The Sun and the Erie County Independent from Hamburg, New York (2024)

JANUARY 6, 1921 ERIE COUNTY INDEPENDENT HAMBURG, N. Y. Nov f-Ludwig III, formr king of "Va). R. W.

McClaughr'y. former warden of Leavenworth and Juliet panltau- Hafl' Nov 10-llenry Thode, noted German bliorln. Hear Admiral T. B. Howard.

U. B. Nov 14 Alston Kill, president of Ohio university. Nov if Bhteld Clark, toulp-tor and painter, In New York. Nov.

18-Kranklln Kort, former governor of New Jersey. Thoma J. Cooiidge, former minister to Franc, at Hoston. Nov. 22 Oourge W.

Breck, noted mural aecorator. Nov. 23 Commodore E. Benedict of New York. Mr.

Murgaret Brewster, writer. In Modesto, Cal. tl, Nov. 26 Jake Hamon. Republican national committeeman from Oklahoma W.

A. K. Kkengren, 8wedlh minister to United States. Nov. 28-Jamea J.

Reynolds, noted railway builder and engineer, In Chicago Nov. 2 Eugene VV. Chann, prohibition l-arir ml U-aih Cnl. June lf-Samuel domper re-elaeteel president of the American Federation nat Labor for thlriy-nlnth lime. July 20-Unlled States labor board awarded six hundred millions Increase In wages to all claaaa of railway workers, about half what was asked.

July 22 Rail unlone ordered referendum vole on wage award. July 21 Illinois coal miner on tno. July 26 Indiana and Kansas coal miners struck. July 2 International Harvetr company announced it would pay mtaZ pioyees 60 per cent of It pronta after 7 ner cent had been paid on Invested capl- July H-6trlklng miners ordered bevost to work. Aug 10 Wag Increases totaling more) han awarded mployaea American Railway Express by Unitea States railway lahor board.

Aug. 2-New York air eel car man struck. Bept. 1 Outlaw strike paralysed ths "-thractte flelda Sept 12 Outlaw strike of railway In Chicago district ended. Oct.

16 Coal miner of Great Britain struck, demoralising the nation Industries. Nov. t-Britlih mln strlk called oft Dec. IJ New Kngland cotton mill ir-duced wages of luu.ouU workers about per cent Deo. 16-Several big industrial concerna announced wage reduction and aisoonuxt-uance or reduction of dividends.

NECROLOGY Jan. 'l Thomas Hume, millionaire lumberman, at Muskegon, Mich. Jan. i Paul Adam, French novelist. Jan.

14 Charles K. Magoon, formor governor of canal sons. John F. Dodge, automobile manufacturer, of Detroit Jan. lf-Reglnald De Koven, AmericM composer.

Jan. 24 Cyrus Townsend Braay. author, at Konkers, N. Y. Jan.

27 J. B. WlUon, Texas cattl mavtT- BFei). 4 K. P.

Ripley, chairman of Bant. railway, at Santa Barbara, CaL O. C. Barber, founder of Diamond Mateo company, at Barberton, O. x.XT Ructdey.

editor Christian Advocate, at Morrlstown, Jr Feb. 10-C. F. ountner, manufacturer of Chicago, and art con noisseur. Feb.

12 Julius Chambers, tnlnrar In New York. Feb. 13 Brig. Gen. Psvlaon.

Admiral Robert E. Peary. TT a K.r lanAtlaraT atf t)allth DOlA. fj 0. 41.

a IOLU VI a- Feb 22 MaJ. R. Pullman, uprinv WaahinSton nolle. Feb. 24 Franklin Murphy, former gov ernor of New Jerey.

Feb. 26 John C. oimtea, iu cape architect at Brooaune, March 1 United state nenaior (. Bankhead of Alabama, March 4 Georae D. Smith, noted au thority on rar books, in New York.

Uarih 1R Former Senator Henry vv, xti.i. j-a, iiamnthir In Washington. March Roullller. frtlit and collector of rar nrints, at tnicagv. aai-Dr Thnmai Owen.

dlre)c) tor of department of archive and hl tnrv aV Alahamn at Mnntffomery. Ala. William Thomas Smedley, American artist, at New York. March 81 Edwin Warfleld. fomur Ko-r- ernor of Maryland, at Baltimore.

anrll i nr. William Martin, medical dl rector United States navy, retired, at Ban Francisco. 1 April 4 Bishop Mathew Hughea ot Portland, at Cleveland. April 8 Dr. John A.

Brashear, former chancellor or university ot rmauuis, anil aalrnnnmaf April 10 Judge Richard 8. TutiilU, at Chlcaxo. anrll is Mont Rev. John Baotlst CrO' xler, archbishop of Armagh and prlmata nf a41 train nd. April 14 Roger C.

Sullivan, leader, at Chlcapro. Anrll IS Theodore N. Vail, chairman ot American leiepnone anu pany, at Baltimore. Anrll Miss Marlorie Benton Cook imaHMn author, at Manila. May 4 R.

J. publisher," at Tjo AnireleB. May 9 Bishop J. H. Vincent, founder of the Chautauqua assemDiy ana ot tne Rockereller foundation, in cnicago.

May 11 William Dean Howell, In New Vork. May 16 Levi P. Morton, former vlca president May 17 Col. W. D'A.

Mann, Inventor and nubllsher. In Morrtstown. N. J. May 18 Dr.

John N. Stockwell, noted astronomer, in cieveiana. J. June 1 Rear Admiral W. W.

Hendrick son. II. N. June 3 Charle Aujfuetui Stoddard, noted author. In New York.

June Rear Admiral Wlnterhalter, v. N. i Rhode Brouxhton. Britlah novelist June 14 Mme. Rejane, famou French actreas.

Crown nrlnce of Slam. June 1 George W. Perkln. financier, at Stamford. Conn.

July 4 MaJ. Gen. William C. Goriraa, former surgeon general of United State army. In London.

Representative Dick Morgan of Eighth Oklahoma district July 10 Lord John Arbuthnot Fisher, nrst lora or rjrcisn aamirauy. Julv 11 Rx-Gmnree Eusenfa last nm. Dree of Franc, at Madrid. Spain. July 12 Rear Admiral Henry Tudor Brownell Harris, U.

