester enjoys a very largo ilAlOTlIERSFRIENL) director of the American Red Croaa. associated with frank Judaon. state director, When Jlr. Judsun resigned last March, Mr.

Trester became the? atate head and haa conducted the affairs of that organisation in the Mat of Nebraska since that lima He has also occupied aa Important position tn ronaectioa with the- War Ravings Stamp department, of the United States government during the past year, being associated with Charles. T- Kountse. of Omaha, state director. Mr. Trester is the son of Mr.

an Mm. Trester of Lincoln. Mr. Trester will continue to serve as slate diretcor of the Red Cross, wntcn waa -worthies' and "laid no or.ugatlcna on Austria' Lincoln-Photo; Supply Co. (i; (Eastman Kadak Co.) TT 121? Street I ly eiveurh, corroborated by the stats-I meats nutde by Colour I Raymond.

Robins, the American Red (Tross man. I Ludendorff au)a that the bolshevik! i it least missed at the destruction of ja part of this fleet, simpty for tha I puriioee oi lucveatiug Ha return tu Hungary." Ludendorff forgets that rapedant Mothers ASocihinrt Emollient aanma i and favorable acquaintance through Austria-Hungary at this time could barely manage to carry its own weight. Children Cry TOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A out Nebraska on account of his activities in connection with the American Red Cross. He attended the Ne (emssupl where it would laH Into I German hands, Later be axvuaee Stomach Trouble and Constipation, braska Ft ate university and left that thent of having sunk 'the Elbrus, the largest tank steamer in the Black simply ia order to injure us." This was especially damaging to the Hermans Who sorely needed, oil for Those who era troubled with indigestion and constipation may find permanent relief by taking Chamberlain a Tablets. Roy F.

King. Oris-kany. N. T. writes.

"Chamberlain's Tablets cured me of a bad caae of stomach trouble and constipation." Advertisem*nt. The Valuable Green Trading Stamps We Che You Represent a Substantial Additional Discount on Every Purchase Made Here I the western front and. the Ukraine railways. Mr. Wtlliro Hard represents Col- jonel Robins as reporting that' "before the Black Sea fleet fell Into the hands of the Germans there wss Sat! When New Scrims at 39c Big line oi new curtain scrims bice edged, ribbon in JilsJa cream, while or ecru.

alo In new all-Over floral putterna to inchee wide pi-Iced liaridedlv low CQ. at. the yard only v. alaC GOUVS Second Floor. Plisse Crepes at 39c I'ilM and Japanese crepes in acores of dainty plain colors, large and small patterns, etc, for kimonos, underwear, night robea 23 to 11 inch' wid tha priced very low 9 at, yard only I3C GOLD'S Beoond Floor.

Do We Eat? for Just a aaM-naBaa. Green 1029-1033 Lincoln. Neb. You'll Find tha Fellows Who Have Learned to Um Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Right on the Job for Work, Play or Tood. Autumn Apparal! Here ithe whole store is filled to overflowing Tdth bright, new merchandise of the most dw X.

the spirit of Autumn is found in every display and ever stock in the entire house. And best of all, perhaps, every price is based on ACTUAL COSTS of months ago instead of upon today's far higher replacement values! Dyspepsia or Indigestion may a glass of milk as easily at a Lodewdorff gives a left-bunded certificate of character to the bolshevik government of Rum la. He saa that they acted. Ike anti-Gen nan. TbU testimony will, howexer, be.

recrlve-J with mixed feelings lit the allied world. Lrfidendorff might pot think it worth 'hia while to lie about the bolshevlkl regarding events that are passed and dona with; but he might dwn it hla highest duly to give Impression of their attitude to. ward German jf he shares the hope of those German who Vould like to rapture bolshevik Russia for ally, a field of exploitation and a club with which to rewln the war. In that caae, he might think it good tactlca to try to lull the entente Into a state of Indifference and by telling them-that the bolshevlkl. even after Breet-Mtovak, were lncnrably anti-German.

We rnut keep thle possibility eon-gtantly In mind while reading Luden-sfcnff on the altitude of the Lenin government toward Germany' Boring he war. StUI It la Interesting to note what he ears. The recruiting of the Czecho-Slovak force to be shipped round the French front was protested by Germany. That were told at the time. For the bolshevik! to permit the raising of this force looked like friendship for the allies; but they did -not permit It to leave Russia.

That look? like ae-reptance of German dictation. Lu-crndorff leavea the Idea that this waa due to a previous decision" by the entente to work no longer with the bolshevik government which "leaned on Germanv." But the truth wns that the holding up of the Cxecho-Slovaks wns reluctantly sc-cepted bv the entente as early evidence that the Rusrlan government not only lenned on Germany'' but bowed to German orders. No one quite knew at that Jim what to make of the holahevlkl; and their re-, peatcd attacks upon "the capitalistic powers" of entente Mere received pnln throughout the allied world. The champions of democracy rtatu-rnllv thought that all revolutionary movements would be for them and ncnlnst the most formidable remain-Ing autocracy on earth. Uudendorff testifies that the occupation of the Siberian railway by the allies prevented the return of German prisoner's of war In.

