The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

of 1 3 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1936 Low Close POTA Sales (in 1000s) 14 StdOil NJ 61 High 1004 Tow 1004 Close 9 hi 16 Studebaker: 1093 3 Co 114 .114 103 103 106 L' 1131 4 Tenn Cent Ry 63 47.. DO 101 101 229 Tenn ElPw 63 A 47.101 1003 03 110 110 110 11 Texas Do 35 Corp 101 14 101 1007 1003, 60 TAX Par 1st Ist5s 50 107 60 69 Do 33 2000.1231 1254 77 103 343 Tex Pac 38 106 101 104 1021 Th Tex Av Ry Pac 1st 5s 18 60.. 80.. 67 67 66 Thy AY Ry adj 60 39 67 67 8k 71 1 Un 58. En 1st 31 10; 107 107 83 L'nion PAC 71 994 90 1 14 14 Do Do 1at 18 47 113 1343 1343 Unit ref 48 2008 984 99 11 Cnited Bisc Drugs 6 30 United 53 53..1023 101 3 122 122 10 US Ry Stl 48 31 101 1:22 123 US Utah Iub LeT 38 47 1071 Utah A 41 103 103 108 108 50 38 44 21 Utl ctww Re 59 68 66 68 110 110 99 Vertientra Vanadium Corp Fig 41 Sug 1at Ta 12 15.

16 13 82 Virg Elect 4.. 55 82 11 Virg 1st en 68 991 991 Ry 66 106 106 48 48 98 14 Wahash RR 1st $3 39 103 103 10.7 100.3 Do 2nd 09 39 944 109 100 Do (abash RR As 36 109 109 5 Do 75 30 36 36 103 10.7 30 78 12 Walwth Walker 4 107 10T 19 12. 8 Warner P'ict 63 381 38 19 43 33 79 47 Warner conv 39 30 311 14 Warren Bros As 41 7114 34 Wo fig 41 ret 7012 70 13 14 17 Weat I'R 1st 12214 122 307 Westn Md. 16 82 102 102 05 West Do Pac 1st 77 107 7613 39 38 38 7814 West Do Sh 40 88 87 8712 6 To 43 reg 1361 91 91 93 951 lat 48gtd2361 90 14 6, 66 R'est Union 30 10834 91 17 17 West Union 53 88 421 Do 03 51. 4:31 16 Wheeling StI 66 102 9 White Sew fie 131 13 39 40 ..101 101 Wickw 29 281.

29 Wilson East 1st 42 641 Wise Cent Co 1at 43 55 4349 108 16 1613 9 11 Wis Cent En 261 Ter 4 36 17 17 17 81 14 Yngstwn 51.129 127. 128 Do 43 61 FOREIGN GOW'T MUNICIPAL Market 94 94 103 103 104 104 100 14, 9416 931. 5 Akershus 4 Os 6:3 9711 963 Do Antioquia 19 43 is 45 8 9 9 68 Do 73 47 9 9 9 101 104 2d 7s 100 12 Do 3d Ts 8 105 103 10 Antwerp Argentine 58 98 DO 02 101 10114 10 tis A 58 100 1007. 1061 10414 Do tig June 6214 Do (is Oct 1007 100' 701 Do tis May 60. 3 Do tis 1003 100 107 107 Sept to 101 1007.

Argentine 68 Oct 60 90 UR 90 16 Do tis Feb 61 101 101 101 991 09 Du Australia 69 May 61 A 1011 101 97 4148 10233 461 Do 05 1119 Australia $8 109 109 43 Austrian 100 1110 083 Belgium fig 107 107 1015 Do Do 3 19 104 1018 108 107 107 8 102 Do Bergen 73 City DU Berlin City 53 99 93 99 915 2 Do 0145 50 El 63 33 6 26 26 100 111 165 Brazil 21 119 183 Do 612 28 1926-57 9G 15 Brazil Cent 1927-57 28 3 Brazil 8s 41 By 1932 344 34 9ti 0 Brisbane 38 Budapest tim cpn 1037 95 BuenAires 30 30 10434 Buen Aires 73 685 Do 76 16 417 108 106 10 Do 77 67 66 67 Do 6a 61 stp 64 H48; Do 53 70 11778 Canada 45 .100 100 100 107 Do 314 8 61 101 101 101 Do 60 1031 10. Do 05 111 111 111 41; Chile 63 60 113 115 Do 63 61 143 32 10 Jan 143 14 Do His ti1 Feb 14 361 8 Do dis tit 36 Do 62 Sept 14 24 Do tig :13 46 12 Chile 1434 53 2 Chile 42 8s 01 3 Do 48 2 57 13 1061 6 Chilean 63 62 Loan is 11 Colombia 60 fig 61 Jan 21 14 21 21 60 66 0 Do 6s 61 Oct 21 21 Do A Feb fig Apr con Col 90 90 1- epn 1947 201 20 20 1-4 14 Copen Do 53 1001 33 32 973 19 1201 12014 4 Costa Cordoba 78 42 Prov 881 18 Rica 78 27 11; Cuba 5s 1004-44 8114 81 Do exter. A 58 100 100 11014 114116 71 Cuba ext 45 1034 Denmark 4148 62 1083 12 Denmark 53 101 10014 Denmari: 6 4:2 10616 Domin Rep lat 10 4 Domin Rep 1st 5148 42 Frankfort 63 8 French Govt TE 49 Do Do 41 138 Gtr Ag unatmpd Bk 6s 113 Do 38 38 6g 60 Jul 36 36 1021 Ger CAg 6 60 35 35 37 Germ Gin Elect 60 48 37 37 37 Do 40 37 37 37 110 56 Ger Do Gov Inl unapt 244 13 65 23 25 At Germ Rep 73 49 stp 1041; Con EiPw Jan is 96 46 96 37 Greek 6A 68 prt 26 37 14 5 2 Harpen Min 6s 49...... 31 80 lung Con Mun is 46 22 22 22 16 1 lungs ry on 511 70 ItalPUCred Ta 52 67 67 67 Japan 31 Japanese 54 1001 1001. 2 1 Jugo-Slavia 8k Ta 29 Karstadt 69 43 stm 32 32 32 109 38 3 Met Kreuger A 46 45 100 Water 104 104 5 Milan Montecatini '52 17 103 73 95 9.