S. at Southamn. ton, England. July 21 Arthur J. Eddy, Chicago, author, art critic and lawyer.

July 22 wuiiam vanoerbiit, Paris. Jnlv 5S W. M. Reedv. editor anri a.w- lianer ot int mirror, ot rjt.

uouiE, Aur. 1 J. Frank Hanley. former anw. smor ot inaiann, auiea in auto accident.

jflarqiiii Di wuMuiuarrr, id tlonanneS' bure. Aug. 1 Isham Randolph, noted elvil n. In Chicago. Dr.

Luis Galvln, Dominican minister to Oniteo states; Aug. commander c. M. How, U.B.N Rev. Dr.

H. C. Herrlna. xeneral nm. tary national council of Congregational cnurcnes.

Aug. J. E. McCall, United States dls. ttict iudae for western Tenneimea Aug.

10 James O'Neill, veteran Ameri ca actor. Rear Admiral H. H. Gheen, 8. retired.

Aua. 12 Walter Winana. noted iman-i- can artist and sportsman, In London Aur. If 8lr Norman Lockver Cienilan, diuuiwuib, n-nsiano, Aug. 20 Mme.

Etelka Gerster, famous soprano, in ilbi. Aug. 22 Andreas Zorn. famou 8wd-lh painter. Au.

2 James Wilson, former ax-naenn. of agriculture, at Traer. Iowa. Aug. 28 Cardinal Amette, archblaboB of Parla BeDt 2 Cardinal Mendel.

arehhlah m.t ivicuu K1 wi Diain, Sept 17 Eserton castle, EngUah nornl 1st Sent 20 George fasmyth. American au- CIVIuautL. Bept 21 Dr. Eric Doollttle, noted tronomer. In Philadelphia.

Sept 2t B. P. Avery, art natron ana pniiantnropist, at l-iartrora, conn. Jacob H. 8chlff.

New York banktr and philanthropist. Oct 3 W. Murray Crane, United States senator, at Dalton, Mass. Oct Miguel da Palaclos, noted Spanish author. Oct.

10 Rev. Dr. H. Stuck, archdaaemn of the Yukon. Oct It Mra Cgden Mills, social lead Cain New York and Parte.

C. M. Alexander, famous evanmllar In dil-mlnarHam Fn BJia I I J. G. Snydaker, Chicago capitalist art connoisseur.

Oct If Howard H. Gross nraalrinni Universal Military Training league, ta Chicago. Oct 17 General Leman, defender 1 ot Liege against the Germans jonn Keed. American writer, Oct 18 Federal Judra A. I- Kanhnt-n.

Madison. Wis. Oct If Jay Rial, nromlnent thmtrlrnl and circus man, at Winston-Salem, N. uct zs Oliver Doud Byron, veteran American actor. Oct 24 oteDhen 8.

Grenirv eminnnt Chicago lawyer. Oct 26 Alexander, king of Greece. Nov. 1 Thoa Jernlran. orl.niallnt and former American consul at Shanghai.

Nov. 2 Louis Imogen Gulney, American poet and essayist. In England. Nov 3 Q. w.

Steven, president Cbes-apeak and Ohio railroad. March lS-UntteJ Stales senate adopted ArtUla leiwrvatlon to peace treaty bu nU nf In United States Supreme court granted permission to state of New Jersey to In-stltute origins! proceedings to teet vs. lidlty of prolilhltlon amendment John Barton Payne retired as chairman of shipping board and was sworn In secretary of Interior. March 1-United State senate adopted resolution by vole of 46 to la declaring for self-determination for Ireland. Hmiae of representative paased army appropriation bill providing for army of fciS.OUO enlisted men and offiCera March W-Germnn peace treaty wltn league covenant failed of ratlilcaUon "March SO-Truman H.

Newberry. Jun'oJ United States senator from Michigan, and 16 other convicted by Jury at Gran" Haplda, of having conspired criminally In UI8 to violate election Newbefry fined 10.oo0 and sentenced to Imprisonment for two years March 2 Balnbridge Colby sworn in as secretary of state. Government control of bituminous coal withdrawn by President Wilson, effective AAprll t4-Dlrector General or Railroads Hlnes resigned, effective May If. April US-Supreme Court declared tne Iteadlng company and certain of It ue-sldlarle an Illegal combination. May It-Socialist nominated Eugene Deb for president an 8 Seymour Btedinao for vice president May la-Senate adopted Knox peace resolution.

May lK-Secretary of the Interior Payns made director general of railroad. May 21 House adopted senate peace resolution. May it-President Wilon asked con- Sess for authority to accept the man-te for Armenia. Investigation of presidential campaign expenses begun by the senate, May 27 President Wilson vetoed Knox peace resolution. May 28 Water power conservation bill passed by congress.

June 1 United States Supreme court decided ratification of a constitutional amendment 1 not ubject to ubmission to popular referendum. Senate declined to give President authority to accept Armenian mandate. June 4 President Wilson vetoed budget bill. Congress passed bill Increasing pay of postal employees. Undersecretary of Stat Frank Polk resigned.

June I Congress adjourned. President Wilson letting several Important measures dls without his signature. June 7 United States Supreme court declared valid both the prohibition amendment and the Volstead enforcement act June aRepublican national convention opened In Chicago. June 12 Republicans nominated Warren G. Harding of Ohio for president and Calvin Cooiidge of Maasacbusetta for vice president July.

f-Democrats in San Francisco nominated James M. Cox of Ohio for President and Franklin D. Roosevelt, slstant secretary of the navy, for vice president July 14-Parley p. Chrltenn, Bait Lake City, nominated for president by Farmer-Labor party- In Chicago, after bolt by committee of forty-eight and single tax era. July 20-George White, Marietta, Ohio, elected chairman Democratic national committee.

July 21 Prohibitionists opened national convention In Lincoln, and nominated W. J. Bryan for president by acclamation. July 13-Bryan declining, the Prohibitionists nominated Aaron S. Watklns of Ohio for president and Leigh Colvln of New York for vice president.

