Times Quick Cryptic 2704 by Hurley – Times for The Times (2024)

Times Quick Cryptic 2704 by Hurley – Times for The Times (1)Author &nbsp jackktPosted on 17th June 2024 at 1:03 AM16 June 2024Categories Quick Cryptic

Solving time: 11 minutes

An enjoyable stroll. I haven’t found a lot to comment on today, but if there’s anything you’d like explained in more detail please feel free to ask.

As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. “Aural wordplay” is in quotation marks. I usually omit all reference to juxtaposition indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.

Times Quick Cryptic 2704 by Hurley – Times for The Times (2)Across
1Go quickly in second vehicle (7)
S (second), CAMPER (vehicle)
5Cry — “Sounds like bouncer!” (4)
Aural wordplay [sounds like]: “ball” (bouncer)
7Most important one holds paper sheets together (6)
Two meanings
8One displaying bathroom feature (6)
Two meanings
9Big beast with article? Force outside showing self-control (11)
FORCE contains [outside] BEAR (big beast) + AN (article)
10Everyone in Republican Party in speedy action (6)
ALL (everyone) contained by GOP (Republican, Grand Old, Party)
12One bringing luck in racecourse, miles ahead (6)
M (miles), ASCOT (racecourse)
14A raider came to rock friendly feeling (11)
Anagram [rock] of A RAIDER CAME
17Pay attention: deli’s tenant missing some letters outside (6)
{de}LI’S TEN{ant} [missing some letters outside]
18Describing marrying girl, show anger, we hear (6)
Aural wordplay [we hear]: “bridle” (show anger). Describing girl who is marrying.
20Terrible place — greeting cut short (4)
HELL{o} (greeting) [cut short]
21Flavouring aid, seen differently (7)
Anagram [differently] of AID SEEN
Times Quick Cryptic 2704 by Hurley – Times for The Times (3)Down
1Determined to find some tennis (3)
Two meanings
2Shock to include extremely risible clothing (7)
APPAL (shock) containing [to include] R{isibl}E [extremely]
3Scrap coin article (5)
Three meanings
4Platform, retro, empty on street — strange (7)
R{etr}O [empty], ST (street), RUM (strange)
5Colour of summit, northern (5)
BROW (summit), N (northern)
6Gloomy, we ask person to include option upfront (9)
WE + BEG (ask) + ONE (person) containing [to include] O{ption}[upfront]
9Country fellow’s entering for right to vote (9)
HIS (fellow’s) contained by [entering] FRANCE (country)
11Dangerous swimmer’s power country has cut (7)
P (power), IRAN (country), HA{s} [cut]
13Obsequious, wait with one learner inside (7)
I (one) + L (learner) contained by [inside] SERVE (wait)
15Place to stay in Seattle tomorrow on way back (5)
Hidden [in] {Seatt}LE TOM{orrow} reversed [on way back]
16Arab city call — excellent (5)
DUB (call), A1 (excellent)
19Do some maths at first after dinner date (3)
A{fter} + D{inner} + D{ate} [at first]
  1. So far more solvers have made an error than not. I wonder if we’ve all spelled ‘cameraderie’ the way I do?


    1. I’m a camerade; once again I made a mental note to check the anagrist, and once again I crumpled the note up and tossed it in the wastebasket.


    2. Hail, camerade!


    3. Another CAMERADERIE here. When will I learn the importance of counting the letters in the anagrist?


  2. 17:03. I had trouble remembering how to spell PIRANHA until I realized IRAN was the country involved. I didn’t like the “most” in the definition for STAPLE, “important” seemed sufficient for me. GALLOP took a while as I forgot GOP and tried to make something out of R and DO. PIECE and WOEBEGONE were favourites.


    1. Ditto on all of them. GOP was the DOH moment.


  3. I had SCARPER since I didn’t think of CAMPER, even though I thought it was probably wrong.
    WOEBEGONE was my LOI by a long shot, that’s a very hard clue I think.
    Didn’t enjoy this puzzle, it felt all pretty loose in terms of definitions/wordplay.


    1. I also put scarper then struggled with parsing it as the ‘per’ wasn’t clued. Eventually stumbled across camper. No such luck in correcting cameraderie so dnf.


  4. I thought this was an excellent example of the setter’s art at Quickie level. Collins has ‘of prime importance’ for staple, so no problems there. WOEBEGONE really got the grey cells working. It took ages to think of the correct position of the O in the wordplay. 8:25


    1. Yes, re STAPLE, SOED mentions ‘foremost’ and ‘predominant’.


  5. Today I learnt that I cannot spell camaraderie after five goes at it even after being given all the correct letters.


  6. CAMARADERIE didn’t look right when entered, but I checked the anagrist and decided it must be. Nothing else much interrupted my GALLOP, until I reached my LOI which held me up for half a minute or so while I parsed it.