97 113 3 Nord New So Wales 38'58 1041 101 3 Ry ext 124 124 1:0 19 Norway 58 '63 10114 Do Do 414: 104 34 Do 2 Rs 107 107 107 47 13 Orienti Do 4 Dev '56 28 Do Ag 80 117 831 83 8314 Oslo fi.g '55 103 Panama Ren 66 Pernamb Ta xep47 1714 15 Do tig tin 111 3 Do fig 61 11 104 15 Poland 7. 59 14 7814 78 47 $2 Inv 874 Do Es 30 67 57 Porto Do 83 Alegre xcp66 11 17 17 4. Prussia xcp ,61 Rhine ties 52 24 24 Do WEIP G9 32 1 (M) 64 13 108 Rhine HIP is 50 2734 Do RioGdeDoSul Ta 66 17 803 Do 8.9 x-cp 41; 11 1834 19 1017 Rio dJaneiro 3114 2614 2614 101 13 100 X-Cp 40 15 15 19 San Paulo 1734 17 Nor Do Ts 10 885 17 Nor 43 SanPauloCy xcp37 Nor Do SR x-cp 32 17 17 17 Nor 15 Serb3 13 G2 un 181 18 18 48 6 Do ext 8g SIt Prov 7s 58 47 3 Taiwan El 47 47 80 A Toklo 61 104 Do FI 63 53 81 1 Unl Do Stl Wka 41 A 31 30 30 30 81 50 00 Do Uruguay 68 60 83 64 54 54 54 29 3 Do 89 46 54 54 54 00 Vienna Warsaw 69 Ts cp 18 on 52 97 97 97 Stand 32 1 Westphalla El 47 47 47 Stand 30 68 53 26 28 26 State 96 Super DR. VAN HARLINGEN Super Super PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21 (AP) Super Dr.

Arthur Van Harlingen, noted au- Super 38 thority 011 skin diseases, died last Super 20 night at his home in suburban Rose84 mont. He would have been 91 next month. 113 JAMES FARDY RANDOLPH, Sept. 21 --James US 108 Fardy, 84, A of the hoard T'S of directors of the Randolph Co-opera- US tive Bank since 1800, died at his home 9314 yesterday. 1100 SEEK PASSAGE NEW YORK, Sept.

24 per 10534 American Airways last (AT) Pan 9.75; 78 nounced that more than night an- spot 9914 1100 persons 9514 from all parts of the world had ap1101, plied for passage on the clipper ships, York 1047 which are scheduled to Zinc 07 start passonger future 104 service between California, Hawali and mony, the Philippines Oct. 81, A New York Curb Market to Aero 01 Supply Mid pt States Fet 41.2 514 4 High Low Close High Low A Do Agfa Ausco 1414 14 33 Do Alab Par 5G. 73 Mich Bump. 318 3 Allen Industries 26 Alidvale Co 68 Allied Prod A Min Co of Alum Co -of Am Minnesota Min 33 33 of Alum Do pI Ltd 119 Mock Mississippi Judson Pwr Voehringer. 15 11.

13 Do pi Mohawk Hud 7 2nd 89 All Capital 1 Molybdenum Corn today Cities I'wr Montgomery Ward 147 117 Am Cyanam Muellers Brass A 38 Amer Fork. Hoe 19 19 Am Pi wts 31 and Am GAS EL Vat Auto Fibre 403 404 Nat Dellas Hess Inc 3834 Com- Do pt 10974 110 Ant Gun Corp Nat Bond Share Do pi 37 37 Nat Container 21 21 Do 2 pi 34 Fuel Gas Mid- Am Laund' Alach Nat Rubber Me- All Light de pt Nat Nat Service Favre Am Am MEg Maracaibo 37 37 37 Nat Sug Transit If 27 27 Roth Am Meter 307 29 Neli Corp 19 Superpwr 21 New Neptune Meter A. 12 at Do 1 pt 941 941 Brad Vil 31 Apex Elect 3.3 35 New Newmont Jersey. Zinc 7414 Ark Nat Gas I' Min 6 80 8f only Do A 3 4 Steam 103 Do 93 914 05 Water Serv Art Metal Works 1414 141: Ning low pi 34 54. pur- Assoc Elec Do A 2 Niag Sh.

Md 5-16 5-16 Do war by 3 WAr Nipissing Mines its 3 Atl Coast Fish 32 52 Noma Electric Assoc Invest issue Atlas Corp No Am pi 59 re- Atlas Comp 14 Tex Oil 5 No Atlas Corp WAr A 53 31 No European oil' 3-1G 3-16 Atlas Plywood 171 Nor Sts Pw A 33 Austin Silver Northwest Engin. Aston Flaher A 46 46 46 Novadel A and Babco*ck Wilcox 83 83 83 Ohio Ohio Oil Edison pt pf 10914 for Baldwin Loco rts Ohio l'owerpf 112. Bellanca Airc 4 3 Okla Nat Gas pi: Berkey Gay 21 2 2 Oidtyme Distill 3014 Do Wits 7 5-G Black Decker 27 26 Outboard cv pt A 17 26 Outboard of Blue Ridge 3 34 Overseas Sec Bliss Co 201 20 its Do cv nf Bohack Blumenthal 23 23 23 Pacific Eastern 511 34 its Borne H. 03 l'acific Gas 0 pf Scrymer l'AC L'uh Sve Bower Roller Rearing 27 l'an Amer Airway Bowman Bilt 1 pt l'antepec Oil 514 has Brill Bridgeport Corp A Mach 19 19 l'enn Pwr Lt 6 6 vtc per Brit Brill Corp pf 31 Penn P'epperell Salt Mtg 1474 Celanese Brown Co pf Perfect Circle Brown Forman Distill 934 Phil Phillips Elect pi 113 115 Buff EP 1 pl 100. 109 Packing Bunker Hili 801 Phoenix Sec 034 au- Butler Burma Bros Corp Ple Pierce Baker Governor Pines 13 413 Pioneer Winterfront 4 Gold Cable HI Prod Pitney Bowes Sugar 20 29 20 Pittsb I Erie 92 Calamba The Can Ind Alc a A 6 Pitts: Forgings Cana Marconi 1 P'ittsb Pi Glass 132 11 Carib Synd Plough 181 Carrier Carnation Co 27 17 Potrero Pleasant Wine Corp 17 the C'asco Prod P'owdr Alex CO Castle 32 32 Premier Gold Catalin Corp Pressed Metals Celluloid pf 37 39 Producers Royalty 3-16 on Do 1at pi 891 8714 12 Prosperity 14 to Cent Cent Ind vtc 1612 Pub Prudential Inv Pwr I.t Tpf 83 82 Sve 7s pi 65 63 to Central SW util 31 3 l'ub Sve Ind 6 pf.