Senator Harding; notified of nomination by Republicans. July 27 Governor Cooiidge notified of vice presidential nomination. July 31 Interstate commerce commission authorized freight passenger and funman rate -increase amounting to about a billion and a half annually. Auk. 2 Twenty Communist Labor leaders found guilty of sedition In Chicago.

Aug. 6 Fatal antl-forelgn riots In West Frankfort, state troops sent. Street car strike riots In Denver; sev eral persona killed. Aug. 7 Governor Cox formally notified of his nomination.

Aug. 13 Increase of 12Vi per cent tn ex. press rates authorized by interstate com merce commission. Aug. Is Tennessee, the last state neces sary, ratined woman sunrage amena ment.

Auk. 26 Ratification df suffrage amend' ment proclaimed ty Secretary of State Colby. Sept 13 Maine went Republican by Mdft, Sept, 16 Terrific explosion at Wall and Broad streets, mew xora, iaia to xieas thirty persons killed and 300 Injured, Sept. 21 Three Socialists, re-elected to New xorx aaaemniy, oustea; two sea tea, hut resimed. bept.

24 W. A. Ketcham, Indianapolis, elected commander in chief nf G. A. R.

President Wilson declined to abrogate trade treaties, as asKed by congress tn trie mercnant marine net. Sent 2-Col. J. W. Galbralth.

Jr Cm. cmnati, elected national commander ot the American Legion. Walter Dill Scott elected president ot Northwestern university. Oct 7 The M20 population of continen tal unitea mates announces, aa Nov. 2 Warren G.

Harding and Calvin Cooiidge elected president and view ores Went oi united mates; uepuoiican laoa-elide. California voters indorsed the anti-alien land law. Nov. SB Irish mob la New Fork at tacked Union League ora because Brit' ieh flax- was flying. Dec.

Secretary of Stat Colby started nn formal visit to South America. Dee. Congress eegaa the short ses sion. Dec. 7 Nobel peace nrta awarded to rresldent Wilson.

President Wllson'e enemags to congress tnrgud Independence for the Philippines, ana a loan to Armenia. Dec C. J. Vopfcka reelgned as United States minister to the Balkan states. Rear Admiral Henry T.

Mayo retired. Dec. House oassed bin susDendlnsr nsirntg'nauoD tor naeausia. Hone adopted renohrUon repealing war- vsme laws. Senate adopted neaeutln for revival ef war finance cotsoi ation to aid the Dec lf-Oeverntneai croe renort showed shrinkage In values of nearly Ave billion dollars compared with HrJ.

Dec Benate passed bHl authorising rai utets co-operative nmarxeting asaocia' oona. Dec M-Senate naeaed Mil forblddlne Stnaes on imiiniaaa Dee. 20 Permanent merger of four ex press companies authorised fay Interstate WOUHna INDUSTRIAL Jan. g-eteel strike) called off bv work. or committee.

Jan. (f General railway strike In Italvt martial law In oiincinal cities. Feb. Three hundred thousand mem bars ef Brotherhood of Maintenance of way aim pioyees ana nanway gbop La- oorers oroeren to rvDruery 17, Feb. 11 Director General Hlnes verus to raise wages of railway emnlovana nA dispute was referred to the President Feb.

14 Rail unions agreed to bold ware demands and strike in abeyance as asked by President Wilson. aiarcn 1 rrenca railway atriao settled. March Two thousand rallwav employees at Chicago struck. Marco one thousand clerks employed Chicago city ball on strike for in. creased wages.

March II Bituminous coal miners ac cepted 17 per cent wage Increase and elght-bour day awarded by President Wilson's coal commission. April 1 Chicago dty ball clerks aiulact strike: granted wage Increase. April 6 Nine thousand switchmen am. ployed by eleven railroad In Chlcaaa truck; freight traffic tied up. Five thousand coal miner In Illinois and Kansas struck because of dissatisfaction with wage awards April Chicago switchmen's strike spread to all cities.

1 April 13 President Wilson appointed railroad board to settle railroad wae-a question. April If Federal officers arrested thirty leader of rail strikers at Chicago on charge of Interference with movement mail and violation of Lever act June rortiein annual convention of merican Federation of Labor ooennd in Montreal. at May I Thy of Juarea Joined the Mas- an revolt lea: May 7 ltrbels occupied Mexico City; Carrania Had. May s-Ohregon's forces occupied Tam-pl'o. May H-French government ordered dissolution of General Federation of Labor.

May It-Joan of ro canonised by Pope Benedict May DoJ-Vennsttano Carrania, fleeing president of Mexico, killed by former comrades. May 24 Adolfo de la Huerta sleeted provisional president of Mexico. June 1 Pope announced catholic eor-srelgns might visit the king of Italy. June 2b Seventeen persons killed and scores wounded In civil warfare In Londonderry, Ireland. July Arthur Melghen, minister of interior of Canada, succeeded bir Robert Borden as uriine minister of Canada.

July 11 President Guerra 'of Bolivia ousted and Baptists Havedra made provisional president July la prince Joachim, youngest son of former kaiser, committed suicide in Berlin. July Riots broks out In Belfast last, ins several days; ten or more killed. July I-Fran Cisco Villa surrendered to the Mexican government July ts Fsteban Cantu, governor ot Lower California, In rebellion against Mexican government. Aug 1-br. O.

Ponras elected president of Panama. Aug. aNew Irish coercion law passed by commona Aug. li Premier Venlielos of Greece wounded by assassins In Paris. Lord Mayor MacBwiney of Cork and ten assistants arrested while attending a Sinn Fein court Aug.

16-Cantu revolt in Lower California, Mexico, ended. Aug. if Dr. Manuel Gondra Inaugn. rated president ef Paraguay.

Aug, 2ft Carlos Herrera elected president of Guatemala. Sept 4Bolshevlst uprisings In Italy: soviet rule established In many Industrial plants. Sept f-Obregon elected president of Mexico. Sept. if Paul Deschanel, president of France, resigned.

Sept 18 Workers In southern Italy seise many Industrial plants. Sept 30 Fortress of Mantua, Italy, blown up by anarcblsta Sept 21 City of Balbrlggan, Ireland, raided and partly burned by British police. Sept a-Alexandra Mlllerand elected. president of Franco. Bept.