Siberia, and "was certainly a blow to our strength." That much diminution of the German military power was gained at all events by the Czechoslovak adventure. Ludendorff says that he sought to secure a Kiiln for Germnnv by trying to attach the He, man of the Don cossacks to thir cause on the ground that both were agnlnst the bolshevlkl. But he found himself hampered In his efforts to co-operate with the Cossacks by "the. bolshevistlcally Inclined policy of the (German civil) government." He means by this that this government, thought they could do business profitably with the bolshevlkl administration. His account of the fate of the plan to drive the slender British ex-Black Sea Russian ships is, curious- New LACE COAT COL BERTHA LACES 49c 85c certain offer made.

It was made by the soviet government to the British. The soviet government deliberately and distinctly offered to the British, through the British commissioner at Moscow, the opportunity to sen British naval officers to taka charge of the Russian bolshevik Black -fcea fleet! "If those officers." said Trot-rUy, "find that they can do nothing else, they can at least the fleet before the Germans get it." The British commissioner will not deny that this offer waa made. He mentioned It in a letter to Robins. The section of the British commissioner's letter referred to Is as fo'lowa: Moscow, May 1911 Dear Colonel I am afraid you wilt nave left for Vologda before I have a-chance of seeing you. Do let me In support of my view of things here, put before you the following definite Instances In which Trotsky has shown his wlll-imrness to work with the allies.

First. He has Invited allied officers to co-operate 1n the reorganization of tha new army. Second. He invited us to send commission of British naval officers to save the Block Sea fleet. Yours very sincerely.

R. H. BRUCE LOCKHART. Mr. Lock hart has since changed hia mind about the bolshevlkl He apparently learned mors of them later.

But that only strengthens the weight of bis evidence aa to the. above fact, Ludendorff thinks that Germany would, have done better to have captured Petrograd and Moscow, "deposed the soviet government, and given help to other authoritiea In Russia." Germany could have compromised with tliem, he imagines. This is the natural reactionary and autocratic view. It finds a place today possibly In the suggestions in some quarters that the German out LARS AT. 15c to They're those Wide Oriental laosa and coma in a hoat of delightful ffcta In rreant or whits.

ep-claliy dealrable for making the I Autumn Frocks of Exceptionally new and pretty are theae smart lace collars. They come In pleasing filet patterns and are especially desirable for wear on fall ault Jackets, coats, etc. While lot of only doiena JQ. last, choice only 13C GOLD'S First Floor. new and popular Bertna collars.

1 11 Special valuea 1C TO 85c a nt. yard QOVD'B First Floor. Lovely Silk plate of bacon and eggs. Today you may eat heartily and feel fine. Tomorrow you may bolt a glass of milk and two crackers and get a stomach full of gas, sour risings, biliousness.

Snappy Dress Unusual Hat Values at $4.50 Boots at $9.50 Jr icolette i What other fabric quite so lovely, so gracefuPand wonderfully becoming wliat other fuock that may go anyplace at any time and alwayn possess that admirable air of tailored smartness seen only in a dress of rich TUlCOLETTEi Be modishly and beautifully dressed for any occasion insone of these Dresses of all silk tricolette-Many new autumn modes including the new coat and blouse effects, in the favored navy blue, so popular for fall wear. Several stunning and graceful new models are priced at only. 4)4uU a feeling of bloated heaviness and other distress. Indigestion la at fault from infancy to old age, no matter what, you eat, so the' thing to consider Is hew you tray eat freely, get away with It fine and not suffer any of those distresses of indigestion. Stuarfs Dyspepsia Tablets have solved this problem for a host of people.

In fact, they are so well known that many physicians prescribe, them for Indigestion, dyspepsia and other digestive disorders. They contain Ingredients which act with an alkaline effect, just aa the stomach does In perfect health. you may eat those foods you may have dented yourself, for fear of distress. Get a 50-cent box of Dyspepsia Tablets at any drug store, and there will be no thought of trouble after eating. Try this harmless plan of enjoying life, Advertisem*nt.

laws" in the Baltic provinces may attempt a Junction with KolehaU. But the truth probably Is that there I are different influences In Germany (Which are striving to capture all the it. 'i- OTHER BEAUTIFUL DRESSES in that most favored of autumn fabrics SfLTC parties in ana men arop their fish Into the saene basket. The sensational British capture of Baku was another "aerious blow for us." Only Turkish Inaction permitted It. The Germans set to work at once to send force to the Cas-pedition back again, but the situation In Bulgaria compelled the de- $45 to $95 GEORGETTE in black, navy, brown, etc.