29 09 of- Cent Sta EI 17 Pube Svc Ok 6 pr 100 100 -Cont St 7 pf 48 48 48 Puget Do Sound 5 pf 82 78 Centrifugal Pipe 6 pi Chesebrough 120 120 120 Pyrene MFg 734 Chic Flex Shaft Chic Rivet 30 30 30 Childs If 58 58 Quaker Oats 126 126 Cities Serv it Do pf 57 50 Rainbow Lu Do pi Red Bank Oil 1o BB 103 10 pt 52 12 12 Reynolds Inv Cities I. 6 pt 39 39 Rice Stix Goods Do nf 61 Richfield Oil pt City Auto Stamp 103 Richmond Had 4 A City Claude Suh Homes 4 Hoot: Rossia Intl Refining Clayton Lmbt 11-16 Husseks St Av Neon Its Corp Cleveland EI Illum 4:0 18 1: 19 Hustless Iron 61 Cleve Tract 83i 83 Colon Cohen and Rosen 7 St Do Regis Pap Develop 3 vi Do bf 3, Salt Creek Pro 674 Colts' Fire Arm 1714 Savoy Oil Colum Oil GAA vts 3 Schitt Scrant-Spr -de Co B. 344 Conwi 6 87 Community 1 4012 401 Scovili Mfg of Community Water Segal Lock 27 Compo Shoe Seiberling Rub Cons Aircraft 20 Selected Indus 3 Cons Copper Seversky Air Cons Gas Balt 9024 691 90 Shatt'k Denn Min Cons Rettail St 7 17 Shenandoah Cons Royalty Sherwin Williams Do Dr pf 101 101 Silth Corona vtc 2073 Cont Roll Steel 111 South Sonotone Penn Oil 21 Cont Sec 9 Cooper Bess Cal Ed pf Do pf Southiand Royalty Cord Corp Spencer Stores 97 Cosden Corroon Oil Rey 684 Stand pt A 33 33 Square Crane Brewing 9-16 9-16 Do pt Co Std Investg pf 4214 Creole Petrol 138 138 138 St of Ky St Oil Crocker Wheeler 23 Oil of Neb Croft Brew 9-16 11 9-16 9-16 St Do 041 of Ohio Crown Cent Pet pf 106 107 106 Crown Drug 2 Stand Pw Lt 4 Cuban Tob 10 10 10 Std Do Prod 34 Cuneo Press pt 108 108 108 Stand Silv Lead 21 Cusi Mex 9-16 Sterchi Bros 7-16 Sterchi 1 St pf 38 38 33 Hosiery 1.5 15 15 Sterlign Brews Dennison Mfg pi 13 ti: 6.3 Serling Inc Det Gray Iron Stetson 2138 Detroit Pay I'rod Stutz Stroock Motor 28 1 281 281 Det Steel 34 3 3. 3 Dictograph Prod Sullivan Mach 24 Doel.ler Din Sunray Sunshine Oil (Del) Driver Harris 30 30 30 Mining 171, 160. Duhilier Cond 3 SwAn Finch 834 84 Duval Sulphur 653 Swiss Am pI 6 1A 6814 Swiss Oil Corp 5 Eagle Picher 13 East Gag 8 8 Taggart Corp 101 Do pi GO GO GO Taylor Distilling 23 Easin St Pw Technicolor 4 Do nf 41 Hughes 6.

3 6 Do pf A 4134 4134 Peck A 27 Easy Edison Wash Mch Div. 13 15 Tex Gulf P'rod Tenn Prod Bros Stores 50 501 13 12 Texon Oil Land 5 Eisler Elect new 3 3 3 Tilo roof Elec 22 54 22 Tobac Pr Ex Elec ASSOC A Trans Lux Elec Pw ALt A 2pt 59 39 59 Tri Continental war 3 33 El Pwr lt Op war A 6 Tuhize Chatillon Empire pi 6.3 63 6 Tung 11 11 Ensco Derrick En 198 Do pi 63 Lamp Equity Corp 2 Twin Coach 1134 118 11 Evans Wallo'r Excello A 19 18 United Unexcelled MEg Falstaff Brew 87 United Gas Corp war Perro Enamel 361 Do Fidelio Brewery 9-16 9-10 Do pf war 1 Fisk Rubber 7 119 118 119 De pi A1 61 61 United United Florida $7 pt 34 54 United Pro cv pt 6834 :085 Ford Motor Ltd 814 814 United Shoe Shar 1014 Word of Can A 231 2316, Do 8876 Froedert pf 18 19 18 pf Foil 344 39 ITS 161 16 Int Sec 1 pt 90 90 90 Gen Alloys Lines 234 Gen Fireproof 1878 18 United Stores 16-16 15-16 Gon cv pi Mi n6 United Verda Ext 15-10 Gen Outdoor Ad pf 100 1:41 100 United Wall l'ap Fac 184. 4 Gen Gen Pub Sve 6 pt 82 80 82 Utah nt 72. Gen Tel Tel 3 pt Do vte Re Gen Tire 01 71 Do Glen Rubber pf 241 23 23 Alden Coal 17 167 Utilit; Do Equities Godchaux A 34 31 34 Util pr S3 83. 83 Grand Nat Film 4 37 Indust 1 1 1 Gray Tel Pay Sta 20 2014 Gt A Tea nv 1141 113 Venez Pet Gull Oil Store Co 21 Waco Aircraft Grocery Greenfield 9 1037 W'aitt Bond A 5 3 5 Gypsum Lime 934 Walker 814 814 Wayne Pump 134 Haloid Co 25 35 25 Wentworth 33 34 Hazeltine Corp West'n Tablet Mining Williams Oil Heat 2616 1114, 26 14 Hollinger Mines 14 14.

14 Wil-Low Cafe Horns Hardart NY 36 30; Do: pi Hudson Bay 27 27 Woodley Tetr Humble Oi! 3 9 Hygrade Food 6: 61 62 Wright Hargreaves 37 334 Hygrade Sylvania 42 42 42 Toungstown Yukon Gold Steel, Door 37 36 1 Ill 6 pt Do pf 63 CORE BOND Int Metal 88 Imperial Imperial Oil OIl Ltd Ltd Reg Ala do Pow 58 56 10134 Indian Terr Oil 3 21 do 59 59 51 46 A Ind. Pipe Line 3 3 103 103 Indust Finance pt 914 do 67 92 92 Int Cigar Mach 29 10 10 10 08. G8 97 97 do Int Mining wts 29 29 Alum Co is 52 1071, 107. 101 Internat Pet Ltd 351 3.3 Am 33 2028. Inter Prods Am Rad 201G Int Utilities Am 47 104 104 104 Inters Pwr 7 pt 2314 Am Roll Mill 59 18.

Irving Alr Ch 17 Ark Appal El 5A 56. Italian Cup deb rts ARsO HI as 303 7.3 613 Jersey Cent 7 pi Asso 30 51 51 Jones Jonas Naumb 514 do do Da 68 31 51 Laughlin 60. 601 do 77 07 49 47 Ken-Rad A Atlantic Gag Lt 35 Kingston Prod 514 A 830 Knott Petrol 4 Bald Loco Gs 38 xw. 112 Kirby Corp 014 do 6s 38 XW st. 112 111 Krueger Brewing 24 21 Bell of Can 55 110 111 do 5g 37 Lake Shores 122 122 123 Lakey Fdry Mines 57.

57. 57 do Birming 55 64) 1221 Lehigh Gag 08 59 87 87 87 Leonard Of Nav 91 9 9 Can Buffalo Nor Gen Pow El 10634 Lit Bros 51 5 Can Pac Ry 65 53 101 33 Lion Oil 1474 Carolina as 42 36 1101 Air 81 Cedar Rap Mg 53 53 1033 1033 Star G. Cent Ariz 30 113 113 113 Long Island Lt 5 Cent Ill Sv 56 Do pl 82 81 81 do 67 Louisiana Land 12 do. 53 68 103 103 Master EI Cent Ohio 5. 50 10330 1033 Mangel Stores Cent Dr? Marion St Sh pl 82 14 80 82 Cent Tow Co 91 011 Massey Harris 4 do at 58 48 GO 1414 Sta El McCord Rad 12 Cent Sis 111 71 Memphis 1 1 Dirt El 6g Merch MEg 6A: Chi 21.