24 Georges Lsyguss made premier of France. British police in Ireland raided tnres more towns, making eight In a week. Bent 26 Italian workers and employers made agrreement and reign of communism in Industrial planta ended. Sept German wireless station at Nauen, largest in- world, officially opened. vex.

une oi cora nunger airiaer died In Jail. Oct. to Juro-Slavta declared a consti tutional, hereditary monarchy with the Serbian royal family the reigning dy- Get Terence MacBwiney. lord mayor of Cork, died of starvation in Brixton prison. Alexander, King or ureece, a lea, Oct 28 Admiral Coundourlotls elected regent of Greece.

Nov. a Alfredo zayaa elected, president of Cuba. Drys badly defeated In Scottish Drohl- bltian elections. Irish home rule bill nassed house of commona Nov. la Hunger strike of Blnn Fsln arisoners called off.

Nev, If Venlzelos party defeated tn Greek elections. Nov. lo-Sebastoool captured by the Bolsheviki. Nov. 17 Venlzelos.

Greek Dremler. re signed and Rhallis formed new cabinet Nov. zl Many killed and Injured In raids In Dublin following the murder ot 14 British officers there. Nov. ZS Tod of Mount Blanc fell off and caused great avalanche.

No. 2S Arthur Griffith, actlnar presi dent ef the "Irish republic," and other Irish leaders arrested. Nov. 27 Big Sinn Fein arson nlot In London foiled. Nov.

28 Irish blotters set lire to several larire warehouses on Llvernool water front and killed two men. fifteen auxiliary Dolice recruits -am- toughed by einn Feiners near KUmlchael, tuanu. Dec. I-Obregon inaugurated nresldent of Mexico. Dec.

4Greek people voted for restora tion ef Constantino. Dec. ff-Greek government invited Con- stantme to return to the throne, despite warning by Great Britain, France and Bah. ueneral raids throughout Cork bv Brit. an peiroe.

luec ur. Michael Halnlsch elected wresiaent or Austria, Dee. Martial law reclaim! In south Ireland. Dee. Part of Cork's business section burned In reprisal for Blnn Fein raid.

is isegotiaiions for peace In Ire land wroKen on or demand that- IJovd uwrn aemi wun iv vaierm airect King constanune arrived In Athena. t)ec. rirhteen killed and mint OTWtroaoQ tn oatue ueiween JLIlgllsn asjd trisn in xoperary. Farrow's bank. London, with branrk.

en, emuni. DOMESTIC Jam. Thousands of Reds arrested in many oiues. naios conunued daily aasnar ei utv cenajua eeB-un. Jan.

Deoartment of Justiee revealnd radical fdot to overthrew the government. war ranance oorporation announced loans ex aij.w,wv to ata exporters. Jan. Kentucky and Rhode laianel rat ified suffrage amendment Jan 7 Five socialists wens denlatt that aeau la New York legislature. Jan.

Democratic national committee selected San Francisco for the conven tion, oveniag June zs. Jan. ie House of reoressntarlvna aa-ai ueniea vicawr nerivr ills seal. Senate pissed Bteiilna sedition hill. Jan.

14-Uragjoa ratified suffrage amend ment. Jan. 17 National prohibition ment to Constitution In effect Jan. XI David Houston annnintns secretary OI tne treasury and ltd arm T. Meredith of Iowa secretary of agriculture.

Henry P. Fletcher resigned aa asanas. sador to Mexico. Jan. zf tMutn Carolina refused tn rat- it sun rage atneiMuiwint.

Feb. Virginia senate rejected federal suffrage amendment Fen. 7 secretary or tne interior Lane maio natl effactlva Marrh 1 Xr su Feb. a Artsona ratified suffraxe amend. Xntntu Feb.

It-John Barton Payne, Chicago, appointed secretary of the Interior. secretary of State Lansing resigned at the request of President Wilson. National American Suffrage association opened Its last convention In Chicago Feb. Jft Subcommittee of house reported great extravagance, waste and Incompetence in aircraft production, severely criticising Secretary Baker, Colonel Disquo and Director Ryan. Feb 1 New Mexico, ratified suffrage amendment Feb.

a Railway bill conference report adopted by house. Feb. 21 Senate adopted conference report on railway bill. Feb. 24-Charles R.

Crane, Chicago, named minister to China. Feb. 26 Balnbridge Colby, selected for secretary of state. Feb. 2f-G.

W. P. Hunt of Ariiona made minister to Siam. Fob. 27 Court order entered divorcing big packers from business not directly reisted to meat packing.

Feb. 2 Oklahoma ratified suffrava amendment March 1 Federal Judge Gelger tn Mil waukee upheld Wisconsin's Itt per cent over taw. New Jersey legislature passed law lea-al- Ising 1 per cent beverages- United States Supreme court darldxi United States Steel corporation la not an Illegal combination. rtauroaaa returneo owners. air Auckland Geddee accented aa n-t.

ambassador to United States. President Wilson let It be know. a. would not be candidal for re-election. March West Virginia assembly ratified suffrage amendment United 8tstes submarine H-l wmokai near Magdalene bay.

Lt Commander Webb and three of crew loot in of Aug. f-Uoyd George Issued ultimatua to Husslan representatives, i Poles agreed to meet Russians at Minsk to nasotiste. Am. t-HoUhevlkl rejected Brltl.h plan for tan-day armistice. yu Brlilsl labor leaders warned ktiv. ilnl larAi (n mlA Poland. Aug. lO-Unfle-l States nolltled Italy Jt would support Polaud "with all avail able meana" against dlsinembermant: wnuld never reAriiriilke the soviet resime. or permit other nations to slice off Russian territory; and suggested withdrawal tt Rtiaalan Irnnm from Poland and for eign troops from Russia as a means to end present war. TiirUl.K iMatv Aug.

11 French Kovernme' announced It recognlxed the Wrangel government In south Russia and would give It and broke oft relatione with soviet representa tives In London. Latvia and soviet Russia signed peace treaty, and Finland and Russia agreed on an armistice. Aua-. u-Mlawa captured by the Bol snevmi. Bolshevist cantured Roldau.

Aug. lt-Russo-Pollsh armistice nego tiations opened at Minsk. rir i rn- nnauninn Warsaw. Aug. 17 Poles repulsed Russians and laiin.iha A iwilinlaf ffn llvtl "I Lianslg corridor cleared of Bol- neviKi.