    TIME 3:55


  7. Another cameraderie here too, other than that a steady solve to a good time of 17.33.

    MER at Staple too but explanations above have helped. NHO dub as call but having got the D and A1 it had to be. Thanks Hurley and Jack.

    Was so good to meet up on Saturday despite arriving like drowned rats from the deluge at the end of Trooping the Colour! Nice to put faces (and names) to the “names” here 😀 Thank you John for organising.


  8. ‘Sounds like Bouncer’ begin with B – can surely only be BARK. Needed the W from BAWL when I gave up on the Neighbours dog to see WOEBEGONE – not sure I would ever have solved that from cryptic alone. Ended up all green in 8.24.


  9. 11 minutes. Had to think a while before seeing the adjectival sense of STAPLE. Managed to avoid the potential SCARPER trap (especially with a misleadingly obvious “car” for ‘vehicle’) and was going slowly enough to justify having a re-look at the anagram fodder for CAMARADERIE and not putting in that extra E.

    Thanks to Hurley and Jack


  10. I’d modify Jack’s summary to Mostly a gentle stroll myself – I was down to the last two well inside 8 minutes, but the WOEBEGONE / BAWL pair held out for a further 3 minutes. Woebegone is an excellent clue, a real case of “why did I not see it earlier” when I finally got it, but I think it’s quite stiff for a QC.

    That apart, I rechecked the anagrist several times for CAMARADERIE and did avoid the bear-trap, and my initial MER at STAPLE being the Most important did not survive a quick post-completion check of the dictionary. And for a not-very-common word, strange to have ROSTRUM in two consecutive QCs.

    Very good to see so many on Saturday at the George; thanks again to John for organising.

    Many thanks Jack for the blog.


  11. I found this quite tricky in places and never did parse my last one in which only succumbed to an alphabet trawl. Fortunately managed to avoid biffing ‘scarper’ and double checked my spelling of CAMARADERIE.
    Started with SET and finished with WOEBEGONE in 10.14.
    Thanks to Jackkt


  12. Pink squares at WOEBEGONE. Could not see what was going on, since WHEREFORE fitted, I went with that on the basis that “surely nothing else fits”.

    And another SCARPER, on the basis that lots of small words mean “per”, and of course CAR is the first vehicle I tried.

    But hey, I spelt Camaraderie right.


    1. Exactly what I did – very annoying. Stevedore would have been good if it started with an S!!


  13. A dnf for me today. Spent five minutes staring at 6d with every crosser and still didn’t get it. Just as well I didn’t, as I’d also banged in ‘scarper’ wondering where the per came from.

    Thanks jack and setter.


  14. Lovely puzzle solved with some head-scratching and careful spelling.
    I didn’t know GOP for ‘Republican Grand Old Party’ but the answer was clear from the P and ‘Everyone’
    Nice succinct but clear blog Jackkt.


  15. NHO GOP, so no chance of guessing that; WOEBEGONE just too difficult (and obscure); otherwise all fine (no problem with CAMARADERIE). Thank you, John, for an enjoyable meeting on Saturday.


  16. Hungover and gloomy after staying up late to watch Rory miss two putts my mum would have made. No coffee. Can’t spell. DNF. Next!

    Thanks Hurley and Jack.



  17. I didn’t realise that FRANCHISE could mean the right to vote in public elections but the wordplay was clear. Ditto re GOP for Republican Party. Guess I’m not a fan of politics. I checked the anagram fodder for CAMARADERIE so avoided a pink square. From SCAMPER to SERVILE in 7:33.


  18. Three errors:
    – had no idea where the clue for WOEBEGONE was going apart from a word for gloomy.
    – misspelt PIRANNA which looked wrong and didn’t parse.
    – CAMERADERIE like several others.
    Corrected SCAMPER in time though and gave it COD.
    Thanks Jack and Hurley


  19. DNF.
    Gave up after 20 mins. with just 8 clues gotten.
    Just too tough for me.
    A rotten start to the week.


  20. DNF couldn’t see WOEBEGONE, too hard for my abilities, hopefully I will get there one day. I have to say I disagree with Cedric – once I saw the answer I was relieved I had looked it up. I think its a perfectly fair clue but not one that is particularly satisfying to see solved


  21. 9:23

    LOI WOEBEGONE of course.
    Pretty tough for a Monday QC I thought. Both 9’s held out for a while until I got to F.
    Excellent puzzle and blog, thanks Hurley and Jack.