61 B. Merritt Chap A Cinn St ct 76 Do pi 53 51 do way 52 97 97 97 Michigan Sugar Cities Gerv 65 100 100 100 6a 66 70 8 514 Clime. High Low do 50 8 Gas 42 101 Cities 70 68 Com Ed 33 54 do 49 do. 4s 81 07 111 111 115 do 63 13 Cinwith 100 Sub 18 101 Con Comm 03 Bal 37 48 81.. 78 147 Con.

Gas Util 107 38 do 03 43 9G 43 30 Cont 59 58 A 94 Dal Cum Co 56. Gs 49 108 Derby Us 103 103 21 Det Det City Gas Gs 47 Int Brdg 32 do TS 12: do 078 32 cod 1 27 Dixie Gulf 37 103 10073 CI East 13 50 12 53 2030 8913 89 Elm Wat 1091 109 El Paso El Ug 50 A 10414 86 Empire Dist El is 103 Empire 8512 Erio Med 1tg 09 07 .107 107. Water Svc 9114 Firest Firest Cot Mills 3s Fla P'ow 33 42 12:4 Co Florida Us 99 9 Gary 08 44 st. 9915 59 Gatineau Pow Us 41 3 Gen do 5s 56. 101 3-16 Ut DU 931 Gen Wks 5s 43 93 93 Georgia Power 07 103 361 Georgia US 78 87 Grd Glen Alden Coal 4g Tr W.

48 104 104 10834 10916 Grocery Str I'ro G3 Guardian Inv 08 48 TO TU 112 Gulf States Ut 50 lall Print 6s 47 st 17 Hond Rub Ts 30 Hous 35. 53 10514 Ill Hygrade Food 6.3 40 70 Hi Util Us 87 10714 Ill 31 B. do 07 109 do Gs 53 A 1053 do Os Indiana 11 A 1021 do 53 31 1101 Ind Mch El 8: .107 107 Ind Serv. Us 30. 7614 do is G3 A Tti Induls Gay 13 81 SU 11.

Indpls US .10731 Intern I'w Sec 32 09 Intern Sec Us 47 497 Inters Pow Del. 58 TO TO dot Gs 32 6373 13 Inters du Sv 58 36 9114 38 8414 Iowa Jowa Neb 58 57 10514 I' 58 37. 100 10t; Kentucky Cen Ut 61 61 .100 Jer 100 do 48 .107 107 du as 69 I 99: 99 Kim Clark Ug 43 A Koppers Gas C. Os 47 104 1031 Leh I'w See 119 2026 11113 Lex Util 03 02 105 3-16 Lib MeN Lib 103 10.1 Louisiana 58 57 1012 Manitoba Pow 31 86 6.3 14 McCord Rad dis 43 160 Met Midid Edison 4g 71 Val REt 33 43 911 04 10 79 Minn Milwaukee Gas 107 1003 do 69 100 100 Miss 78. 5s 3 126 Miss Pow Co 93 Misa Riv Fuel tis 44 1061 12 Mo Miss Riv Pow: 59 1081 Mo I' Sv.

03 107 1034 1 Mont Dak Pow 47 A 41 90 Nat 08 2026 101 104 do 2030 Nat 1'b Sv 5s 301 15 Nebraska Pow 41 108 New Nevada Cal EI 08 91 Amster Us 1181 New Eng 03 47 ds. 18 do JU 73 DR New Pow 58 48 New do 34 99 Orieans Sv 8.31, NY NY St ti7 10112 44 West 103 103 103 North Am 95 95 1tg. 49 North Cont Util 63 6.7 63 North No Ind l'ub I'S US titi 1004 Ind Nor St Pw 103 1033 101 Northwest Pwr 1033 1 TO Ogden Pub Sv J3 103 103. 103 Northwest Ohio Edison Gas 38 47 108 Ohio l'ow 38 360 401 Ohio Pow 03 1031 105 271 Ohio Pub 34D 1064 106 Okla Okla 08 Us 00 40A. 104 Okla 48A 93 9-10 l'ac Coast os 421 Pac lis 413 10t P'ac Inv Us 48A Pac is Do 93 1001 Penn Cent lAcI' Penn Penn Cent 55 103 103 4 334 'do O.

Ed 59 6s 30A Penn Pub 104 7-16 Penn Elec Sve fig 1081 1081 Penn 43 71K 1011 Peoples Wtr 1'w 08 111 48 81B 98 981 P'eoples 3s 79 2038 l'hila El Pow 110 110 P'hila Sub Rap Trang Gg 9714 Pied Ry 09. 34.1 104 107. 10i 107. Port Potomac Ed 79 411 13 3s 061 107 107 l'ub Potrero Sve Sug No Ill 18 18D. du 811 1031 103 103 1043 l'uh Pub Herv No 11 bs 36 111 Sve N.F tin .141 141 141 P'uget Sound 97 do 08 DOC 91 do 50D 91 Reliance Man As 34A 100 101) Seend Int 39 Schulte Sec Shawinigan 07A.

1031 Shawinigan TOD 303 So Cal Ed 3843 60 107 100 106 Southeast PI Prat 106 60B 107. 107 107 do 13 11016 Sothn Ind Ry 450 51 84 81 So Nat Gas 6s Southwest A 55 102 102 1412 1034 Southw LAP As 37A 10314 SW 63 095 Stand do 811 81 fig 37 ev cod 9.7 85 85 do 69 do DIA 84 81 84 Stand do 69 60 837 Inv 100 100 100 Stand 63 Stand Tel A 70 Superpwr (o 105 Tenn Syracuse Ttg El Pwr is 36 97 96 Tenn 38 TO 8. Tex El Serv 5s 100 107 Texas Util 63. 37 37 37 TAXAN Us Thermoid His 87 st Tidewater L'w 79 79A 1433 Twin Toledo City Ed Gs 62 Tr 1071 Ulen United Co fig 41 at 44 Rap 68 8734 87 6s 75 90 90 80 United 63 114 114 114 do 69 73A 8S 88 68 do 32 06 Utah fis 103 103 34 Virginia Tub 4GA 1021 1021 do 411 96 94 96 do 38 50B 1011. Waldorf Ast 54ww 478 99 Wash Gas Lt: 39 106 West Pen OR 10.3 West Penn Tr 111 111 111 West.

Tex Util 59 97 97 Western News Un 68 72 Wis 43 10034 York Rys Foreign Bonds Ag Mtge Col is 2016 Baden is 51 Buenos Aires Buenos Alres Is 12 at Bk Danish Munic 312 Germ do 6s Con 47 Munic 7.5 Hanover: 49 2: Italian Superpw 6s Maranhao St 1.4 17 17 Mendoza: 51 9.1 9.3 Mendoza 48 st Nippon El Pow Rio Parana de Janeiro (Brazil) 141 14 14 Ruhr Russia Iousing Russia 614 21 10 1 do 10 cod Stinnes 43 46 st 47 Tobacco Included In Crop Insurance Special to The Springfield Union WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 Assurance that tobacco will be a part of any national crop insurance program when it reaches Congress for adoption, was given here today by Department of Agriculture officials. Preliminary studies of tobacco yields for past years with regional variations already is on the program of the agricultural economists who are working out premium rates, it Has pointed out, It is expected that tobacco will follow cotton, wheat and corn as the fourth basic crop to be. included in a crop insurance program. Observers here point out that at least a year will ho necessary to work 10 nut a feasible crop insurance program present trie Congres3 and that neither political party going to to have A coneidor finished program for Congress on Jan.