Aug. If-Russlana retreaUng in disorder rrom Poland. tii Pnlea nwrantured BlalVStok Aug-. Jt Poles, having destroyed or dis persed four of the five Boisnevia arroiee. Aug.

M-Oeneral Wrangel opened great offensive In south Russia, taking; Novo-roesisk and other dtlos and the DoneU coal basin. Aug ts-Reds recaptured Grodno and Poles evacuated Blalyatok. Aug. II Ukrainians opened drive ae-alnat the Rolshevlkl. Pmm Mfirrnrjt at Minsk broke UD.

Sept. 1 Budennys Red army In Galicla destroyed by the Poles. Bept Big defeat of Reds by General tVrfi ir 1 nnflliiirMl 8ent. a n'Annunslo proclaimed the "Italian miu-v af Ouarnero." Bept -Nlnth session of leagrue of Nations council adieuiOied after persuad- tng Poland and utnuania to suapenn hostilities and arbitrate their differences. and Finland and Bweden to arbitrate con.

iwrnlnr tha Aland inlands. Pollsh-Kuealaa peace conference opened at Kiga. Bept O-Poles and Lithuanians resumed hostilities Oct. t-Vilna os lied by Polish troops wader Zeiigouskl. Oct Poland and soviet Russia signed stance treaty.

Wrangel began offensive against Dew Sixth soviet army. Oct It peace treaty slnel Oct. 17 Japanese and Korean troops fought in Manchuria. Defeat of Wrangel near Kekhovka aa. SKMinced.

Nov. 1 Betious defeats of Wrangal forces announced. Nov. 10 Italy and Jugo-81avla reached agreeaoent on Adriatic dispute. Nov.

Camp late collapse of Wran. sal'a fernes in tCrimea. iNOV. IS djeague Ot rtations Kwemuij atmita Arat meetlna In Geneva: Paul Hy mini mt Balsrium elected president Nov. IS Ukrainians routed by Reds, soaina- if lev amd other towns.

Baala agreed to loin tne aines in ponc ing the Vuna district. Nov. 19 Germany notified League of Nations that the treaty oi Versailles nee Stem violated tv the alllea In the matter ef mandates, and demanded her former colonies. Nov 2 Scandinavian amendments to ftaa-ue erf Natlona aovenant voted down by committee on general organisation. Commission on Armenian situation appointed.

Peace neaotlatlnna between Poland and soviet Russia resumed, the Polish troops withdrawing to armistice line. Nov. 25 Leacue of Nations council asked United States to mediate between Armenia and Mustapha Kemai fasna. Nov. 29 Italy started to force IJ Annun aln out of Flume.

President Wilson accepted invitation or league council to mediate between Arme nia and the Turns. Dec. i Li'Annunzic war on ItaJv. Austria voted memoersnip in League oi Xteds wrlvan ana estao- Ushed soviet rule 'Russian Armenia, Sec. 2-Qreat ilrllnln.

trance ana itaiy warned ureece against restoring ori8mn iJxut to throne. tec. Argentine delegates withdrew from Leaguetkf Nations assembly because ef refusal to oonslder amendments to cov Armenla andHtuxklah inatlonallita signed peace treaty. uec. resiaent vv.iuson aeciinea to eDDolnt American representatives on Lea-cue of Nations disarmament commis- dec.

If League ox Stations assembly stoatpOTied until next session decision on navaj ana economic lowcsaue. kec. 12 Russian soviet government pro tested to oreat Jiritain, trance ana ttaiy aaalnst their "brutal Interference" In the affairs 4t Greece. Iec. u-Leaa-ue of Natlona assembly eeVewted statute lor permanent international rsourt of justice.

Holland brake ff 'diplomatic relations with I uao-Slavia itecauie of "a long se ries of Insults. Dec. 16 Austria was aamittea to tne League ef Nations, bpain, Jiraxii, Bel-alum and China made elective members of the league council. Dec. 16 Bulgaria.

Costa sues. Finland and Lezemeurg admitted to League of jNauons. Dec. AJhama adtnioed to League of nations. Dec.

if MeetinsT Laugue of Nauons aneraWy elesed. i Deo 21 Great gtowera warned Spain against attesopts fcn the cartes to strangle foreign enterprises. FOREIGN Jan. 11 Dr. Jose Luis Tunas eueeted president of Ecuador.

Great mob attacked xwlchstai- la Berlin and was routed by troops. Is being; killed ana scores wounaea. Jan. 17 Paul Desdisnel elected resident Of France. Jan.

MUieraaa auvae French Bea mier. Feb. Active rebellion asalnat Janea. ess rule broke out la Korea. Feb.

22 Serious revolution In Honduras Feb. Irish home rule bill introduced la parliament. March 1-Admiral Horthv elected resent of Hungary. March uveruirow ox aoert govern ment In Berlin, Gennany by counter puni in oouu, counter I revolutionists headed I by Dr. Wolfgan.

I Kbdd and monarchists. March It Council of old arm an cabinet meeting at Stuttgart Germany, refused to negotiate with the reactionary faction headed by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp. March 17 Dr. Wolfgang resigned as chancellor of Germany, March It Ebert government retrained control In Berlin, Doctor Kapp's troops leaving.

March 20 Lord mayor of Cork assassinated by maaked persons. March 21 Three thousand persona killed In Oshtins at LetpaLg. Germany, fenfora Ebert troops captured city, March 22 Gustav Noslte, minister of defense of Germany, resigned. March Jt German cabinet beaded by Premier Bauer resigned-March 27 Hermann Mueller, nremier ef new German cabinet March II Japanese troops stationed at Nlkolaevsk, Siberia, defeated in battle with Russian forces; 700 Japanese killed. April 1 House of commons passed Irish home rule bill.

HI to ft. Ian Macpherson. chief secrete rv for Ireland, resigned. April 2 Ebert government at Berlin reached compromise agreement with work legmen: civil war ended. April 4 Many government buildings burned by Irish rebels throuahout lra- land on Easter Sunday.