  22. Meant to go back and check the spelling of CAMARADERIE but didn’t. Woe is me that I scarpered too. LOI BRIDAL. I found it fairly easy once I got going – apart from my mistakes.
    Didn’t know GOP but GALLOP it had to be.
    Thanks vm, Jack.


  23. Parsing problems today. I stopped to correct SCARPER and then was slow to see PIECE.
    Even so after 12 minutes I just needed to parse WHEREFORE. Over 5 more minutes I had WE plus REFER (ask) and OR for option, so with a feeling of doubt I came here. WOE is me. Definitely a tough clue.
    If it doesn’t parse, …
    Very good to meet fellow solvers at The George on Saturday and more thanks to John for organising.


  24. I had scarper instead of scamper. Personally I think a better answer to the clue


  25. All done and dusted ere I reached the portals of the SCC, so a good start to the week for me. The longer ones each took a little thinking and parsing time, but nothing held me up particularly and it was all fair and fun. PIECE seemed obvious but the parsing confused me until I realised it was a triple, not a double def.


  26. DNF as David above. Foxed as I wrote 1a SCARPER; where did the per come from? Nowhere came the stern reply.
    Found this tricky. Was fixated on suffrage for the 9d voting thing, puzzled by the Big Beast Bear at 9a.
    Couldn’t see 14a CAMARADERIE and so on. 3d PIECE triple def foxed me too.
    Nevertheless a good quickie. COD 20a HELLo.


  27. 10:57, with one pink square, due to bad spelling in Camaraderie.
    Took a while to see SCAMPER, after staring at SCARPER wondering how to account for the PER.
    I failed to spot the triple definition in PIECE, thinking that PIE was the coin, and not sure how CE made an article.

    Thanks Jack and Hurley


  28. Couldn’t finish this one. I found it not only tricky but rather drab, which didn’t do much to encourage me to continue.

    My verdict: 🥱


  29. Like most others spelt CAMARADERIE with a fourth letter E initially, but (smug face) took the trouble on completion to check the anagrist, and changed it to an E. The extra seconds taken here together with over two minutes spent solving my LOI WOEBEGONE, took me from a pretty quick time to a more average (for me) time of 9.02.
    Like Templar watched Rory heartbreakingly disintegrate on the final four holes last night, but I’m more forgiving than Templar, those greens were treacherous. At least England did the business at the Euros, so not such a bad day.


  30. 7:17

    Friendly-ish. Wasn’t sure of the first meaning of STAPLE so relied on checkers before inking in. GOP took a short while to come to mind – fortunately seen it somewhere here before. CAMARADERIE – careful to count the As and Es. LOI was WOEBEGONE, again taking a little thought as to what might fit the checkers.

    Thanks Jack and Hurley


  31. Dnf…

    20 mins, but a number of errors – of which “Camaraderie” wasn’t one of them. Like a couple of people, I put “Scarper” for 1ac, but I knew it didn’t feel right. I then struggled with 9dn “Franchise” and 6dn “Woebegone”. Overall, a tougher start to the week I thought.

    FOI – 7ac “Staple”
    LOI – 6dn “Woebegone” (but incorrect)
    COD – 2dn “Apparel”

    Thanks as usual!


  32. Well off the pace today, and pulled stumps at the 25min mark with Woebegone, Piece and Servile unsolved for a really quite poor DNF. Invariant


  33. 7.15 with one error…

    Poor Rory. As he missed the first one my twin messaged me “Heimlich maneuver needed”. Sadly it didn’t work


  34. 20m
    Finished eventually but no idea on exact time as kept taking breaks.
    Struggled with forbearance, franchise, and LOI woebegone.
    COD shower


  35. 4:25 but another CAMERADERIE. LOI WOEBEGONE… which I am after the spelling lesson. Are we misspellers in the majority? Maybe we should lobby for the dictionaries to be changed. Thanks Hurley and Jackkt.


    1. Agree with that sentiment – I get quite miffed when dictionary spellings and meanings don’t agree with the right ones, i.e. mine!


  36. Doing the QC during rather than after morning coffee led to a long but very amusing solve at 33:24, including three(!) typos. The solving mechanism seemed to kick in somewhere around SERVILE. Held up on WOEBEGONE partly because I spell it WOBEGONE, I knew I was old but didn’t realize I am archaic according to Collins.

    COD to 17A LISTEN with its admonition to pay attention to that hidden, and the never-seen-before hidden indicator. Brought tears (of laughter) to my eyes as I did not pay attention and parsed it after putting it in. I also enjoyed the laughable APPAREL.

