Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

I I I I I I YES, THERE ARE BANANAS Lucille Eddie Albert use them to hide from pursuing smuggle in "The Fuller Brush Girl," a comedy opening today and continuing Monday at the Paramount theater. Cotton Growing Expected To Become Job For Chemicals, Mechanical Processes Fayetteville, Nov. 4. I (UP) -Chemical engineers here have developed a process intended to remove the final manual effort in, cotton The process testing stage, would destroy weeds and parasitic growths without injuring cotton plants. Dr.

Dale A. Hinkle, head of the agronomy, department of the University department of the University of Arkansas, predicted that the chemical formula would make cotton raising, an entirely mechanical process. "Eli Whitney first brought mechanical processes into cotton handling with his cotton said Dr. Hinkle. "We think we have developed the Anal practice in making cotton raising a job for chemicals and machines.

A chemical as di-nitro is the new "wonder drug" for cotton growing. It is sprayed over the ground as the cotton is planted with the spray attached to the cotton planer. "Di-nitro stops the germination of weed seeds for about four weeks," said Dr. Hinkle. "It has no effect on the cotton plant." Chemists at the University of ing Arkansas with are another also experiment- to kill weed growth after the di-nitro is no longer effective.

The chemical has an oil base and is sprayed on the ground at the base of the cotton plant. The chemil doesn't affect the waxy lower portion of the cotton stem. There chemical helps to the cotton planter received their first wits at the Clarksdale, branch; experiment station of the sity of Arkansas. The are being given further tests. the Marianna cotton branta experiment station of the university, think we have the weed prob, dicked for cotton planters, said Dr.

Hinkie. tests ave- been' most encourag. ing. Improvement in Mining Efficiency is Sought Nov. 4.

(P)-Norwegian silver production may be increased Pas the result of resear the government owned Kong berg silver mines by the technical assistance proThe silver at Kongsberg is coitained chiefly in low grade ore; with pockets of near pure silver. It is hoped that? methods will be found to mine the low grade ore more efficiently so that eventual high grace pockets may be found. The mines now operate at a loss? NAMES TO Ativ, Noy. 4. (AP)-Up to now.

sore, 50 joint stock compani Israel have changed their former (usually English) nan into Hebrew. ENJOY MOVIES UNDER THE STAR SHOws NIGHTLY An 6:00 SUNDAY ONLY Starts 6:45 Paramount presents ladd. ALAN as LADD avenging in action, his war- CAPTAIN time betrayal! CAREY. U.S.A. co-starrin WANDAY HENDRIX: Francis Lederer Joseph Calleia A MITCHELL LEISEN: COMEDY LATE, NEWS' COLOR CARTOON LPRIC SUNDAY MONDAY NEVER BEFORE SUCH THRILLS A YEARS UNINHIBITED SAVAGE MALES AND EVILL THRILL TO KILL -CRAZY LIONS VS.

HEADHUNTERS! STORY OF THRILL TO MAN AND ALONE FIGHT TO A FINISH! MASTS THE THRILL To MURDER MAD, GARGANTUAS THRILL TO LUST-CRAZED DE VM. DEVIL JUNGLE SEE ADVENTURE ALL EL AL! 3 COLOR CARTOONS WORLD WIDE Vancouver, Nov, 4., (UP) A mushrooming getrich-quick scheme, similar to the pyramid clubs of two years ago, has 'swept Vancouver. It's called "'home Enthusiasts say the weeks after A person' joins, can win $2,048, theoretically. Actually the payoff is smaller than that, 'usually about $1,000. Clubs have been up all lover Vancouver doctors, by lawyers housewives, and professors, many others.

The craze moved up to Canadas west coast from Seattle, where home quiz clubs ha've been operating for several months. City prosecutor Gordon W. Scott said the clubs are illegal under the lotteries section of the and raids have criminarried out on some of the clubs, but no arrests were made. Police said thousands of persons have joined clubs here. Mrs.

C. K. Barron, housewife who joined after seeing a story in a newspaper warning of a police crackdown on home quiz clubs, said: "It seems to be perfectly legal to me. I think they're just trying to scare And I want to get in on it early because it you're there first usually you can get the money. Most of the winners seemed to prefer to keep their identity secret, but the majority said they put the winnings into the bank.