April 12 Many noncombatants killed In Guatemala City when Estrada Cabrera government was overthrown by rebele New government formed with Carles Herrera as president April 20 Hlaalgo and TIaxcala. Mexico. joined the secession movement April a rormer rremier laillaux of France convicted of havlns eommart-a and correspondence with the enemy. npru a Mexican revolt spreading Battle for Chihuahua City won bv Car. ransa troops.

American border troop ready foi action. Isb H. Telephone 370 5 i Harrison V. Baker, D.Y.M. 5 VETERINARIAN Office: John Salisbury Residence, 128 Pleasant Avenue, N.

Y. PERRY M. THORN Attorney at Law and Notary Publle Legal and Celteetlea Baalaeas Pnaptly Attaadad Is OFFICB, II BUFFALO 8TBBET, HAMBUIUJ Drs. H. A.

GRACIA PAXSON i niMTTOTa I UliNTIoTa a. rr, a -Trr-cl nn ur iliaI Burn txwiiumh 138 Main Street. Hamburr, N. BEST BLACK ENAMEL MADE Runty Stoves Made Ntw Srfl-ShlalBf Waa'l HiihOII FINS FOB SCREENS CAN'T riLU MESH Eata up Rust--Orles QukLly Rusty Autos Made New Flat aa Ire. Was sr Luihtr If yaw dealer bata't -M aw.

FISH KBONENBEBG. J. H. ULLENBRUCH Eye Sight Spselalltt SECOND FLOOR 483 Main Street OppixKe tiki Keflys Buffalo, N. Y.

AUCTIONEER, PrOtript attention to all on fana gtook and tools. PHONE, 82-M. MARTIN STINSON, Men, H. I OT rjv bnxtviiuoir-riiiiiuiii to an order of Hon. Louia B.

Hart, mrrogitt of Erie county, all persons having claim! against rederlcK tiernold, late of the town or East Hamburg, deceased, are hereby require to exhibit the same with vouchers thereof to the undersigned, administrator of the eatatl of utld deceased at the office of Perry M. Thorn, at Hamburg, Erie county, N. on or ner ore we sist day of January, 1821. vatea uamourg, n. July zo iszu.


Attorney for Administrator. Hamburg, N. Y. 38eo-lt JtTOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to order of Hon. Lonia It Hart, aurrofrste ff Erie county, all person having claims again): Julius H.

Greasman, late of the town of Han, burg, deceased, are hereby required to exhibit: tha aamaa at wmu.1. 4h-ran. tn tha I1D. deraigned adminUtrator of the estate of nkl deceased at the office of Perry II. Thorn.

1ft the village of Hamburg, N. on or bafore-the ltb day of February, 1921. waicu August 11, IVaU. LOU13 h. CRESSMAN, Admlniatrstor.

Hamburs'. N. Yi PERRY M. THORN. Attorney for Administrator, Hamburg.

N. Y. 41-eow-" TJOTICB TO CREDITORS Pursuant to nrHav nf XTam TT.rt. anrront of Erie county, all person having elalra. against Ellsa Jane Button, late of the tow of Collins, deceased, are hereby required exhibit the same with vouchers thereof to tht nndaralimawl aulmlnl.tratn- tha aatate said deceased at the office of Ward 1.

Wiltjar. In the village of Gowanda, N. on or before the 11th day of February, 1921 DIM July X4U1, 1SZ0. LUCIUS H. BUTTON.

40-eow- II. Adminitrattr. NOTICE TO CREOITORS. Pursuant to Arnar nf tTnn ffart. aurrOffSt Of Erie county.

N. notice I hereby girea km uwauna flavins ciaina or An tiny Manay, late of the town of Hamburg. i a r-n red ua nnuiir, dvccubh, uiat wi7 aa "lj to exhibit the same with th voucher thertot tn h- i 1 A tha eeutor of the estate of the said deceased at th office of Perry M. Thorn, attorn ay ef tha latt Ann HaaH M-mitn- In tha VIUBRa Hamhnrv. in nn hafore the Zi.

day of March, 1021. bated at Hamburg, N. th Tth day oeptemDer, ivu. LUCY ANN REED, RY.MTftnr. PERRY M.

THORN. East Aurora, T. Attorney for Executor, 41 iiaraeurg, n. X. MOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant as nmtar nf Wnn 1 Wart Rnrreffste of Erie County, all person having elaima airato- Sarah Nothe, late of the town of Hsmtninj, deceased, are hereby required to same wltn vouchers thereof to tne eitoerra-- Examtnra nf tha Will nf aaU deeaae4 at tM office of Perry M.

Thorn in the vlllak Hamburg, N. on or before the 18th day of nfTina nf Pam, af Thn-n In tha villsC 01 June, mi. Dated Hamburg. N. December 7, Perry U.

Thorn. Any, for Executors, Hamburg. N. Y. Geonr Burr, Either Adama.

foecutoT, rw 3 Hamburg, N. Ki-rHr-f nraua nmoectona nrB repf i i fhn New BCIIWIl 111 tllt2 HieillUClDlUII VA Orleana Federation of Business ana Professional Women. Chronology of the Year 1920 Compiled by W. PIQCARD tie), tilt. WMtira Newspaper Union.) INTERNATIONAL Jan.

I Bolsheviki announced capture of Yekaterlnoelav. Jan. 3-Letvian and Pollen troop took Irvlnsk from th Bolahevlkt Jan. 10 Ratifications of peace treaty signed. United Slates, Oretct, China and ltoumanla Dot bains represented.

Jan. It uiemenceau and Lloyd George accepted plan giving- Italy ovrlgnt over Flum. Jan. 16 Hungarian delegate war handed tha tarma of pear. Jan.

if Council of League of Nations 1 .1 flruF n.ul I mr I Paris. Jan, 17 Supreme council callM on Hol- land to surrender former ueriusu nnrnr fnp trial Jan. SO-Supreme council gave Jugo slavia four days to aree to uw siume settlement Clemenceau retired from tha oounctl of tha League of Natlona. Jan. -a Holland refused to aurrendar the former German emperor to the allies, Jugo-blavia given more time to reply to proposed Flume settlement.