    Thanks Hurley and jackkt!


  37. I was initially scooting, rather than scamping, and spent some time establishing spelling of CAMARADERIE, plus WOEBEGONE left me so. . I’d give myself a dnf, I’m afraid


  38. Yes, took a while to spell CAMARADERIE, and to see the CAMPER and not the CAR – PER

    WOE is me for 6D last one in, wanted to put WHEREFORE thinking HE might fit into WE but couldn’t make the rest fit.

    Sadly no 😀annotations for me today.

    Thanks anyway for the workout Hurley and thanks Jack.


  39. I started this reasonably brightly but soon faded to a rather pedestrian pace. Breezeblocked by the 5ac/6dn crossing, probably taking at least 5 minutes for these two alone. No idea why 5ac caused me difficulty as it’s a bit of a chestnut. WOEBEGONE to me means looking sad rather than gloomy, so I was surprised when I eventually cracked it. All done in 21 mins, came here and realised I had joined the cameraderie club. At least I managed to avoid scarper at 1ac. A poor start to the week but unfortunately I can’t find anyone to blame but myself.

    FOI – 7ac STAPLE
    LOI – DNF but would have been 6dn WOEBEGONE
    COD – 12ac MASCOT

    Thanks to Hurley and Jack


  40. Never heard of GOP as have little interest in US politics and add me to the SCAMPER but what about the PER group?


  41. 24 minutes, so a good time for me.
    Luckily, I know how to spell CAMARADERIE.
    PIECE was my LOI, but BRIDAL, FRANCHISE and STAPLE also put up some resistance towards the end.

    Many thanks to Hurley and Jack.


  42. DNF

    As per Merlin, pink squares at WOEBEGONE. Could not see what was going on, since WHEREFORE fitted, I went with that on the basis that “surely nothing else fits”.

    Also spelt CAMARADERIE wrong for a bad day all round.


  43. Frustrating mixture of easy, straightforward clues and some quite tricky wordplay. French speakers know their camarades so no problems there, but I struggled with staple and with forbearance and entered the SCC at the opposite of a scamper. Enjoyed dub for call and serve for wait: got there (just) in the end. And summer has come to Suffolk today – all doors and windows open at last. Hooray! Thanks Hurley and jackkt.


  44. Having come a cropper with CAMERADERIE several times in the past, I was particularly careful this time and counted the As and Es in the anagrist to confirm. SCAMPER was FOI: many of my muso friends have camper vans, so I wasn’t distracted by scarper. Took a while to get GALLOP as I was distracted by R for Republican. My longest holdup was LOI, WOEBEGONE, and I had to write out the letters I had horizontally before I could make sense of it. 8:25. Thanks Hurley and Jack.


  45. 21.04 DNF. My run of terrible form continues but at least I’m in good company today. I also biffed SCARPER and misspelled CAMERADERIE, and was held up by BRIDAL and PIECE, where I took far too long to realise it was a triple def. Thanks Jack and Hurley.


  46. Another cameraderie here. Held up inexplicably by BROWN/BAWL otherwise mostly straightforward. Didn’t know GOP = Republican. Tried scarper before realising the error of my ways. Didn’t know that meaning of FRANCHISE. Maybe not so straightforward after all. Many thanks Jack. Would love to have come on Saturday. Enjoyed seeing the photos. Maybe next year.


  47. Feel I ought to start solving with the timer showing, as it feels like it has been nearly a week of puzzles where the final answer doesn’t drop in for some time after all the others. I suppose most would call it a DNF, but I make the mistake of hanging on in the hope that it occurs to me. Sometimes it does and whilst I’m grateful to have finished the puzzle, my final time is well inflated. Anyway, it was a high NITCH and a 15:42 today with at least four of them on WOEBEGONE, and it be the case that I was gone soon after with a fair amount of woe.

    On the bright side I somehow avoided the CAMERADERIE spelling trap, I think more out of blind tapping luck rather than skill.


  48. I’m another CAMERADERIE so one pink square. No excuse since it is an anagram. Otherwise no problems.


  49. Completed not too far outside our normal time, but personally I was put off by the ugliness of the surfaces, in many cases seeming to be just a random selection of words. To me one of the worst examples of setting I have seen, I assumed that there must be something else going in the clues for them to be so bad, but nobody seems to have spotted anything


  50. O what ails thee knight at arms so ragged and so woebegone
    While the sedge has withered from the lake and no birds sing
    I think, from memory


    1. Alone and palely loitering….


Times Quick Cryptic 2704 by Hurley – Times for The Times (2024)


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