TIMES-LEADER, THE EVENING NEWS, WILKES-BARRE. PA. THURSDAY, EVENING, JANUARY 15, 1970 ever, indicated they probably At 18 Cents A Pack would be increased, but he declined to say if more enforcement agents would be hired. eral Assembly must hive the courage to cut back on them and tell the people who need the services of such an intention," would increases prices 6 or 7 cents a depending on location and type of store. They said they would be making a larger Most of the larger cigarette he said Cut the services.
or State Cigarette Tax bootlegging operations uncovered in Pennsylvania in the years v. 1 1 raise the money." investment and this should be re flected in the return. aeents have been on the alert involved shipments from North (From The Wires Of Tbe Associated Press) On Dean's' List Miss Esther Arendt, daughter Machine vendors," if they went above the flat 5 cents would either have to hike it to 10 cents Is Highest In Hation Harrisburg WV The Pennsyl-i stroke of midnight and sign the combination of nuclear reactions, fuels and shielding. of Mrs. Mary Arendt, Noxen, has or else insert pennies in each Carolina to the New York City metropolitan area.
However with a new 50 cent tax per carton to contend with, Pennsylvanians who-are in an PITTSBURGH Pauline Lutz cele-, brates her 100th birthday today and been given honorable mention on the Dean's List for thi fall term individual pack if it were more than a nickel but less than a dime. vania cigarette tax jumped at Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi, W. Va. Miss Arendt, a other state, might be tempted to jc uas uau uie icgisiauuu Although every cigarette tax stock, up, officials conceded. designed to bring in $21 million hike usually brines about a num in what left of this fiscal year ber of consumers who swear' off! cents to a national high of 18 cents a pack today as Gov.
Shafer signed legislation he admittedly doesn't like. In a statement issued in advance of the signing, Shafer said and S53.7 million a year there gh says she feels like iL "I feel old and tired all the said the patient at John Kane Hospital. ''( Doctors say Mrs. Lutz' health is declining, but she still gets up and around every day. Until she came to Kane five years ago, she kept house and cooked for herself.
WASHINGTON Expansion of U. S. air travel is expected to continue this year, but the rate of growth may drop off considerably as Americans become more concerned about their inflation-damaged dollars. The Civil Aeronautics Board is forecasting a 6 percent increase this year over 1969 in the passenger traffic on the major domestic airlines. This compares with an estimated growth of 9 percent in 1969.
that "we are reaching a point after, since the Senate passed it smoking, an administration spokesman said this was taken into consideration when the tax of. diminishing return in the January 6. Shafer, a non-smoker, made sophom*ore nursing student, achieved a 3.25 average on the 4.00 'marking system used by the college. The waters of sprawling Lake Baikal, 300 miles from Bratak, Siberia, are home to a thousand species of plants and animals found nowhere else -in the world. However, the governor held off piecemeal taxation of Pennsyl vanians." clear he was signing a bill that was "part of the General As projection was made.
Tax Comparisons "The constant relying of the General Assembly, on such taxes signing it so that dealers could take inventory and adjust vending machines. Consumers Pay sembly's tax program." "It is not one that I advocated, to meet the needs of our state is The 18-cent tax compares with 14 cents in New Jersey, cents in New York, 7 in both Ohio and nor do I advocate it now." he fast coming to an end," he said. said. A recent survey by the As The governor noted that even Vest Virginia ana 6 Maryland Shafer waited until one minute sociated Press showed that ma This lower taxes in the adja with this tax, the General As past midnight to affix his signa chine vendors would pass along ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. This resort city kicks off the 100th birthday year of the boardwalk with a banquet Saturday night at Convention Hall.
All year long the city will present special events to draw attention to the four and one-eighth mile oceanfront wooden way. cent states increased possi the flat five-cent increase to ture to the legislation at the HARRISBURG U. S. farm acreage sprayed with pesticides increased from 23 million acres to 120 million acres in the last 20 years a Farm Show speaker said Wednesday. Charles J.