lovely models that are exceptional values at GOLD 'SThird Floor. Beautiful GEORGETTE BLOUSES Priced at Only high grade black kid dress BOOTS for women and girls snappy fall styles real welted soles, leather Louis heels and in that plain 1 1 toe style so smart for autumn and Autumn Blouses of lovely georgette crepes -r-beautiful Waists' embodying the newest fall style features, each one a masterpiece of graceful charm. Some hafe delightful lace-trimmed frills, others are artfully embroidered or beaded in pleasingicolors. They come in white, flesh, biege, pink, anct represent very exceptional value at this winter wear that are real bargains, at, pair $9.50 stirring low Thursday prioe, only BROWN CALF LACE BOOTS for women and girls dressy and substantial shoes for everyday wear, with A truly remarkable group of autumn liata that leaves little to be wished for In the way of either style or vatuel Included in the special lot are bonnet shapes, smartly trimmed with flaa-ers hatters' plush sailors with neat tailored baml email turba-is and droopy shaves as well as many emart hats for mat'foiis, the latter of;''.TWSae but a few of the uimsuBl vaiios presented in this ape-j Tyt-ifM $5.95 OTHER SMARTLY TRIMMED FALL MILLINERV ni popular prices $6.25 T0 $13.95 oiJ'a Tlitrd Floor. Cuban or military heels especially $5.98 desirable for school girls $6.95 $5,98 GOLD'S Third Floor.

only 7. 30 and (See Windows) SHOES FOR SMALL CHILDREN neat styles in patents or kids, with flexible leather -soles at very low prices: SIZES 1 AO StZES 1 CO 1 to l.lf 6'4 to 8 1.03 GOLD'S Basem*nt. hi Bed Blankets New Coats NEW CLOT? COATS $17-50 to $125 SHORT PLUSH to $69.50 LONG PLUSH COATS $27.50 to $150 See our inviting dis- plays-Mve welcome Suits Latest- Suits of trico tines, serges, 1 1 a ni a 1 broadcloth, wool poplin, etc. all the new autumn shades and individualized models priced $25 to $125 GOLD'S Third Floor Jlil I BH'ZO Comforters will mmm BU20 DESTROYS 1 1 DAWDRbTF(BaciHI) $3.19 DESTROYS PV DANDRUFFftbtilS 3. 1.

i i They're good size cotton bed blankets tn gray, tan of, white ex- Large ulitc coiulortius. faircv sllk ollne covered plain backs, filled with downy cotton t'i fC I oeotlonal ealuea a0 A Hf 1 1 tf -4 stv at. pair only a dOLD'S Second Floor. UtajawiCaXiMir)iu 001 J' 8 Becond Floor. Fa mi ills Seborrhea -r tWItlHIINHMtltlfWWII nessiaaai Startling Special Thursday Good News of Timely It Stops the Dandruff Disease and Grows New Hair Sale of ltd Gloves "Seconds' of $1.

25 'and $1.73 Black and Colored Silk Hose at 79c Pair Savings for Men! Just a Fsw Oozsn Boxes of OARNPROOF Hots remain black, brown or Men's Night Shirts of warm outing flannel good weight, long and lust 33 dozen pairs of women's Bilk hose In thla specie! Bale lot of "seconds" of high grade hosiery. The Imperfections- are very alight in almost every case and do not Impair their service nor appearance to any extent, while the price Is extremely low, indeedl Included are heliotrope pairs guar Can you wear size 9, 6', or If so, this stirring sale of blneH kid gloves should claim your attention. Just 20 doxen in' the lot, lit the foregoing sizes Italian kid gloves In plan black, with three. A. haavy rowa of attractive stitching excellent; draaty and desirable In every particular full out, with pockets snd anteed to wear Science knows now that Seborrhea' -causes filHag fcatr and fmally, baldness.

Seborrhea la the bacillus of dandruff. Faroo actually kills this germ that kiOs the hair. The formula of Famo came from one of Detroit's largest laboratories, after two years of constant research, It worked ecorei of authenticated cures of Seborrhea, before it was even given a name If you have dandruff, you have hat In black the regular 23 dozen pair Burton FatWoned Bilk $1.25 raos. for only duality Of which sells at 11.71 a Pair. $1.95 collars all sixes only 10 dozen palra aeamad back silk hoae In fltldmoute and gray the regular quality of which sella at $1.25 pair.

And unless you, use Famo to kill the Seborrhea germ, your hair He making a losing fight. Everything aboot Famq, Is better. Everything ft helpful to the hair helpful toward a healthy scalp, toward the growth of beautifully flossy, luxuriant hair. Famo contains not a trace of alcohol, which dries out the natural oil of the hair. Famo actually postpones the coming of gray hair by keeping the scalp healthy.