One man car, while a housewife purchased new furniture for her home. The craze hit Vancouver with the same impact as did pyramid clubs two years ago. One night in one apartment block alone, seven of its suites were holding home quiz, parties, A professor at the Univetsity of British Columbia is an. ardent fan, and in one large city the wife and daughter of the chief of police are said to be members. The rules are much the same as those for pyramid, clubs.

To become a member of home quiz club, a person pays a dollar to a secretary. treasurer. Thirteen weeks later the payoff. In each club there are 32. grand treasurers and each grand 'Get Rich Quick' Scheme Sweeps Over Canada; Seek to Halt Illegal Clubs treasurer has 16 secretary surers.

Each secretary treasurer has a party at his house entertaining 16 new members once a week. The members: pay him a dollar each. Members graduate up the scale to grand treasurers, convenors, and from fourth to first president. The first president the person at the top of the list who wins the money. The secretary treasurers turn the dollars over to grand treasurers at another party.

Then. grand treasurers get together for a party at which they hand the money over to a president. The president is asked a old are you?" before he given simple question, such as. "How the money. Home quiz enthusicriminal code.

But say that gets aroundolte say it's still against the law. EARNS ITS NAME Mineral Wells, Nov. 4. --The new Mineral Wells jail may literally be called a It's air -conditioned. SKATING TONIGHT 7:30 to 10:30 IDYL WYLD 7 ROLLER PALACE CHRISTMAS During SPECIAL 3 Beautiful 1950 Golden 10x12 Buff November, 1.

PORTRAITS Studio Price MARION, IND. FIl IF From Baby-Sitter to Burlesque Queen She's a Fuller Brush Gal With a Hula! You See This Gal Boys! Wait Till Melody! PARAMOUNT Mirth! In Action! Starts. COMEDY RIOT! TODAY lines even FULLER BRUSH got MAN cont compete with COLUMBIA PICTURES presents The FULLER BRUSH starring GIRL LOCALLE Color Cartoon BALL Special Shorts! 'Popeye Makes a Movie' and EDDIE ALBERT Sport: 'Desert Hi-Jinks' Carl Beaton Reid Gale Robbies Jett Donnell Football in the News! Jerome Conan Witan by Frank ty scan That Madcap Fuller Brush Gal Can Sell Anybody a Brush As Long as It's a Man! 3 for $13.50 SPECIAL a offers brand the "Moms STUDIO $595 new, Pops" For. everything has for the Oply. elaborately, November and arranged planned that and accomodate in to the your "Sonny to "enth please i and ONLY 29 to have to choose from.

PHOTOGRAPHING Selection of Proofs pictures for taken receive same GROUP POSES THIS SPECIAL Christmas $1.00 Extra Pay $3.00 at NOVEMBER THE ONLY! MONTH ance of $2.95 when time of sitting--pay Phone 4947 finished. For APPOINTMENT A PORTRAIT -L. IS SO DEAR TO Hours: 9 to 5 Monday THE HEART YET thru Saturday SO REASONABLE IN PRICE Closed Wednesday Afternoon 4: ludio MARION, IND. dr 2 Marion, 'Indiana, Chronicle- Tribune Nov. 5, Comedy, 'Fuller Brush Girl', With Eddie Albert, Ball In Main Roles to Open Today brought to the screen the irrespressible character, the Fuller Brush, man.

now: turns tention. the female counterpart. "'The Fuller Brush opening today at the Paramount theater. Lucille Ball is seen in the title role and is starred with Eddie Albert: Featured in the supportparts are Carl Benton Reid. Gale Robbins, Jeff Donnell and Jerome Cowan.

Cast as a cosmetics dealer, Miss Ball sells. her: wares from. door to door, getting into all sorts of hilarious scrapes. According to the story. Miss Ball, the Fuller Brush girl, becomes involved with murder and 8 smuggling ring.