A DOMESTIC CORFORATION New York Bond A Sales 10008, High ISSUES Paler (In High Low Close 137 2 Do KCSouth 1st 39 50... Abitibi PAp 59 81 NC Term 1st 18 PAgES Allis Alleg Allied Do Alleghany 53 Corp Stores 49 Chainer stp 56 41 30 45 1 10 6. 09 93- 15 5 Kan Keith Kentucky Cent 48 48 1st4887 81 Pw db 582030 Kresge Kinney (GR) Found 4 36. 15 101 10 Am IG Chem 49 111 Atner 13 R014 8014 Laclede Am Int 8 49 103 10 Gas 53 39 101 8 Roitg Mill Do Do 60 33 TO 69 Am Do col tr conv 39 106 2nd5441 Am at 5s 60 111 10,4, Lautaro Nitr 63 54 334 Do 5s 63 111 Do 43 Lch Do VCI 0 5s. 61 67 11114 Am Fdra 170 148 Do 38 74 67 Do ct Writing 68 l'aN 17 18 Let New York 48 4.

22 Anaconda Cop 47 106 fi4 Ily NY 1st 1 Ann Arbor 1st 73 19 Do con 2003 482003 LehV (l'a)con 81 103 36 Let' RIt cona 3 26 Atch Armour Del gen 4835 116 Har 26 Atchison adj at Ligg Loews Myers '16 78'41 At evt 48 ..111 111 111 49 Atl Birm 1s 13 Lorillard Isl 58 '31 122 Long re! 49'49 Atl CAL, 1 at 1114 IA Ark 53 09 180 Do elt 32 9.13 15 12 Do 48 2003 88 Do 4 1, 5 58 con cit 001 102 1001 11 Lville 41) AtI 138 Do A 64 Do 48 2003 .....108 13 Atl Dan 1st 4. 43 12 63 3 Do 39 It 2003 110 Do 2d 4. 44 17 1 10 A 2003 ......1017: Auburn Auto 39 8214 8 So Mon 99 162 Balt! A 60 2 McCrory 58 51 78 Do 06 9:1 02 Do 1 1 10 82 Do 1st 48 108 108 Maine 13 43 RO Do lat 38 113:34 McKes3 Roh 11 Do rot 33 95 Manati 1st 42.. 47 23 Do ret 0 95 100 143 10 1st ct 48 89 14 Do ret 2000 Mar Stin Shov 03 47 Southw div 3s 100 Market St Ry A 40 Tol Cin div 48 140t 100 1 2 Mead Corp 103 Rang Ar 51 1 Metro Ed 68 109 13 Do fulL cv 5. 31.

43 113 113 110 9 29 Mich Mich Cen Central 33 reg 103 1401 Do Battle 33 39 Mil El rily 38 10, Ball of Pa 60. 129 Mil 1st 4x47 Beth Steel 4148 12 Minn StI, co asetf34 13 118 Boston Me RR. 58 67 8,1 33 Minn ref 48 49 15 Do 87 8T 16 Tin R1 9:3 1 at 1 At PO 4638 31 103 Bot 6145 34... Do 130 gtd is con 58 38 34 86 Do ct 31 44 Bklyn RI DO 49 303 19 Bklyn Ed 33 Do ref Do Ed 314 8 30 Mo 36 BRlyn 6A 104 1033 22 po 62 CoRN 41 8:3 Do 4123 78 Bklyn UnEl ..113 113 Do Da A 62. Rklyn Un A 13 Do adi 53 67 Brown Shoe 30 1031 102 Mo RR gen 43 75..

Ruff con 911 02 83 Do 33 77 Roch res 81514 42 Do 58 801 42 6. Burl 23 23 43 Do is 81 12 Bur 1st 3834 273 17 Mob Do 512s 38 A 49 13 Do 1st 58 31 ct 4614 38 21 Bush Term cons 691 Mobile 4123 71.. Bush Ter Bidgs 56 56 Mon TV PPS 63 65 Do 63 65 (: Do 4 tin CanNatRy: Oct 5969 ..12114 12114 Mohwk Mal 1st 91 91 Do Do July 69 119 5 Mont CentRIC 1st FA 37 13 Can NAL R.6 51 114 117 3 Mont l'ow debA 38'62 .11 61 11634 20 Mont Tr 41 103 Can PAC perpet 18 96 9. 1 Mor Do As 41 2000 94 34 1ti 11434 38 10 '53 9314 Do Do 46 10; 105 103 21 Do 5s 103 Do 10. 10.

42 Ad 1st 481 90 11 5 Nash EI con of Ga 58059 18 17 18 6834 LO ref 39 18 18 18 Natl Acme fig '43 Cent Hud 108 109 109 42 Nat Dairy 51 Do Ill 0.9 11 Distill '45 105 15 Do New Eng 69 AR Nat RofM 1st43'31 Asst 10 Cent Pac 1st ref 4. Do 8 67 A 7 88 Do 63 60 10 Nat Steel 48 65 6 Cent Pac TSI 1st 49 10512 RI con 40 6234 3 CRR R.J gen 92 921 92 2 Do 33 43 71 15 Centain deb 94 94 Champion 50 14 NO Pow 8 60 107 Eng 1st 63' 10 Ches 0 gen 14 123 At 58 A 83 92 Ches con 33 109 1007 1003 Orl I' Serv 59 A Do 9t 100 Do. 23 Cheap ('orp 44 133 134 133 New Or 18t 4.3 971. 51 Do S. 47 Tex A 81 12 Chi Alt ret 49 20 Do 34 div New Or 433 Do 4 1131 NY Con 3 8 084 East lat TI 3a 80 26 190 Cent deb 1.