Jan. 34 Battle between Poles and Bol-aaevlkl along the Dvlna reported. Jan. S7 General Denlklne and aUff ref- ugees on British vessel at Constantinople, Jan. 2S-Jugo-Blavla rejected the Adriatic compromise offered by Italy.

Jan. 2s Ukrainians announced they ha captured Odessa. Jan. 11 Vladivostok eelsed by revolutionists. Deb.

Peace concluded between Ba- tbonia and soviet Russia, S'ek 1 Hmt at Germans accused of war erimes, beaded by former crown prlaoe, handed to German representatives by allies. Feb. Russian sovlec troops enures Feb. 1 Admiral Kalehak and his sre- solar executed by revoiutlonUt. Feb.

lo-Dane won 4ns plebiscite la afatrtfa ArJilAswta-. President Wllsoa noticed allies be would Met assent to Droooeed settlement at Aalrlatin auMHnn. rob. 11 Letts declared ai-ntlUoe with soviet Russia. Feb.

16 Supreme council a greed suUaa may re mam la i-oaataiiuiiopta, naranlot. ab. M-Aluee renewed their demand mm Holland for extradition of ex-kaier. Allies agreed Germany might try lbs war vandal, reserving the right to try them themselves if results are contrary to Justice. Feb.

17 Premiers of alllea sent conciliatory reply to Wilson's not on the Adriatic settlement, Supreme council decided on interna tionalization ol too iiarosneiie ana us JlosnarUB. Feb. 20-Kuselaa Bolsheviki announced the caDturs of Archauaal. Feb. 21 Bolsheviki occunled Murmansk.

Feb. J7 aoviet Russia made offer of peace to United States, Japan and Rou-mania. March I Moscow reported destruction of Lenlkine'a Kuban Cossack corps and also the caDture ox totavronoj. March 6 again refused to sur render former Raiser to allies. March President Wilson again re jected entente man concerning Adriatic.

March 7 Bolsheviki decisively defeated by Foles at Moair and luuenkovlts. southeast of Minsk. April 6 -Japanese troops occupied Vlad ivostok. April ft French occupied Frankfort and xiarmatadt because uermany was senatng too many troops Into Ruhr district and was otherwise disregarding the treaty. April 8 Germany formally protested iSuzainst vrencn advance.

Anrll 19 AUled premiers in conference At ban Remo decided Baiitan should remain In Constantinople and the Darda nelles should tntemauonauied. April 26 Supreme council, having vouched agreement on Turkey and Ger. many, warned uerun treaty must De car ried out, threatening force. President Wilson asked to determine boundaries of Armenia- April It Poles started successful oi- genaivs sgalnat Bolsheviki in Ukraine. April la Russians in Vladivostok region fleioea to an jeaan's oemanoa.

May a Denmark occupied North dues- May t-Klev taken by the Poles. May Moscow announced treaty erf xeace between soviet Russia and republlo of Georgia had beesi concluded. May U-Turklsh treaty handed ts Otse- snan delegation May 17 French evacuated Frankfort. May It Bolsheviki drove British from Bnsell, Persia, and started counter often- uve against me rojea. May 27 Canada Olod reparation claims atf 1171,000,000 against Germany.

May Capture of Besht, most Important Caaplan. seaport, by Bolsheviki aa-Kkunoed. Jane 1 Japanese broke off negotiations with Solahevlkl for buffer stats in Bibs na June 4 Treaty of peace with Hungary signed. June -iRnthanlan decided to Join Polos Hi war on soviet rtussta. June 11 Poles evacuated Kiev.

Jane SI iBolahevlkl opened midsumaoer drive against Poles. Juu 17 Eleventh Bersagilerl regiment or iftaauMi army muuniea at Ancona when ordered to Albania. Other troops overpowered rebels after battle in which gaany were luuea. June JO Four hundred Italian troops killed in two-day battle with anarchists at Aaeona ana rioronmo. July Bolshee-lkl captured Lembenb Ukraiaia.

July -Greeks captured Brussa In Asia minor xroaa lunia July Allied and German Uvea toot at Bps, Belgium, to discuss disarmament clause of peace treaty. July 7 Fortress of Rovno In Vothynla raptured by Bolsheviki. Poles forced to retreat on 7te-tnlie front. July 14 He list) forces evacuated Brest- leiovas, vims ana nau. fiovax.

vuna anei nsu, i July fa-Allld supreme council agreed to begin negotletiooe with Russian Rnl shevlkl to conclude armistice between Bolsheviki and Poles. Bolsheviki captured city of Minsk from Poles July If Allies and Germans agreed on coal deliveries. Lithuania and Russia made peace and former regained towns from Polea July If Russian soviet government rejected British peace propoeali for Poland. New stuck by Bolshevik armlet repulsed by Poles In Vothynla, but Reds invaded Polish territory at one point July 20 Russians suggested pesos negotiations direct with the Poles. July 21 Arabs accepted French terms concerning Syria.

July 23 Poland asked soviet Russia for armistice, and new Polish cabinet was formed with Wltoa as premier. July 24 Russia consented to an armistice. July 25 Russia offered to talk peace with alllea If Wrangel surrendered. French occupied Damsscus. July 2COreeks took Adrlanople, capturing Jafar Tayar.

July 2t-Russiana took Blalyatok and attacked Brest-Lllevsk. July tl-Vllna abandoned to soviet forces. Peace negotiations began at Baranovichi. Aug. I Fortress of Brest-Li torsk taken by Russlana Aug.

League of Nations council at Baa Sebastian adopted French plea for International general staff of military experts. Also adopted Root's plan for In-ternatlonal court of Justice. Russo-Pollsh negotiations Interrupted, Russians continuing their advance. Turkiah nationalists opened offensive gainst Greeks In Asia Minor. Aug.

fr-Leaguc council adopted lnter-national blockade plan. Dea I Francis Lynd Stetson. rolnnt atlnrnau 9 Kl-. Vnrk Dec 10 Horace p. Dodge, automobile manufacturer.

In Palm Beach. 1 Mnrquis Delia cniesa, oniiuti Pope. 1VArZrcti.r wic. of Wyoming supreme rauit Dec. 17 Lieut Pat O'Brien, famou American war aviator, Horatio W.

Seymour, noted journanai, In New York. Dea 1-Mr. Helen E. Btarrett, noted American educator. Deo.