Before she and Albert have bested the smugglers. she has played reluctant baby sitter to a group of rampaging moppets, emulated a burlesque queen and been the harried leader in a last hectic chase sequence. The chase aboard a includes all of mad happenings. Reid. as a Fuller Brush manis somewhat bewildered by the would be Fullerett, played bins takes the part of a burlesque prima (donna.

The film be shown through Tuesday. A colorful adventure romance will be shown at the Paramount theater Tuesday through day, and the "Sudan," stars Maria Montez. Jon Hall and Turhan Bey. Others in the picture are Andy Devine, George Zucco and George Lynn. The film tells the story of Naila, spirited daughter of the King of Khem nis, wha is found mysteriously murdered at the picture's operting.

She mounts her father's throne, but the royal chamberlain plots to acquire it for himself He tries to sell her in slavery, but she makes a 'spectacular escape. found unconscious by Devine and Hall. The plot thickens the murderer (finally is found. Second on Tuesday, will be "Getting Gertie's Garter, in which Dennis; O'Keefe and Marie the main parts. "Getting Gertie's a re-release, is rollicking tale of an absentininded young pro- Columbia Pictures Miss Ball.

and Gale Rob- SAVE ONE HALF ON I CUSTOM Re-Upholstering Let us reclaim and new beauty any upholstered pieces that you have discarded because they: are shabby or no longer in style. Our skilled workmen can. do wonders and we have a fine selection of upholstery fabrics in the newest colors. We can give you prompt service, and satisfaction is guaranteed. I Your Old DAVENPORT CHAIRS and OTHER PIECES Made New Again! HERE'S WHAT WE DO: Suite called for and Springs replaced.

special reset. twine. delivered. retied with Old covering removed. Platforme completely Furniture sterilized.

rebuilt. Frames repaired. braced. Felt moss filling added. and polished.

and New seat. cushions. Webbing replaced. reset Covered in fine fabric. MAKE A DATE WITH OUR SALESMAN NOW! FABRICS ON HAND FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 562 BROWN OD 2 FURNITURE CO.

They're Handy! They're Handsome! They're Here! 1 COSCO Utility Tables A 'Above: MODEL with all enamel finish, rounded gliders on legs. $5.95 Below: MODEL 8-G, with width drawer, chro(mium legs. large casters. $14.95 Above: MODEL 8-C. with chromium legs, large casters.

$10.95 Just the table you've always wanted- -for kitchen, laundry, nursery, workroom or bath. All models have generous, work sur. face, with ample shelf room for bulky appliances. Heights: Model 8-A, Models and Tough, easy to. clean, baked-on enamel resists chipping, scratching, staining.

Five gay colors. In the kitchen. In nursery or bath the home T- Corner 5th I MARION Phones Washington 1566 1567 HARDWARE fessor who once bought an old girl friend an expensively jaweled garter. Subsequently when his newly found domestic bliss hinges on the recovery of the tell tale garter, he steps outside shelter of his laboratory into the "wicked" world of wine, women and wrong. Dennis O' Keefe Marie McDonald take the main "I Shot Billy the Kid" will be presented at the Paramount theater Friday and Saturday.

Starring Don a Barry, Robert Lowery, Wally Vernon and Tom Neal, this exciting story of the old west brings to the screen more adventures of the daring outlaw ho brought terror to the hearts of many men. The picture tells of the early life of Billy and how he gradually developed into one of the most infamous outlaws in American History. Wendly Lee has the top feminine spot. Taking its cue from the newspaper headlines, for Rogers' Republic, "Twilight in the Sierlatest starrer also will be shown Friday and. film Saturday.

is an exposure of the methods of the gangs whose nefarious trade counterfeit gold 'certificates. As a topical story, embellished with all of the thrills and suspense of the traditional western saga, it is said to be entertaining. Roy Rogers, king of the cowboys, appears as a two fisted state parole officer who takes to the saddle and leads the way in a fight to the finish against the gang of counterfeiters. Dale Evans has the feminine lead. Democrat (Continued from Page One) Hamblin, cerks, and John Bollur, sheriff.