42 101 107 ('hi Gr Meat 59 43 2R Do A 98 con 102 Cheo rot 1g 47 121 26, Do ref 2013 mo Ken fig 66 24 24 Do 2013 95 Chro Softit 43 S4 1031 4 37 Do ret 53 Chi gen43 A89 37 561 50 NY Cent cv 63 17o gon 99 59 31 98 Do 12 80 58 59 39 3 NYC LakSh 921; 138 adj5: 8t' 84 10 98 96 no 5A A 73 01 2A lat 4.9 37 Nor ext 48 44 257 Do 78 9.3 110 SAN 87 474 17 Do ret A 08 Do gen 87 48 48 48 Do ha 38 Do 4 8 st 1987 34 24 24 NYC RR 1st Rs 5 53 108 17 THO 6169 31 NY Dock 1st 4a 51 162 Do conv 49 16 15 39 NY Ed 1st 67 10: 38 Chi ride 43 34 19 19 2 1:49 68 Do ride 48 34 ct 17 1st 2000 107 107 Do get 403 88 4084 1strf 73 Do 32 A 20 13 10. 101 Do A ct 18 18 18 NY sec 6340 Do ev 60 Do 0. Chi let 03 60 0414 94 93 10 Do 07 6 4s 31 96 Do 49 Do ine 38 60 86 20 Do 69 48 cv 361 Chi Un Sta 63 NY 24. Do 43 43 Ken 407 Chi Un Sta 41 103 105 Do ref 4 92 Childs Co 79 433 NO lat con 4:03 943 Chile Copper deb as NY Rys inc 65 48 Cin In Term 107 107 NYRys PL 6sA asd63 Do 58 57 109 NY Stean: 03 56 38 COCh 98 NY 1st rt 5837 Do ret 63 1031 NY IV gen 40 GA Do 4. 93 104 Do Tel gen 39 26 Do StI.

Div 49 90 103 Do Trap 90 2 Clev Cliffs Iron 13 Do lat 1413 Cleve EI Illum 111 111 111 NagShMd cvdh (:1 Short 112 113 112 1steon 1396 Cleve Un Term 1114 14 1014 Nort So Aistil 18 Do A 72 Nor Amer Ed 69 Do 73 108 No Par gen 83 2017 Col Iron gn 43 Do 4 97 86 DO 38 70 84 8 16 NP 2047 103 62 Col 783 78 2 No P'au 04 108 Col db 63 10,7 10413 Do 69 10 Do ba 1017 NStsPwr 61 Con Ed 105 Do 50 61 108 3 Do 3 105 1 Do 1st 41. 13 Con Ed NY 10t Con Power 319 65 108 5 Ch 1st 49 48 Con Power Ohio Edison 43 65.. Do 65 1041 2 Ohio Serv 8 46.113 Crown Container Cr Pa dbis 6. 43..102 102 102 2 6 Otis Ohio Riv RR 37 101 104 104 Steel 68 41 1021 1 Do ref NRy Bs 42 38 50 604 5714 8 Pac Gas A '61 CURA Cuba RR 1Pt 52.. 55 6.

1: 11 Pac EI 43 64 110 8 Do ON '42 10 DAl Do Hud 37 ref 48 43.. $81 1005 13 2 Pac P'ac RH 46 .102 10414 26 Del 69 103 105 Pan APO istev Gia' 40 37 37 con 49 86 33 33 39 Do hi. ct 41 34 28 Do west 5. 55 2 Param't Rway 3s 63 60 (in Do Do ret 5. A 6.

65 78 17 1614 161. 30 Parain't Pict fis 9414 29 Parmelee Tr fis '44 70 TO De la ctt 36 l'enna Co tr 48'52 Det Ed 4 61 11644 22 Do 43 63 Do 65 112 1134 112 Penn 81 100; 1 at 37 8.3 80. I'enn RR con 48 48 11414 Duquesne St 85 1084 1091 1054 Do CON 414 81 109 3 Do cOn 4 84 109 109 ECubaSur atpet37 28 27 28 Do 60 12234 13 Erie couv 49 A 53 94 14 94 3A 1 Do 70 103 Do. 44 934 4 93 Do 63 113 23 Erle gen 44 06 93 41) 33 3 70 14)1 100 Do ref his 67 140) 90 no 4011 5s 68 120 110) 120 Erl Rit. 893, 88 11 Pro ref 113 Pore Marq 4 102 Pair Morse 43 58 Phila Do 1st 49 56 99 99 Fed 18t 63 42 104 104 rf 38 47 10 10 Fla Ry '59 724 101 721; 16 Phil Do Bat tia 49 117 28 28 28 5 8 114 P'hila 53 67 117 14 Do 5a eta 74 11 111 11 PhilA KI Co 6 Francisco Sug 82 81 84 49 71 103 27 Philipine Ily 1g 37 58 12034 Gent Am Inv 102 102 102 P'itts WV la 4143 60 944 Gen Cable 314 108 103 P't Arthur fig 8.3 .104 104 Gen Gen P' St1 CRAC 49 1031; 10,,1, 18 P'ort Gen El 00 Good Co (is 43 801 80 Portal Told 63 10.7 103 145 Pressed St CAT 04 33.

100 Goodyr '37 31 Purity Bak'3 48 Gotham St 5s '46 100 l'ure Oil 9 .30 ww 11354 8 Gould Coler 10 13. 1:1.7 18.1 Do 4 20 Gt rt A 10 Do 416 01 100 9934 Gt Nor Ily gen 1148 3 Do 108 108 8.3 Do gen 77 10024 105 10314 Do SA TI 111 Radio K0 63 d1; 805; Do 12 ReCo A 107 Do 48 11 14 14 11814 1194 HeadCoJerCt col 4871 1011 Do 1. 1091; 104 10816 6 item Hand 1.. Green Bay deb 13 11 1116 19 Ren ....119 11814 Gulf 1st 39 101 1411 30 Oil CAl 43 Do 50 103 103 106 Ooh Oil Cal 6941 ct 434 2 Gulf St deb 3 Rich Tr Ry let 3 MoGrWest 1st cn4349 48 Him 1. 54 007 2 Ill 1st 22 Hock Ily 1st cu 123 123 123 4 Rutl'ann 1st en 34 01 Housatonio KR con 78 78 Hid adJ 57 53 57 3616 31 3R 37 .104 104 60 Do Hudson ref bs Coal 58 42 831 834 9314 4833 8616 33 on 81 81 04 tat 5s 18 41 41 5 TH Bell Tel TO 1081 10814 54 p1 A 4930 30 10 18 111 Cent colt 48 52..

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49 954 95 ARR Int l'Ap ref Ba 091 991 Do col '68 Int TAp 6. 35 0314 924 120 Do col 4148 '69 9.1 IntRyC1 Am 64. 95 92 92 92 90 Do 81 9. 1 mt. Int 4 14 A 52......

72 95 P5 15 So COLA 09 0016 IntRyCentAm 99 39 cv So l'AC 113 113 Do Do Ga 55 8314 94 73 30 So l'ac RI: rf 4A '35 1051 1st ret 51 32 Do 414 A '56 78 99 09 Do gen A Iowa Cent 28 So Ry gen 1 95 Jam 1st 1a50 97. 94 Do Do SR 04... 11014 10016 18 Laugh 41; A 61 037 1034 1031 1o Mom Dir DA 10238 Stiniv 1st 31 9T 97 NO 36.. 58 Southw F. 43 AN.

1194 104 Spokane lot Ry 13 55 Machine Tool Stock Offering Van Norman to Retire Preferred Shares, Expand Plant Public offering of 72,345 shares common stock of the Van Norman Machine Tool Company, a Massachusetts corporation, is being made by A prospectus from a syndicute headed by Jackson Curtis, including Laurence M. Marks pany, the K. F. Griggs Company, Stein Bros, Boyce, Drumheller, Ehrlichman White, Coburn diebrook, E. It.