20 Kt. Rev. Charles Summer Burch. Protestant Episcopal blihop of New York. DISASTERS Jan, Earthquaxe In kill many persons and did vast damage.

Feb. 6 Disastrou storm swept Atlantic, coasfof United State. March 28 Nearly 200 persons killed and hundred Injured by tornado which swept Illinois, inaiana, unio, Micnigan, vviscuu-In, Alabama and Georgia. Heveral million dollars' orooertv damage. AprU 11 Three hundred killed, many Injured In explosion of munition, dump at itothensteln.

East Prussia, April 20 Score killed by tornadoes to Mlaalislppl, Alabama and Tennessee. May 2 Fifty-nine killed by tornado In Cherokee county, Oklahoma. Aug. 19 Great Hood in Japan with heavy loss of life. Bept 7 Earthquake In northern Italy mnnw tnwna and killed 174.

Bept More destructive eathquaka (hock In Italy. Sept. at Million dollar firs en Calves, ton water front Dec. Disastrou earthquakes In Chile and Cntral America Dea Earthquake destroyed towns along Argentine slop of the Andea; killed. SPORTS Jan.

IK A. HaUi-en of Colorado won tht International ski tournament at Cary, III. Jan. 30 Joe Stecher won heavyweight wrestling cbamplonahlp from Earl Cad-dock. Feb.

4 W. B. Huey won world' amateur three-cushion championship at Chi cago. March Percv Collins of Chicago won national amateur u-z ouuara cnampion-ahtn. March 15 Walter Hagen of Detroit won west coast open golf championship at Bellalr Heights, when he completed 71 hole in 292 strokes.

May I Kentucky Derby won by Paul Jones. May 31 Chevrolet won COO-mlle automobile race at Indianapolis. July 2 T. Tllden Philadel phia won British lawn tennis champion ship in singles at wimDieaon. July IB Shamrock won first of Amerl' ca'a cup races, owing tq accident to Res- oiuie.

i July 17 Charles Evans. won wet am HmRtmir arnlf chamninnnhlrt. July 20 Shamrock won BeconcV race for America's cup. July a rtesoiute defeated Shamrock in third race. July 23 Resolute won fourth race.

July 24 Mark Alrle, Illinois, won Olym pic trap-shooting championship. July 27 Kesolute won fifth race and th America' a cup. Aug. 8 United State won Olympic target shooting contest Aug. 6 Jock Hutchinson won western open golf championship.

Aug. 13 Kdward Ray of England won American open golf champlonahlp, Aug. 22 Kohlemalnen of New York, entered for Finland, won Marathon at Ant werp. Americana won ths Olvmnlo chamnlnn. amps.

Sect I Jack knockea out BU" Uiske tn third round. Bept li charle Evans, won at- i cnempionanip oept, zt jorooHiyn won iNauonai league pnnant oept zs seven memc-eaji or Chicago Whit Box club and on Former member accused of conspiracy to "throw" world Mr lea of 1919. Two confessed. Grand Jury at Chicago voted indictments. Oct 2 Cleveland won American league pennant uct.

Cleveland won nrst world series game. Oct fr-Brobklyn won second world ge ne game. uct 7 BrooKiyn won third gam. Oct, I Cleveland won fourth game, 1 Oct 10 Cleveland won fifth game. Oct 1 1 tf'lavel a A wnn alrth Oct 12 Cleveland1 won seventh im aiiu tvnui cuaiiiymnanip.

Carpentlar of France knocked out Le- vinaxy ana oecame ngnt heavyweight champion ot the world. Oct IS Eight National league and three American league voted to withdraw from the national agreement and ad not a new system of baseball a-overnmant uct a uratitt jury in Chicago Indicted Hal Chase. Bill Burns and Aba Att.l fn tne oaseneui conspiracy, Oct. 3 American flahfne schonnat ma. peranto defeated Canadian entry Debt- wasM ill nrst race.

Nov. I Esperanto defeated n-lavanna again and won aerie. Owners of eight National and three American league clubs voted to I tnrm new 1 9-clll laaania inn nffAF-A h.l I form new 12-club league and offered ehalr. manshlp -of board of control to Judge isiHiw wi in kiiihmu mary-'Oi sianshlp of baseball board of control, ancV I war between the major leaaruas avertea. Nov.

Ohio 8tat university won con' ference football championship. Nov. 28 Rosco Sarle won 2S0-mlla na. tlonal championship auto race at Loa Aa. galea.

Gaston Chevrolet killed In collision. uec. a wiine Moppe retained the II-1 eaiK una cnampionsnip. three-cushion billiard championship from I uc. 15 on iayton of St.

Loul woa Bob Cannefax. Dec. 14 Champion Jack Dempsey knock' out diii orennaa in twenui round. AERONAUTICS Feb. 17 MaJ.

R. W. Bchroeder made sorki altitude record of 88 nm I Dayton. and then fell five mile, but I urvlvei I mar oi wu Ais.ian lieutenants com- I Plated flight from Rome to Tokvtv June 27 Aviator John H. Larun man.

new nuiutvi-rt iwjra in united Btatee' 4.000-oille flight from Omaha, Neb. to Philadelphia In hours. started flight from New York to Julv 29 First tranacontinnntal ll I July 16 our united State airplanes plane left Long Island for San Fran- I I Aug. 3 First tranacontlnental air mall I rescued vtnn -au Aug. 10 Air mail Service establlaharf tWflen ChiCaaO and St I Au.

16 thlcaro-St Louia air re eervlc established. Aug. 23 Army planes from New York reached Nome, Alaska. BeDt 3 Coast-to-coast air mail aarvtn. etabllhed.

Sept. Javne Gordon Bennett trophy rar won by gadi Leeolnte. France. Oct. 25- Belgian entry Belgica won Intel national balloon race In America Nov.

26 Lieut C. C. Itnalev won Pnllt. ser trophy airplane race at Mineola, N. nis average speea oeing mile an hour Dec I J.

T. Chrlstensen. air mail mini set new record for Chicago-New fori flight making 743 miles la hours ounulea. I I I i I lad I.

The Sun and the Erie County Independent from Hamburg, New York (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.