Washington 1 Paul Oatis, injudge; Lucile Pulley and Josie spector; Timothy Satterthwaite, Percy, clerks, and Thomas H. Marks, sheriff. Washington 2 Louise Miller, inspector; Thom Fruchey, 'judge; Virginia Hill and Lillie Brower, clerks, and Harry Hussong, sheriff. Pleasant 1 (Jalapa) Bernard Renbarger, inspector; Earl Poe judge; Melburn Weaver, clerk, and Garl Lugar, sheriff. Pleasant 2 (Sweetser) Edd Cain, inspector; Fred Lake, judge; Mrs.

Fred Stevens, clerk and Robert Crouch, sheriff. Richland Frank Brown, inspector; Otto Renbarger, judge; John Rogers, clerk, and Harvey Hullinger, sheriff. or; Edna A Lewis, judge; Alta Sime Arthur Clair, inspect'Swartz and Leota Henderson, clerks, and Ernest Babb, 1 James Draper, inspector; Zora Payne, judge; Otta Shane and Margaret Hackney. clerks, and Elmer Little, sheriff. Fairmount 2 Trice, inspector; Ray Lynch, judge; Evclyn Langsdon, clerk, and Clyde Franklin 1 Arthur Bollett.

Richards, sheriff. inspector; Margaret Shook. judge; Virginia Marshall Edith Bollett, clerks, and Willis M. Montgomery, sheriff. Franklin 2 Bernice Bond, Inspector: Helen Taylor, judge; Hilda Wright, clerk, and John Lambert, sheriff.

Franklin 3 Delight Foxo inspector, Flore ce Luckey. judge; Francis Armstrong, and Helen Ronk, clerks, and D. O. Ronk, sheriff. Green Maurice Buroker, inspector: Frank Weisner, judge; Claud Rogers, clerk, and John McGraw, sheriff.

Liberty Raymond Pattison, inspector; Clarence Elliott judge: J. Betty Sheffield, Bayless, sheriff. clerk, and Jefforson 1 (North) M. Ross Troyer, inspector; Warren Oren, judge; John Edwards Pugh clerk, and Carl Miller, sheriff. Jefforson 2.

(South) Roy C. Sutton, inspector; A. 0 Carmin, judge; Whitehead, clerk. and Orla Wilson, sheriff. Republican (Continued from Page One) Mary L.

Winslow, Fairmount, and Mac Love, Fairmount. Mill 1 Fern Thomas, judge; Maurice Hundley, clerk, and Edmond Vironet, sheriff. Mill 2 Brenda Bastia judge; Mary Underwood, Virginia Linville, clerks, and Chesley sheriff. Mill 3 Mabel Bournique, judge; Lula Lamb, clerk, and Walter Smith, sheriff. Mill 4 Robert Cox, judge; Pauline Long and Ethel Coppock, clerks, and Forrest Freedline, sheriff.

Monroe Waldo Leonard, judge; George Helm, clerk, and Ardel Puckett, sheriff. Pleasant (Jalapa) Allen Brock, judge; Robert Gimble, clerk. and Dillon McCracken, sheriff. Pleasant (Sweetser) Frank E. Bechtol, judge- Paul White.

man, clerk, and Thomas E. Conner, sheriff. Richland Kenneth Tucker, judge; Russell Pence, clerk, and Earl Drook, sheriff. Sime Court Devore, judge; Irene and Dorothy Armstrong. clerks, and Bernard Pyle, sheriff.

Van Buren Charles Golding, judge; Guy Conwell and Cecil Pulley, clerks, and Vincent Boyerwsherittion 1 A. C. Bish, judge; Ester Ring and Shirley Cox, clerks, and Hovey Harrell, sheriff. Washington 2 Betty Anderson, judge; Rebecca Dollar and Naomi Tegarden, clerks, and Joe Reddinger, sheriff. Colonizing is Planned In Dutch New Guinea Singapore, Nov.

4. (A)-Dutch New Guinea, will be thrown open to colonists from other parts of the world within live years, said its governor, Stephan Waardenburg. "We will be able to open the doors of New Guinea when we have dealt with three of our major -malaria, housing and food," he declared. 4 I Pr 3 7 4 71 -r 1..

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.