Jones Company, Donald-Coolidge Murphy, Ball, Coons Glenny, Doolittle, Miller George and Wadsworth Co. The stock is offered $25 per share. Of the 72,315 shares offered. 33,315 shares represent new financing Jackson Curtis have agreed to chase 39,030 shares from stockholders. Of the net proceeds to be received the company after the payment of share of the expenses of this $332.922.50 will be used for the demption of the outstanding 19,379 shares of the company's $25 par valuc preferred stock at $27.50 per share; approximately $100,000 for construction and expansion of plant for equipment; and the balance working capital.

Since Aug. 15, 1936,. the company has surrendered and canceled 413 shares, or rights to receive shares preferred stock previously held in treasuy, and its charter was amended to provide for the reduction of authorized preferred stock from 20,000 to 19,379 shares, all of which are issued and outatanding. The company agreed to redeem these 19,379 shares at the redemption price of $27.50 share, plus accrued dividend thereon. After completion of this financing, including the redemption and cancellation of the preferred stock, the thorized capital stock will consist solely of common stock, of which 100,000 shares will authorized and 88.829 shares will be outstanding (including the 72,345 shares offered now).

company has no funded debt. The company reports net profits transferred to surplus for the Scar ended Dec. 31, 1933, for year, 1934, 1935, and for the seven and one-half months ended Aug. 15, 1936, $210,409. Based the 88,829 shares of common stock be outstanding, after giving effect the sale of the common stock now fered and to the elimination of dividends on the preferred stock to be retired, net profit transferred to surplus, as stated above, would have been equivalent to the following amounts per share of common stock: Year 1033, 75 cents; 1934, 1935, seven and one -half months ended Aug 10, 1936, $2.36.

The company manufactures and sells certain machine and tools having its principal executive office and plant Springfield. The products manufactured include milling machines for die, pattern and tool work; oscillating grinders for grinding the spherical curvature in ball and roller bearing rings; and machines and tools for the repair of automotive and other internal combustion engines. Milling machines are sold to A majority the larger machinery and automobile manufacturers in the United States, and, 10 a lesser extent, abroad. Oscillating grinders are sold to substantially all the important manufacturers of ball or roller bearings in the world. Automotive repair equipment is sold to garage and machine shops in the United States and in many foreign countries.

Investing Companies (By The Associated Press) Bid Asked Admin Fd 2nd Inc 18,44 19.62 Affiliated I Inc new 10.39 11.39 Amerex Hold 25.62 26.87 Am (ien Eu Ine 1.11 1.24 Ant Business Shrs 1.21 1.32 Am Ins Stocks 4.25 4.73 A890 Stand Oil 6.25 7.12 Bancamer Blair 8. 0. Bankers Nat Inv Corp 4.12 4.62 Basic Industry 4.94 British Type Inv .27 Broad St. Inv 33.33 30.67 Bullock Fund 19 42 Can Inv Fund Central Corp A 41. 41i.

Central Nat Corp 4.50 6.50 Century Shrs Tr 204.52 28.62 Continental Sh pi 15. 13.50 Corporate Trust 2.87 Corporate Trust A A 2.19 Corp Tr A A mod 3.35 Corp Tr Accum Ser 2.79 Corp Tr Acc Mod 3.55 Crum Forster 28.60 30.50 Crum Forst nt 115. Crum St Forst Ins 36. 38. Crum Forst Ins 7 pi ...110.

Cumulative Tr 8h 6.28 Depos Bk Sh 2.53 2.85 Depos Ins Shrs A 3.63 Depos Ins Shrg 3.63 3.92 Diversifed Tr 10.75 Diversifed Tr 19A 4.90 5.25 Diversifled Tr 1.40 8.20 Dividend Shrs 1.63 1.99 Equity Corp $3 pf 40. 43. Fidelity Fund Inc 29.54 31.82 First Boston Corp 43. 44.50 Mixed Trust Sh A 10.76 Fixed Trust Sh 10.64 Found Tr Sh A 5. 6.37 Fund Investors Inc 24.13 26.67 Fund Tr Shra A 6.38 7.

Fund Th Shrs 5.82 Gen Investors Tr 7.01 Group Sec Agriculture 2.12 Group Sec Automobile 1.59 Group Sec Building 1.98 Group Sec Chemical 1.62 1.76 Group Sec Food 1.05 1.13 Group Sec Invest Surg 1.48 1.61 Group Sec Merchandise 1,40 1.52 Group Sec Mining 1.60 Groun Sec Petroloum 1.25 1.36 Group Sec I Equip 1.40 1.52 Group Sec Steel 1.73 1.88 Group Sec Tobacco 1.01 1.35 Huron Holding .52 .67 Incorp. Investors 26.25 28.23 Tr Coll A 6.73 Investors Fd Inc 114.98 Investors Fund of A .98 1.12 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 24.11 26.43 Major Shra Corp 3.12 Maryland Lund 9,85 10,65 MARS Invest Tr 28.30 30.03 Mutual Invest 16.76 18.32 Nation Wide Sec 4.63 4.73 Nation Wide vto 2.02 2.18 Bk Tr Shra 4. North Am Bond Tr etfs 63.50 67.75 Am Tr Shares 2.12 Am Tr Sh 1955 3.61 Am Tr Sh 1956 3.56 Am Tr Sh 1958 3.59 Northern Secur 12. 80. Plymouth Fund Inc 1.

1.11 Quarerly Income Sh 1.45 1.93 Repres Tr Shrs 13.66 14.16 Repub Invest Fund 4.90 5.30 R. 13 7.12 Selected Am Sh 3.93 Selerted Am Sr inc 1.75 1.91 Selected Cumul Sh 10.13 Selected Income Sh 5.32 Selected Indus cv pi 23. 24.50 Spencer Trask Fund 21,27 22.14 Am Tr Shrs 4.26 4.50 Util Inc 1.07 1.16 Street Invest 113.65 of Am Tr A 4.05 of Am Tr AA 2.75 of Am Tr 4.25 of Am Tr BB 2.75 Am Tr 7.91 of Am Tr 7.91 Supervised Shra 14.65 15.82 Trustee Stand Inv 3.05 Trustee Stand Inv 2,98 Trustee St Oil Shrs 7.09 Trustee St Oil Shrs 6.27 Trusteed Am Bk 1.14 1,25 Trusteed Industry Shre 1.64 Trusteed Rk Shrs 1.70 7.93 Flee Lt Pow A 19.87 10.37 Elec Lt Pow .3.08 3.18 Elec Lt Pow vtc 1,23 1.31 Wellington Fund 19.38 21.25 METAL MARKET NEW YORK; Sept. 24 (AP) -Conquiet; electrolytic spot and future export 9.85-87½. Tin firmer; and nearby 43.25-37½; future 45.00-45.25.

Lead steady; spot Now 4.60-65; East St. Louis 4.15, dull; East St. Louis spot and 4.83. Iron, aluminum. Antiplatinum and wolframite unchanged, Sharp Advances In Egg Prices Close 10246 76 17 40 30 93 1051 108 103 89 1133 1033 983 99 1 103.