Thousands of hair shops testify to the extent of Um scourge of Seborrhea. This appalling earn fire can be stopped tomorrow by Famo. i Whjle they loit, buy the pair for only And you win be amend at the improvement fat your hair after a few appiicatlona. FamoiaeoanomicaL TheetoOaraise contains a third more than the a mage Begin to use it regularly this very night continue to not it dairy. Get Famo at any toilet goods counter.

In and 33 cent sues. Applications at the better barber i Seborrhea I ihm mocfioa nam for a motbHty bwimd How from tf eaaeeous flnd ol fno aoap. Ttf mborth as-ore ion form in ooaee or faJrae arnf commonly known as tdindtvff, From tha laboratories of F. A. Thompson Si' Company, Manufacturing Pharmaciaits, Detroit.

Mich. Theae klfl gloves are woi'Ui much more, but while Men's Knit Union Suits for fall wear ecru cotton ribbed, with long sleeves, In akle lengths- Men's Work Shirts extra good ones of heavy gray striped, shlrtl-igs our beat 11.26 ahlrt Hpeclal thla 00 week at 30C GOLD'S-Flrat Floor. lot Of 210 pairs butts, we offer them at, pair only $2.49 79 all slaes at, suit only $1.25 i GOLD'S First Floor. Famo eradicates the dandruff. It I Mtialta the (lands of the scalp that feed the hair.

It geowe bear by making and keeping the scalp and boar healthy. Warm Outing Niqhtwear! Timely Needs for the Baby! INFANTS' NIOHT GOWNS of warm white oullna: flnnnel-hiit- is a diaease as deadly The first treat- Try a bottle today. WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS of good weight outing flannel In blue or pink and white stripes with long aleevea, hemal Itched and feather atltched trimmed, all 71 In aiaea IS and 17, at tonea rront or barH. the first 'named style having draw- 7C airing bottoms ntxoa to 1. priced at only l.fcj a hafar as at Pyorrhea to the teeth.

at win the OOLD'S Fourth Floor Children's Outing Gewna neat I Children's eutlng flannel Bleep. Ina Qarmenta 1 niece cajama Infanta' Dreaeee for tiny ha bles. White, medium fong, pis in ruffled or narrow luce or embroidery trim- "CI Afl mcd, only l.UW 00l4'l fourth Floor Infants' Undsraklrta of warnt silting Gertrude style; crocheted shell stitch trimmed; medium, long JC or short style slaes to la yenra, 1 jttoih. striped ones with buttonn yokes snd collars, slaes 4 to IS yeara priced 1 Cfl at only Tw $1.25 lies 1 to 4 years Vs. See Window Displays at Drug Co-, 11th 0 Sti The Owl Pharmacy, 14th ft 0 6ti.

Miller ft Paine, 13th ft 0 SU. pudge ft Ouenxel Cov 13th ft St. ave at Gold's on Needed Cotton Goods 3 6 "In. Muslin at 1 9c 1 6In. Toweling at 1 9c Pall Wool Goods At Rousing Price Savings ONK SPECIAL TABLK fiHed evsrflowln with Inch storm and Frenrh sonres, new plaids end stripes also new 41 Inch black and white Shepherd check woolens, priced at, yard only 3JC ANOTHER SPECIAL TABLK of 40 In.

woolen pin stripes and novelties es well ss II Inch fine, all wool storm and French serges In all SJ AQ anted colors, priced at, yard only ejl1l NEW SHOWINO OF COATINGS In all the rw ro. etlnga, also In Mack and f4 in TO 4 QO plack mixed effect, yard. 1.90 to. Meallo a good 'weight, Snbleached or brown mualln 7 A- vV1 CY i 19c priced very Jo at the yard only Huck Tewetegood wllit and 17x30 Inches, with heat, red borders exception 17 ally priced at If C. 11 la.

Twilled Tewsllng good wlht weave, bleached, with red border 1Q pried here, yard 13C I OOLU'B Kecond rioor. good Weight and full blenched priced remarkably low f) -at the yard, only a.e.4. Ramnantat Remnsntal flood able leietha of ginghams, per; enta, outings and other Wanted cotton piece gnodl hie fa' Ms of them at SURFRISiNO-LY LOW PRICES! 4, aoLU'S--Second' Floor. in Fine Quitting Chains In all the new and wanted- patterns end colorings, for 71 comfort -making. yd fcJC Big S-la.

Cotton Bittr on big-sheet, alse fliM inrhes. ef clean, 'soft, white cotton. Just right for one OQ large comfortj In. Whit Outing Flannels 42x34 In. Pllew Cat extra good and heavy one full this decld- A edly low price destroys the Dandruff BacUU-RctcnidsGhtyncsd uul.u Becona ior, 'i.

The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.