Noll of Penn State University told the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association private industry must introduce new 'safe and effective" pesticides to keep ahead of plant disease. bility of- cigarette bootlegging, sembly still has to come up $200 million to finance programs for the current fiscal year, now executive mansion. Normally, a customers and that they gener WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRS All Wrk Fally GunntcMl Leonard's Diamonds Watches Gifts Oilmi thcvpinr CtmU Ofca Til I Erery Nlf htTM. 11 something the state cigarette tax ally would cost SO cents a pack. bureau didnt deny.
more than hall over. signing of this statuer would be accompanied by ceremony, but an aide said the governor sim except 55 cents for 100 milli "These commitments must be John H. Lathrop, the bureau director, said border checks meter brands. Over-the-counter dealers, how' ply would wait "until after the kept or the members of the Gen- HONG KONG An expert on Communist China's nuclear HARRISBURG Dr. Martin Luther King, the assassinated civil rights leader, whose birthday anniversary is today, was characterized by Gov.
Shafer as a man who aroused new pride and determination in the people of his race. Shafer said in a statement that King would be remembered "for starting the nonviolent revolution that shook the conscience of a society wrought with apathy." "May all citizens" take time today to give proper recognition to the memories and ideals of this outstanding American," Shafer said. development said today that Peking is completingor may already have completed the most advanced type of plant to manufacture the explosion materjaj for high-yield hydrogen bombs. Retired Marine Gen. Victor H.
Krulak also told the Hong Kong foreign Correspondents' Club that the Chinese Communists are making rapid progress in developing missiles to carry nuclear warheads. He predicted that within 12 to 15 months China would test a ballistic missile, firing it from the western desert test area into the Pacific Ocean. PITTSBURGH Bucknell University has received the third largest monetary grant in the school's history, a spokesman said. The Richard King Mellon Charitable Trusts of Pittsburgh gave the school $1 million Wednesday. The money is to be added to the university's general endowment fund.
LONDON Prime Minister Harold Wilson is seeking a meeting of the 28 British Commonwealth nations this summer to discuss Britain's campaign to get into the European Common Market and what must be done to take, care of the other Commonwealth members. But several African and Asian governments have advised Commonwealth Secretary-General Arnold Smith they want the discussions to include such issues as Rhodesia, the Middle East, the arms race and East-West relations. NEW YORK A 435-carat diamond, the size of a child's fist, will mi A NOTRE-DAME DU LAC, 64-year-old handyman was held. in jail today after being found criminally responsible for the fire December 2 in which 40 inmates of a home for the aged died. Coroner Cyrille Delage made the finding Wednesday against Louis Chiasson, a native of Miscou, N.
who did odd jobs about the home in exchange for living there. mi Li' Jj be ground and exhibited to promote world peace, its owners have announced. The two-inch by two-inch uncut gem, dubbed the "Light of Peace," will be honed to a pear-shaped 150 carats an exhibited around the country with proceeds going to a special peace foundation, Zale Corp. said Wednesday. It was discovered in an undisclosed West African country last year.
At a news conference Zale officials said the cut stone would be worth $3 million to $5 million and will be the second largest- pear-shaped diamond in the world. The world's largest pear-shaped diamond, the Cullinan, weighs 530.20 carats. It is part of the British crown jewels. MOSCOW Pravda said today U. S.
Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird's view that the Safeguard missile system might have to be expanded "cannot help but create difficulties" in U. efforts to limit the arms race. Boris Strelnikov, Washington correspondent of the Soviet Communist party organ, charged Laird is trying to frighten the Americans with Soviet threat." In announcing our two new GOLDEN FIVE PLUS Savings Flans, Northeastern National provides the ''eamingest' savings opportunities we've ever offered. Effective Immediately, weII pay you more money lor your money THE AREA'S HIGHEST SAVINGS RETURN and we'll guarantee our high rate for a full 15 years.
LAS VEGAS, Nev. A nuclear scientist reports good news for conservationists who fear that using nuclear explosives to build dams, canals and harbors will pollute the earth with radiation. Dr. B. Clark Groseclose of the University of California's Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Liverpore, said Wednesday final tests are under way in Nevada on a nuclear explosion for underground use that is virtually free of harmful radiation.
Development of the explosive, he said, is the result of years of research to find the MM ATHENS Henry J. Tasca, the new U. S. ambassador to Greece, presented his credentials today to U. Gen.
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