8714 104 70 14414 1011. 1051 Ti 10712 99 1021 107 71 81 ti9 99 106 100 107 99 10334 10312 105 1057 102 941; 95 There was sharp advance the price of offered throw the co-operative auction market: sociation yesterday. Large special candled to mect state' grade require ments, were short of trade demand and supplics cleared carly. Lower grades and sizes made relax tively normal advances as the supply of specials was insufficient' and better market existed. at Double yolks topped the market.

Spies were: 82. cases, Diass. specials, larce brown, 45 to 48c; 6 cases, extras large brown, 42 to 41c; 110 cases Mass. specials, mediums brown, most? ly 28 to 34c, a few 35 to 36c: cases, extras, brown, 28. 30c: 5 cases, Mass, specials, large white, 45 to 4Tc; 7 cases, Mass.

special medium white, 30 to 32c; 4. cases producers grade, large, 44 to 45c; cases, grade. mediums, 26 to 21 27c; 79 cases, pullets, 22 to 25c; cases, pewees, 19. to 20c; 3 case double yolks, 48 to 51c. l'oultry prices at the auction continued steady.

with alight price to changes. Sales follow: Red fowl, mixed fowl, 17 to. leghorn fowl, to red roasters, New Record Top Prices 3. for Wheat CHIC.AGO, Sept. 24 (AP) than 2c a bushel late rise to all new record top prices for the season today.

distinguished Chicago wheat trading It was goncrally believed liberal port takings of Canadian wheat in progress. Hopes prevailed also the end was in sight for the strike situation which has gripped flour ing business of. late at Minneapolis. Wheat closed strong. to above yesterday's finish, corn higher, oats to up and provi sions unchanged to 17c higher, Closing Grain Prices Wheat: September, 1.18¾-3; cember, 1.17-17⅛; May.

1.16. Corn: September, 1.13-13¼: cember, May, Oats: September, December, May, Rye: September, December, 81; May, 82. 79. Barley: September, December, WHAT THE MARKET DID Thurs. Wed.

Advances 309 Declines 347 Unchanged 204 Total Issues 860 Boston Produce Jabbing Prices scoring Butter--Creamery, in ash tubs, higher extra Arsts. a pound, extras quoted. and Arats seconds not Cheese a -York State twins. fresh extras extras 37c; pound. Arsts 23c; held frats 06 ern twins, fresh extras 250.

held extras 25 0026c, frate A dozen, Eggs white -Nearby, specials, brown 49c4 white extras, brown 46c. 35c: pullets mediums ungraded grades 290 30C. Western, hennery. hrown under 29c, peewees 23024c, extra white 43 440: extras 39 onds 280 20c. Arsts 29 seca Dressed poultry Fresh killed native era.

roasting, chickens a pound: broilfancy 210023c. fair. to gOod 18 20c: fowl, roosters fancy fair to good 30 to 35 Western fowl, 12 to box, 17 14 43 pounds 16 36. 10 43 pounde to 47 pounda. 190, 48 65, 66 20c, 55.

to 59 pounds 21c, .60 to pounds 23c. to Western $1 and 73 pounds and. heavier 16 pounds 22c, 17tn broilers, 12 to box, to to 24 pounds 20c. 25 to 30 20 pounds 21 31 to 35 pounds 19c, 36 to 42 pounds 19 43 to 47 pounds 20c, 48 to 54 pounds 190: 55 to 69. pounds 26c, G0 to 65 pounds 28c.

23c, pounds heavier Live Poultry Ave pounders and a pound, four tr: five pounds three to pounders 16 colored, up to pounders Fowl heavier than heavier pix than four pounds 15 pounds leghorns roosters 14015c. 2.25 Fruits bx, Apples, best, Mcintosh $1.230 1.50; bananas, gravensteing 2. wealthy $1 bx; yellow lb: cranberries grapefruit. Florida hx, Puerto Rico $2.500 4. Isle Pine and grapes, ribler $1 seedless $1.13402.50 lug.

malaga melons, 000 00 0 000 2: Jen. one $6 1.50 bx: dens cantaloupes, Mats hon. casabas $1.751 0 2.23: oranges $4.30 6 crt, Persians $2 2.25, peaches, native others $1.2501.50 poars, native, heurre hoan Western bu. other varieties base bartlett $2.75 0 3.23 hx, huerre plums, pineapples $4.00 GD 6.50 crt: prune $1.50 2 bx: blueberries 2. berries qt; 18020c raspberries 13 0 16c.

straw. pt. green and WAX 50c1 $1 hx, shell 7500 limas broccoll cutoffs hx. hunch 50075c hx: Brussels sprouts 70 10c. cutoffs at; cabhage hx; carrots, bunch 30050c; cauli- fancy dz; flowers corn 250400 hx: celery, white 50 hx: bx: cucumbers $2.50 50 eggplant 50065c bx; lettuce, native bx, Western iceberg $5.50 0 06.50 ort; Massachusetts mushrooms 60 hskt: Connecticut Valley onions 45 650 hag; parsley bx; parsnips 400600 pers, peas 3.23 hakt; green pep-.

swArt 400600 bx, hot 35050c: pota2 toes, native Maine 50c 100-1bs, sweets: bskt: radishes lx; spinach hx: squash, hhl: crooknecks tomatoes, hx, a a a a tuirban $11.50 hothouse 5G Tc lh. best nutdoor 600850 hskt; turnips, purple tone 654 A 73c bx, Prince Edward Island yellow 50-lbs. Large Salaries Shown in Report Securities Commission: Reveals Sums Paid by Companies to Officials in 1935 WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 (1P)- Salarics pald by A number of com panies in 1935 were reported today) by the securities commission, with $50,200 paid to J. F.

Lewis, president of the Harbison-Walker Refractories Company of Pittsburgh heading the list. The commission denied requests from the companies that salaries be treated confidentially. P. Mossman. vice- president of the Pittsburgh Company received $25.200 while Raymond Willey, vicepresident, received $19,139.

Other companics paid the following salaries during the year: Gilchrist Company, Boston Vorenberg. president, F. Frank Vorenberg, vice-president, 000; Samuel Vorenberg, $12,150. National Enameling and Stamping Company Milwaukee--Alfred J. hefer, president, J.

F. Blackic, vice-president, Thomas W. Walter Gulley, vice-president, New York Dock Company, New York City- D. L. Tilly, officer and director, R.

L. Morris, $7840; E. Hicks, $7517. American Crystal Sugar Company, Denver- W. N.

Wilds, president. 430; H. E. Vitkoaki, vice-president, (. B.

Rodman, sales mana- ger, $11,199., KALAMAZOO STOVE CO. NEW YORK, Sept. 21 (AP) -DirectO C1'8 of Kalamazoo Stove Company declared an extra dividend of 23 cents and a regular quarterly of 25 cents on the capital stock, both pagable Nov. 1 to stork of record Oct. 20.

A letter to stockholders said if earnings hold up to exportations directors export to declare an ad litional dividend this year, because of the Federal surtax on un distributed carmine More round were that to De De- 268 454 187 909 A.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.